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  • A sad day for Chicago. The Bears have officially released Jay Cutler.

    What will they do for a quarterback now? ;)
    Ahh I see. Not the kinda of game for me time. I don't really have the patience for these games anymore lol.
    I'd probably enjoy it more watching someone else play it :3
    Thank you. Happy New Year to you too! :)

    When dying becomes the norm in these types of games :swearveng: "If at first you don't succeed, die die die again." Hope it's still fun for you though!
    The way they played against the Packers and Seahawks, can't count them out.
    It galls me to admit it, but that may have been one of Aaron Rodgers' best games ever.
    Well i also fiddled around in google, some say that you can switch the input sources for example hdmi1 to any other then switch back :runhappy:
    If it has a lot of extra's compared to the Sun/Moon games, then yes.
    Just like Platinum has more things than Diamond and Pearl, Emerald has more then Ruby and Sapphire. Sequel games tend to have a few more things in the game like new move tutors, new legendary etc etc,
    Yea, I know. So crisp and clear. I really wonder how the new pokemon game is gonna look on the Switch :o
    The worst part is, the Seahawks didn't play well, except for a young running back who had the game of his career. The Lions flat out played bad. :akazukin_down:
    Since Matt Stafford injured his throwing hand, the Lions have really slid. Hope he's better for the Seahawks next week.

    On the bright side, the Bears won the #3 pick in the draft. Maybe they'll pick up a real quarterback.

    Some rookie that everyone says could be the next Jay Cutler. :evillaugh:
    I understand them and I'd do the same. They really need to focus on finishing their stuff one by one instead of making people wait for ages.
    Now they also added Nekopara. God knows how lang that's gonna take to finish..
    Haha, not really, but I guess it will be a good chance to get into shape. Haven't been exercising for a while now.
    It's about 3 months of basic military training on an island off mainland, and then I get posted somewhere
    Whole thing lasts two years. University comes after that.
    Yep, starts next week actually so you probably won't see me for the next few months :sigh:

    Will be getting money, but I'm thinking of saving up for a trip to Japan :P
    I thought as much as the artwork is Tony's. Hmm..not sure about that actually. Tony figures tend to be a little bit pricier than the rest and this one's a collab with GSC which will probably jack up the price a bit more.
    And I'm not a fa of Miku =/
    I'll wait and see how the prototype looks like. What about you?
    Yep, planning to get the second game too. Not sure if I should wait until I get afford a PS4 though, because the graphics on the Vita version aren't that good.
    Happy super belated birthday, T-ELOS! I hope you had an awesome day and made lots of great memories! :fulfilled: (It's more than a month late, I'm sorry orz. Only just saw your b-day thread nanashi mentioned me in not too long ago.)
    If the Lions win, they're in the playoffs, at least as a wild card. But the division title will be decided next week, Lions/Packers.
    Whewwww, it's been days, but I'm finally back online... glitchy modem.

    Not happy with either the Lions or the Bears games. :akazukin_cry:
    Bears held their way right out of that game. Talk about an ouch moment. :alice_sigh:

    Lions!!! :miku_cheer:
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