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  • D
    I saw, it happens.
    You were good for your first time :)
    Just remember to keep back with ranged heroes.
    Hey,if I did it you have to as well xD
    Do you mean tutorial?
    I don't remember the intro, bu tutorial can't be skipped.
    How I hate when I accidentally post messages on my own profile :sigh:
    LOL did I hear somebody in the backgroud go:
    Nani, nani?
    Da yo neee...
    I know it's good, but my plate is full right now (I watched The Next Generation and Enterprise).
    But I definitely plan to watch it someday.
    Yeah, but before that I watched sitcoms.
    Thank you :) Yup. Mandatory since first grade, plus all those American and British TV shows.
    it's bound to be good :p

    oh btw if you have had the urge to play the bikini zombie game, is 2.99 on xbox live XD
    I hope a custom catridge will come out someday.
    Haha, you pig :3
    Did you leave a piece for me? As we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here. Tbh, I don't even know what it is except that Americans eat turkey on that day :x
    Yeah, I guess that's what I kinda like about it. It's hard compared to other games out there :/ Most games are doing stuff easy for you and even guides you where you should go (I don't know if this game does that though but at least this got some difficulty)
    Yeah, I just bought it :3 This is a good opportunity to see if I'll like it or not since I had plans for buying Dark Souls 2 when it gets released.
    It's 5.99 euro. That's the price I can see it in. I can check google. */me is googling*
    It's 8.1 USD :3
    Ah! Nice cake man :3 I love blue <3

    Ghosts huh..still don't know if I were to get the game or not. Not anytime soon at least. I've seen gameplays on Youtube and the way the game looks is a little bit disappointing imo.
    I could've looked way better. Maybe it does on PS4.

    I've been doing well. Pretty busy with work these days. Everyone wants to be in top shape for the upcoming holidays :3
    lol...guess we have to wait a little more..i'll inform you if i found it
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