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  • yo T~...hmm...i'm still waiting for this month's vns to come out:>

    no...not yet:(
    Oh, I think I had an easy time against her as well lol. I abused Amaya's Sleep Powder and Swords Dance combo xD Next would be the Ice gym ^^
    Yeah, I just feel a bit strange though as if it's on the way of getting better. Awesome! I hope you'll stay healthy for a long period of time afterwards :3 How is it going with the gym? I guess you won against the leader? ^^
    Nice one :3 Actually it isn't. It's just that exp share on makes a HUUUUUUGE difference when your entire party (except the pokemon you battle with) get 50% of normal exp from every pokemon you beat up.
    Sorry, the forum stopped working for me a while. I only got the lvl 1 since I haven't lvled it up yet :<
    I actually built her for PvP when I started lvling her up from lvl 1. Mainly because I wanted good IVs so then I could just go for PvP since you don't need good IVs in PvE :/

    Okay, good luck ^^ The inside of the gym is awesome, right? At least when you step on the first button and stuff transforms :runhappy:
    I just remembered that you got to see my Amaya yesterday when we had our battle! You have to admit that she's cute! >:3
    The gameplay remembers me alot about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series and Fushigi no Gensokyo series. The game doesn't seem like something for me though and I guess that's good since I still don't have a Vita lol.
    Well, I'm off to sleep so see you tomorrow! Sleep well and have nice dreams ^^
    Nope, I actually turned if off but they troll you with it. Sometimes it says "Will you turn on game chat?" and sometimes it says "Will you turn off game chat?" and I get mindfucked by that but I pressed to turn it off all the time :3
    Okay, that's why I was slow to accepting in the beginning since my Itomi had a mega evolution :/ Wanna trade that Haunter for a Gengar?
    You was right about the lvl 50 thing ^^ And thanks for the battle! I really appreciate it!
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