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  • Hmm, I think I read that the scaling only works on pokemon who's above lvl 50 unless you've read something else that says that it works with low lvled ones as well :/
    Or... dont trust me on that one. I just read that only pokemon above lvl 50 will scale down to lvl 50. So tell me how many lvl 50 you have and I ditch some in my box so we have the same number :3
    It appears all our pokemon will become balanced at lvl 50. So you can use your Gengar in the battle if we trade first and evolve him to mega. If now mega work in PvP but logically thinking it should :deadsad:
    Yo~ Wanna trade and take a battle? :3 Isn't your pokemon automatically balanced at a specific lvl?
    Oh, I see :goodtea: I want an Ampharos to Mega Evolve ^^ Also, when do you plan to trade the Haunter?
    Didn't have Destiny Knot either so thanks for that one. I get rewarded with Big Mushrooms after I beat the 4 trainers in the 2 star restaurant in Lumiose city. It seems to depend on how quick you finished thebattles as well since most battles got a turn limit of 3-4 turns to kill the 3 enemies in the triple battle for every trainer or else you fail. I got 11 Shrooms when I beat them all in 1 turn. You have to be lucky though since some dipshits feel like using Protect just to annoy you -.-
    So... how can I use Prize Money myself? Also where do I even get that O-power?
    Because you use Amulet Coin? I think I got around 9000 from most trainer battles :goodtea: I'm camping the restaurant now and earn about 4000 cash every time with Amulet Coin ^^
    Perfect timing xD
    My little sister just went on my PS3 so I added you :3
    You should get a request from a certain shorty :3
    Yup I'm playing! I'm going to lvl up Yuki (Steelix) at the 2 star restaurant in Lumiose. Triple battles! And I'll teach her Protect instead of Gyro Ball during the time since she probably would die in a 1HKO if I don't :<
    I only buy pre-painted. Getting GKs (unpainted garage kits) are really hard to find and I don't have the skills to paint one.
    You're welcome :goodtea: I can tell you that one is inside a cafe and another is inside an office building on the first floor. The other 2 are outside. Only 2 will actually "learn" you a trick while 2 others tell you that it's possible to do.
    Yeah, I just got it recently. It's so nice, even the chair has a furniture-like texture. Although assembly was a bit tough.
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