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  • R
    Oh I see. I really like games like that.
    Rosetta Stone...some people swear by them while others don't which I personally have no desire to use it. Most of these types of programs are text book based, not real life based. Does that make sense? It's going to be like when you take Japanese at your Community College. The speaking or speaker teaches text book based which can give you the basics but understanding it is different from actual conversational. Before you spend $100 or more on Rosetta Stone, learn the basics at your Community College where the course will be cheaper. Once you have the fundamentals, and if you want to learn more then get Rosetta Stone.
    I completely understand wanting to learn Japanese. It's not as difficult as Mandarin, but still Japanese has three different written characters which are hiragana, katakana and kanji. The otome games I play are in kanji; however, many of the written characters are similar in all the games I play...makes understanding the game easier. Also, if you can read or watch an anime with written characters or romaji (roman written) and then watch with English subtitles. You'll probably start to recognize similar phrases used in each of the animes you watch.

    Politics...should I even answer? I'm going to be vague, mostly because it's true. At this time, I'm disappointed in the selection of Presidential candidates which means I really don't want to pick anyone. Not helpful, right?
    Ahhh...I like to torture myself too. I learned more when I played games on the PSP and Vita, mostly because I didn't have an option to use a translator. Although, most PC games I play I don't use a translator, but games that are too in-dept or talk about Japanese history I use a translator; otherwise, the game would go completely over my head. Also, with Otome (PSP, Vita or PC) games or VN games I always use a walk through or 攻略 to help me make selections.

    You should definitely take a class. I've taken a couple of Japanese language classes which also helped me learn the basics. Also, use online sites too like japaneseclass.jp/, just so you're a little prepared to before you take the class.
    I'm glad to hear about Rakuten.

    Read Japanese...very little, and just the basics. I can understand it better than read, but it doesn't stop me from playing my games. :) I have this theory, when I was little I used to speak and read Japanese. But growing up never spoke or read Japanese, so I completely tuned it out and forgot about it. Well, I read that children store languages learned in one part of the brain; unfortunately, an adult learning language the brain stores it else where but not the same place as children. Eventually, I'm hoping after reading and listening to enough Japanese that somewhere in my brain will trigger that I do understand and can read Japanese (maybe hoping thinking on my part). Anyway, I guess I know enough that when I visited Japan five years ago I could get around Tokyo, take trains, and sightseeing.

    I will.

    Also, did you hear that Amazon JP is shipping video games internationally? No longer need a third-party proxy...see here.

    How is using Rakuten?
    I know. I was a bit upset by her comment too. Took me a couple of days to get over her comment.

    Plus, someone replied to her post saying the game plays fine on Windows 10. So, basically it was the girl's computer, and not the game or Windows 10.
    Well.. I wasn't 100% sure about buying this game but.. I'll have to put this one on pre-order asap *_*
    I REALLY HOPE they add a way to export those pictures you can take in-game on to your PS4 so you can save them. They'd make great signature material :fulfilled:
    So much jiggles though :lovestruck:
    it's especially true with 4, but they can be annoying, but in an interesting way. i would try to be stealthy, and take over an outpost quietly, and kill all the enemies in the outpost by sniping, when all of a sudden, i'll be attacked by a pack of wolves. and the only way to really take out a pack, is with an assault rifle, which alerts everyone in the outpost. that's happened to me more than once :deadsad:
    I like Blue so..naturally I like the figure too. Kinda simplistic IMO but it's doable for 8K ^^
    For me it's Freesia (the butterfly figure )next month, can't wait either :shinies:
    And I'm still waiting for the pre-orders on the new bridal lingerie To Love-Ru figure.. :deadsad:
    She looks nice. Though, I like the blood in the picture, they could've added that in the PVC at least :3
    Nice! You're really good at finding the figures for cheaper, teach me x3

    As for the Rise..Hmm..It looks nice but as you said, it's rather simplistic for 11k Yen..
    Oh..I see.. I'll look into before deciding. Damn these region locks.. :deadsad:

    Nice figure indeed. I really like the "light" and "Darkness" wings (?) on her :0
    Game sounds like fun. I'll look into it. I might import the game :3

    The figure.. I'm not getting it. I can't stall it out because of her pose. But yea, she looks great :3
    Trails in the sky first and second chapter already translated to english, i think they will translated the 3rd chapter too
    But yeah zero no kiseki and ao no kiseki still in jap version=/
    The game kinda like persona game with bonds event, school and field study....you should try trails in the sky series too
    Cause it connected each other, zero and ao no kiseki if you don't mind playing in jap version
    Yes....i already finished it, and just started the second series, jap version tho'
    How about you man?
    You loved Awakening, so I'm not too surprised. I know story and character makes a huge difference, but was there something else missing that could have helped make the game better. How's the battle system? The same?

    Harder to level up? (You're not doing a good job at making me want to buy the game :) )
    lol, Fire Emblem does have a wide variety of characters then x3
    Sounds like a fun game. On what platforms is it available? I might get it ^^

    I'm liking this figure, a lot. And it's from Skytube so you can't go wrong. But..her pose.. her pose is a bit over the top.. :deadsad:
    She looks very nice! Pretty colors, loving the purple tints :3
    But yea, I really dislike it when they change the expression of the figure. Usually the expression on the artwork its based off looks better.
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