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  • Yeah 80 canadian and nice

    I want that special edition but its sold out

    I want a hakufu sonsaku figure but most of them are perverted and too expensive lol
    No worries...there are two coupons codes...one expires on 2/21/16, and the other expires 3/5/16.

    Sorry again about the beta.
    They look nice next to each other ^^ You're right about the base thing White/Blue or even black probably would've looked a bit better. Still a minor issue imo.
    1700 Yen discount! Nice :0

    Also, that Miku Nendo is amazing *_* I hope they do more like this one. Hope the future will brings even more interactive figures :3

    EDIT: Oh, a Yukata! Getting that one if the price is right? :3
    Yea saw that one too, thought you would like it since the base looks amazing.
    I have no idea who she is though..
    Told you so :3
    Chrome is one of the better, if not the best browser for Android devices IMO ^^
    Understandable. She's supposed to be one of the deadly sins so the purple one fits her name for as it's darker and more "evil".
    The the blue one is way to cute and it fits her pose and facial expression :3
    Yup, can turn out to be a very pretty figure. And she's getting another one:

    Can't say I'm a fan of these type of figures since they show a bit too much skin but this can turn out a very nice figure if it get's painted right.
    Hope they make her panties cast-off instead of putting "everything" in plain view. I doubt it though, as it's just like that in the artwork.
    Yea, works now. Can't say I like that image.. So not really interested in the PVC either.
    The other vampire one however.. :shinies: The pic and pose look great, hope they do well on the figure :3
    Hmm. A quick search gave me that she's from an MMORPG called Tower of Aion. But I couldn't find anything more than that.
    The 16th for PS4, so two more days :3

    Dolphin..browser? Never heard of that one x3 I've always used Chrome on my phone, tablet and PC.

    Haha, the hype must be real. Just a little longer!
    PVC figure overload :runhappy:

    The figures look really nice :shinies: But that Deep Sea Miku takes the throne. She's gorgeous *_*
    Love the blue and all and she looks better with the long hair <3

    Haha, Frau looks nice on the stairs. Almost as if it came with her :3

    What a hassle >_> Glad you got it for 140 :fulfilled: Have you used it already? If so, first impressions? :3
    Got the Animal Crossing bundle...which I hate the cover or face plate. I'll get over it.

    I sent you a PM with the beta code.
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