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  • Yea I told you so x3 It's hard to pick a definite couple. 10 and 11 are being translated as I said before but progress is rather slow. Oh and the 11th game iirc, is pretty big compared to the other 10. It features ALL couples so, I'm REALLY looking forward to that one.
    Yea it mostly because a different artist took over the artwork which I'm sad about. Peko's art is just too damn cute as you've seen.
    I'm pretty sure I'd buy all Sono Hana figures if that were the case. It'd be nice if they couple the figures on one stand, like Yuuna x Nanami on one stand in a cute pose or something <3

    Yup, Black Friday is getting a rise over here too. There was this outlet store with clothing and all. It was such a chaos cops showed up to halt it all. People just took stuff and ran off without paying. I'd pay to see that but it was too far off from where I live.
    Haha I know x3 I don't have a favorite couple, I just can't pick. But I might be leaning towards Eris x Shizuku (8th Game). Yea I know. Sadly there aren't any figures.. :deadsad: IF they ever make one, O hope Kotobukiya or Good Smile make one.
    You can watch it here.

    It's not really a spin-off but an actual game as well. More story liek though with very few (or none even) choices. And yes, it's all ages for this one.

    Black Friday huh, our electronics store will have it coming Friday too. Guaranteed chaos x3. How many people did you dropkick btw? xD
    Not doing much for it. Got to hear from my baby sister, which was nice.
    Been the 29th for a while now.
    and thanks!
    Haha Reo x Mai are cute indeed :3 Ah little extra thing btw Reo and Mai did get an anime episode: Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo: Anata to Koibito Tsunagi. Very cute hentai imo. Think you might like it anyway. Like with the whole SonoHanabira series, it's more cute than anything <3

    Still no news, I'd riot >_> Try mailing them again and be a little bit less polite this time. Most sites tend to work quicker if a customer is unsatisfied.
    Yes, I think they were environmentalists protesting the wanton slaughter of eagles. :evillaugh:
    Wow! The Lions have really carved up turkeys today!

    They must be turkeys, they certainly aren't Eagles. ;)
    What do you think of this one? :3

    IMO: Take away the weird props, give her a nice sword instead of that gun thing and you have a great figure. I love her pose and eyes. Also, dat ass x3
    Yea, the artwork is amazing. Games 10 and 11 are currently being translated. But I haven't seen an update in a while so, not much hope for those atm.
    You're fast btw xD

    Ah I see. Happy thankgiving in advance. LMAO, drop kick some for me too XD Anyway, good luck/have fun ^^
    Ikr <3 These would be perfect anime special episodes or something. Like Sakura Trick or something.

    Honestly and personally, I find the H-scenes more cute than anything else <3
    Same for me with one other couple, Mai x Reo. You'll see them in the 3rd game iirc.

    So, you've played 2 of them by now. How do you like them? ^^
    Oh Sara x Keade <3

    Uh, then you didn't pick all the right choices. You get a half-way ending that way. Get all the right choices and you'll get the last 2 scenes~
    There's CLANNAD that just came our or Rewrite or If My Heart Had Wings or Katawa Shoujo...the first two are quite long as Key's VNs usually are.
    I've been reading Infa's VM and I verify and agree with his list ^^ I'm waiting for Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate's full patch as well. I've seen the anime but it was too short and superficial (mostly the case with anime adapted from VNs).

    Haha, but it's still cute no? <3 I really like all of them since each have their own little quirks and characteristics. The couple I do like a lot is Eris x Shizuku but they appear for the first time in the 8th game x3
    I might just play the 9th game this sunday if time allows me. I feel like playing it too now~

    Haha I've been thinking of sending the exact same VM about those 2 figures to you. I like the 1st one but not just enough to buy it.
    Same goes for the 2nd one, I like everything, pose, props, colors..but..dat face :deadsad:
    (i had to cut this in 2 messages because i went over the character count lol, read the one below first)

    Coμ - Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku; it's a good VN, it's about mechs, but unlike a lot of anime, it doesn't overdue it. you don't see them every 5 seconds, and you can look forward to it.

    If My Heart Had Wings; not too dramatic, but it has a nice story, and it's love able.

    Yumina The Ethereal; if you want a VN with some game play, this is a good one. it makes you play the battles for every playthrough, but i got around it with the cheating engine i use for diablo 2

    Kamidori Alchemy Meister; see Yumina The Ethereal

    Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai!(plus sequel); good VN. the thing is, i was playing through both of them wondering why i liked it so much. the story wasn't very enticing, but i kept wanting to play it more and more with no idea why. i didn't realize why until i wanted to make a sig/avy set for the series. it was then i realized, i had a very hard time choosing which character to go with. every character in the series is very loveable. every one of them. the plot is average, but i recommend it so highly just for the characters. you'll love them all.

    the last one i'm going to recommend is KOi to senkyo to chocolate. i can't say for sure this is a good/great VN, since there's currently only a partial patch, but from the one route i played, it seems like it's gonna be pretty good

    and one last note, the sono hanabira series is only good if you like yuri, and ecchi.

    Unown would probably verify most of my list.

    you can also ask shinseph, he plays VN's too
    i can testify that Hoshizora, shuffle, and G-senjou are great VN's. i never beat grisaia, but it was good from what i played. there are 3 VN's i'll recommend because i hated them so much

    G-senjou no Maou, Sharin no kuni(plus the fandisk), and A Profile.

    the reason i hate these three, is because they envoked such strong feelings of anger. i'm not saying they are bad. in fact, they are extremely good. they made me angry, not because of bad storytelling, bed interface, etc. the interface is very good actually, and they made me angry BECAUSE the the story was told so well, i felt such strong emotion. i'll recommend those three to anyone and everyone.

    another VN i'll recommend that isn't on this list is Little Busters!. it might seem like an average VN at first, but the way everything comes together at the end is so great. i'll recommend you don't play this one as one of your first though. playing other VN's will make you respect this one a little more. and you may as well wait for Little Busters EX anyways. it adds some content, like P4 golden did.
    Nah. I'll just wait it out but still done with the waiting game x3

    I just googled the iPad Pro, holy sh!t, that things is huge o.o. Pretty to look at though.

    Yup, all SonoHanabira VNs are the same level of cute <3 I have the last one to play but I'm stalling. Don't wanna end the series ;-;
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