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  • OMG!!! The Lions win in Lambeau, 18-16!!! :nyanmusu_yes::gokiko_yay::chuuni_yay:

    Remember that dream scenario I mentioned last week? :laughpanda:

    Congrats also to the Bears for a fine win! :korokke_nice:
    Easily the one by Good Smile. It's much more true to the actual character of the anime. Face, shape, proportions.
    But it's your choice in the end :3
    dat smile tho. So cunning~

    I know but I seriously have no idea where it is x3 I think I'll have to play it on my PC instead.
    I feel you man =[

    Oh? the more I hear you talk about it, the more I want to play it x3
    Pretty evil though ;-;
    What.the.actual.fuck. >_>
    I've NEVER heard of that happening. Oh man, that sucks big time D: I wonder what the reason was...
    The figure's are both great and imo worth the price. I just wanted a different pose/clothing one for Kaori. Watch the anime and I'm pretty sure you'll know which outfit/pose I mean :3
    No Kirino..:deadsad:

    Hm, here's a torrent to the album that includes both OreImo OPs, Irony/Reunion and more of their songs: http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=689091
    The only reason why I didn't get the second figure is because they didn't add her signature "tooth/fang"
    I've seen online gameplay videos on youtube. It looks pretty fun but IF I get ti, it'll be on PS4. As you said, difference it too much.
    I never really like zombies, so I couldn't care less whether it's pay or not :casserole:

    I really like both OPs but probably because I like ClariS in general, their songs are just soo <3 The memories when I was watching the OP you linked me ;-;

    WHOO, looking forward to pics. Are you gonna unbox her too? ^^

    Also, been rather busy lately so don't have much time to come here, late replies and all.. :<
    Lol he stares really funny with 'none emotionless'eyes xD
    Hey there elos~my cat justc ame back from outside lol I took his photo while he was looking at..something? XD

    He got dirty again ay :sigh:

    Congrats on the win ^^ Should've gone for the OreImo theme.. :deadsad:

    Got the Kirino pics in my inbox, will get it done when I have the time =)

    1st one is Miyazono Kaori from Shigatsu Kimi wa no Uso. If you watch the anime first, I can assure you, you'll be getting her figure instead of the other one :3
    It's one hell of a great anime, 10/10 from me.

    2nd one is Sawamaura Spencer Eriri from Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata. Very enjoyable anime. Only 12 episodes but I still liked it a lot. It's one the few anime where I can't decide which girl I like the most x3
    But I was considering her figure. She looks great there. But I'm waiting for the companies to release all the girls as PVC before I decide. As for the anime I rate 9/10

    Whoa, huge difference >_> The textures and all, it's doesn't even compare XD
    I should get a PS4 too.. I really want to play BO3 :deadsad:
    my inkling looks cool, the others meh
    Oh cool. : ) I have the manga, but haven't had time to read it.
    Been busy playing splatoon.

    My team won in splatfest by one point lol
    Go ghost team!
    Panthers 37 - Packers 29!!! :korokke_nice:

    Now for the dream scenario... next week, the Lions upset the Pack at Lambeau, then the week after, the Vikings beat Green Bay, and the Pack sits at 6-4, 2 games back of the Vikings, fighting for a wild card spot. :evillaugh:
    Might just play the VN to see the happy end for Kuroneko as well.

    Ahw, that's too bad =[

    I've seen the big one in real life at the animeCon over here last June. The boobs really are squishy xD But overall, it's a simplistic figure. Nothing really to brag about except for the soft-bust, size. Painting/Sculpting is mediocre at best IMO. The pictures make it seem much better than it acutally is.
    Ah, I see. yea that makes sense.
    Yea that's what I'm thinking as well. If you really like her then you should snag her for that 160. I doubt that you'll find it this cheap (or cheaper) anywhere else. Also no need to rush for the pics, take your time.

    I get that from my mom too actually xD She\ll go like "Oh, you bought another doll for your future doll house" and similar trolls x3 Personally, I don't think I look the "I like cute stuff" peron either. Especially when I didn't shave my beard xD
    But hey, hobbies are hobbies and you like what you like, whatever everyone else thinks/says ^^

    Show me when you plaster on the back of your PS Vita :3
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