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  • Yes~ He got a friend these days lol I think its a female cat xD
    I guess its understandable, privacy reasons and all.

    Yea pretty huge, almost 50cm :3

    lmao, there's a fighting game like that xD Looks like anime version of Street Fighter! But yea, she's too tall =[

    Hmm..Probably the cheapest so far but I still think the price is kinda steep. I'd go for 140 or something. But hey, if you really want that figure then 160 is doable. Who knows when and if there will be a cheaper one.
    Lmao, I'd probably die of laughing while working there XD

    Yea prices tend to go up a little bit after a while. Especially for well-known characters.
    I bought this one for 255 back then.
    Haha, I know that feeling. Been there quite a few times actually and yes I've had that with Ruri/Kirino too x3

    Hm..I've heard about Kana: Little Sister but I've never got myself to play it =[
    It's been years since I've seen the anime but I still rock the first OP on my phone :3
    Looking forward to your review :3

    Uh jailbreak huh.. I\m sure I'll have to use my PC. Dunno where my PSP is >_>
    "Was so sad when Kyosuke told her he loved his sister and couldn't be with her again, and she tore apart the book she made about them and started to cry, was a sad moment IMO."
    ^I was rooting for them so this made me really sad.. :deadsad:

    "The only girl I had a issue with was Ayase, I mean I liked her, but I just didn't find it to believable that she went from totally hating, not pretending to hate, but actually hating Kyosuke to suddenly "I'm in love with you" I mean it can happen, but will take more time then that, it happened almost overnight which I had trouble accepting. "
    ^Agreed. It came out of nowhere. It could've used so more backstory and/or character development. But she's nice as a character on her own ^^

    "I liked Kanako as well, she was cute, loved her dancing and singing. I didn't like Manami as much, but she loved him, and that would have been his best choice if he wanted a loving/trustworthy wife, and good mother to his kids. But of course he threw everything away for a short relationship with Kirino, probably not the best choice since they can't be married, but it's something they both had to do to move on with their lives. Overall a fantastic series. I think clannad is next."
    ^ Kanako was my least favorite (But I still liked all of them if I make any sense), same goes for Manami. And yea, apart from the ending, a wonderful series. The 1st season had more of an impact on me since it focuses more on the bond between Kyousuke and Kirino. Seeing as I have a little sister myself I agreed with his feelings/actions throughout the series.

    I didn't know it had a game :0 Would've been cool if they animated that as well with another 2 or 3 episodes (heck, even 1) special episodes.
    Don't worry, I like reading stuff like this when someone is really excited about an anime, so please, go on ^^
    Kirino is just one of those characters you just can't hate. I really like her too. PS Wita wins it all, must have one xD
    Any similar huh..hmm.. I'll have to check it out, will get back to you about this when I get home from work. But to be really fair, OreImo is a class in it's own. I had my doubts about the series as well, happy that I decided to watch it anyway.

    Season 1 has 4 special episodes. These branch out after the 11th episodes for an alternative ending.
    Season 2 has 3 specials that are the last episodes that adapt the remaining volumes of the Light Novels.

    I loved the series in a whole but yea, apart from the ending. I personally was rooting for Kyousuke x Ruri but ho well, it was fun for as long (or short) as they lasted..
    It's hard to dislike anyone though as I liked every possible candidate for Kyousuke x3
    Also, the 7-11 thing you asked. 7-11is a huge commercial store chain but one third of all stores are located in Japan. It's even bigger than McDonalds with over 30.000 stores >_>
    So yea, they're big enough to fund the lottery.
    That's not many x3 But still kinda cool though. Also, I bet those things being figures of Neon Genesis Evangelion makes them that much more expensive.
    Geeeze... I haven't seen the Packers that badly trashed in a long time! Denver totally man(ning)handled them!

    Did this old NFC North heart good to see it! :korokke_doki:

    The Broncos gave the league a blueprint on how to beat the Pack.
    I've played all of them, except 4.
    V is vastly superior to all the previous games.

    And it is really scary.
    Yeah it has a notorious reputation that.
    Mario kart can be intense though...
    I'd lose. I can already tell xD
    I have both of those.
    I thought it was really good. The atmosphere was great and I got scared a few times.
    It's really graphic violence as well.

    you see a girl slit their throat, a ghost. and all this blood comes out of her neck.
    That was actually a pretty good game, could have gone either way. Bears were one dropped pass from pulling it out.

    Why is Cutler suddenly starting to look like a quarterback? :reallyconfused:

    On the bright side, if the Broncos win tonight, the Pack will only have a one game lead in the division, and might lose the division to the Vikes.

    Anyone except Green Bay! :chuuni_kraken:

    Of course, now I must ask the question... how much do you think the Vikings will win by? :evillaugh:
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