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  • Super overload! lol.

    Yeah, Miku is amazing, very impressed with her. She was pricey, but expected with how good she looks, and how rare she is. She looks way better with her long hair, kinda tricky getting everything set up on the base, her hair included since it attaches to the base.

    Getting Blue Beelzebub tomorrow, will VM you a comparison pic with the original when I get her.

    Yep was a hassle, but got the discount. It's great so far, excellent screen, fast, responsive, and plays games with ease. Worth the price. One thing I noticed is though is that the little onions like this one :runhappy: don't move when I visit this forum on the Zenpad, they are just frozen in place :/
    maybe because I increased the width of the character as I was resizing?
    Miku Part 2:

    Needless to say she is stunning, easily one of my favorites in my collection. Her hair looks so nice too. And love her base. You HAVE to see her in person, she is fuckin amazing.

    :EDIT 2: So I saw on a local ad that the Asus ZenPad S was on sale from $200 to $140 at Best Buy over the weekend for a Presidents Day Sale, it's a holiday in the US which in this coming Monday. Anyway, I got there, picked up the Zenpad S and went to buy it, sale price didn't register though. I showed them the ad and the said that was a accident and they advertised the wrong product. Told them I drove all the way over there and wanted that price, they eventually had to call the district manager and he said if it was advertised I get that price even it it was a accident. Then the store manager was pissed like it was my fault WTF! not my fault they fucked up, but I ended up getting it for $140 not $200 :cheering:
    Blue Beelzebub shipped!! Got a notification from CD Japan (first time I ordered from them) used FedEx International Priority for shipping which was about half the price of EMS and takes 1-4 days. Wish more figure websites offered that shipping method. With shipping and everything included CD Japan was my cheapest option, only downside is they make you pay for pre-orders right when you pre-order not when they ship. But that website specializes in selling music from Japan, J-Pop and such, and sell certain figures so that's probably why they do it different I suppose.

    Just checked the tracking number and the delivery estimate is on Monday :samuraihero:

    :EDIT: Got Deep Sea Miku!

    Will VM more pics after I unpack her.
    Finally got it open lol. Here she is.

    She is quite a bit bigger then I expected, but she looks great. Her dress is stunning and well designed. The red carpet is made of real carpet material as well which adds a nice touch. My only complaint is I wish her face was better, but it's not bad and certainly not a deal breaker. Overall I am satisfied. Only problem now is where to put her super oversized box :deadsad:

    :EDIT: Totally unrelated, but I can't wait for this!
    Oh forgot to say the most important thing, I love you so much ~
    Got wedding dress Kirino! And holy hell her box is huge! I'm actually trying to figure out how to open it lol. Don't wanna break it.

    Hi hi sweetie~
    No worries~hope you're not stressing yourself~
    I'm going to send you a lovely message on valentines day for the hard work you've done til' now~
    Hope that will cheer you up~ :3
    Yet I really miss you..~something feels missing without cheerful and lovely uno~
    Thank you for dropping by and letting me know~
    You've been pretty with work? Didn't know you like to dress up at work lol. Just joking, know you meant pretty busy.

    Nice, I think I'm picking up the Zenpad S most likely, it has very good specs, and a nice screen. I was thinking of the newest Nexus, but it doesn't allow expanded memory which is a deal breaker for me. One of the main reasons I don't like iPhones/iPads, but I do have an iPad Air cause my bro bought it for me for Christmas a couple years back. He is a Apple fanboy lol.

    LOL, Minihime. I am thinking of getting that Momohime, she looks good. Looks like Phat is starting to make little mini Figma's, besides Momohime they are also making Aegis, her sister Labrys, Saber, and Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere.

    I might pick up that Kongiku depending on her finished result, but she has promise, the design looks great. I want to see dat ass though, so can't wait till they release more pics when she is painted. On a side note, Momohime and Kongiku have a kinda Yuri thing going on in the game.

    Also, I'm pretty sure Amakuni will soon make a PVC of Yuzuruha as well, the other Kitsune in Muramasa, wonder what she will look like. Her Alter version looks great though.

    And yep, pre-ordered the Amakuni Momohime, they have great quality, and if she is anything like the Alter Momohime, her price will skyrocket (about triple) if not pre-ordered.

    I should be getting Miku on Saturday if all goes well.

    And I SHOULD be getting wedding dress Kirino today, used EMS with her but she is taking a bit longer the usual with EMS. She made it to customs last night, but doesn't appear to have cleared customs yet. I'll let you know later today if I received her.

    I really like that 2nd figure sitting on the chair, great design.
    Look at cute little Momohime!

    Also, Kongiku (the Kitsune I have from Muramasa) is getting another PVC by Amakuni this time, company that makes the Deadly Sins PVC's and the upcoming Yumiko PVC. She is still a prototype without paint though.

    Amakuni also made this Momohime (the one you showed me before) so I guess they are gonna do a Muramasa collection as well like Alter.
    Yeah, the dress, and colors look awesome. And she looks amazing next to Belz.

    I'm thinking of picking up Freesia as well she looks nice.

    Thinking of picking up the ASUS Zenpad S Tablet, it's gotten great reviews. I have never owned a ASUS product though.

    I had the Galaxy Tab 4, but didn't like it so I returned it. Was a while ago though.

    Also, can't wait for my Deep Sea Miku!

    :EDIT: Saw this thought it was kinda funny.
    VM Part 2

    You can take the top off the base or use the complete base, I just use the top part and leave the rest in the box.
    Unpacked her. Here she is.

    Overall she looks great. Her castoff is super easy. And I love her guitar, has real strings on it as well. Love her dress too. She looks nice next to Beelzebub as well. You can see on the last pic next to Beelzebub she has her shoulder pad thingies on, but the rest of the pics she has them off, I think she looks better without them imo.
    Well, Super Bowl is finished. I won $100 on a bet!

    Also, negotiated Deep Sea Miku to $190 with free shipping. I don't see her getting cheaper then that anywhere so I took the deal. I'll let you know when I receive her. Should receive Astaroth, and Wedding Dress Kirino tomorrow also.

    All the new commercials sucked though :( well, getting off here for the night. Had a bit too much to drink and I'm about to pass out. Later.
    Cant sleep because of you now..~:fullblush:
    I'm in talks with someone right now for Deep Sea Miku on eBay. Its a US seller, but she showed me proof it's original and bought it from AmiAmi and in perfect condition same with the box. She wants $225 but I'm trying to negotiate it lower.

    Oh man that sucks. Hopefully he changes his mind. Will be hard to find another seller since its so rare.

    Yeah Super Bowl is huge either. Everyone watches it. Young and old, male and female lol you have too watch it. But a lot of people watch it for the advertisements/commercials since all the big companies try to make the best New/funny commercial and people rate them and that's pretty big here too. But they are expensive. The league charged 5 million USD everyone 30 seconds for commercials. So only the big companies can afford it.
    Yeah such a ridiculous price, honestly I think $180-$200 will be the cheapest I will be able to find her for. I'm willing to go $180.

    Let me know if you ever see her for around that price.

    Yeah, taxes were a bit more complicated this year though since we got more paperwork for Obamacare :/ Still 2k back is nice. Any luck yet making a deal on that Pokemon Card?

    Superbowl Today! That's the championship game for American Football, gonna have a mini party and invite a few friends from work and get pizza and drinks, Chicago didn't make it but still always have to watch the Super Bowl.
    So I went to a local anime shop and asked if they had Deep Sea Miku, they said they didn't but can order her from their supplier in Japan and all I would have to pay was $359 PLUS tax and shipping :surprised: :disbelief:

    I almost had a heart attack :/ WTF is up with that retarded price!

    needless to say I told them no :/
    Yep, that does suck, SAL usually doesn't take this long for me either.

    But guess who I managed to snag at a good price on Mandarake? Wedding dress Kirino!!! Used EMS so should receive her any day now!

    Also, just filed my taxes, getting a bit over $2,000 back in taxes! Woo!!
    Well I bought her on Monday with EMS Shipping and that only takes about 3-5 days so got her today. She looks nice.

    But remember this figure I bought about 4 weeks ago? I used SAL and still haven't gotten her yet :/
    Ski Girl Part 2

    Well, there she is. Overall I think she looks nice, not my favorite but I like her design and colors. And her cast off is super easy. And dat ass is nice too. She would be WAY better if her base wasn't a Frisbee :/
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