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  • I love Marvel/DC, I grew up reading X-men Comics, and watching the X-Men, and Batman cartoons. Have a decent sized comic collection as well though mostly from when I was a kid.

    Man that sucks, any idea what happened? My first Momohime got her paint on the base scratched off, my cat when he was still around knocked her off my shelf, and she scrapped the wall all the way down to the floor and messed up her paint :/ I sold it on Ebay, and bought her again. Wasn't too happy either :/ maybe you can find a good deal on her off of Mandarake.
    yeah I really like her too, she is one of the Pegasus Knights from the GBA (Gameboy Advance) era of Fire Emblem games. I will most likely pick her up as well.

    My Kazuki is too cute too! Really like her! Love her expressions as well.

    Saw this on Kotobuyiya's Facebook page, might pick up Lady Loki (the green one in the top right next to lady Thor) if she turns out good;41Fgaz3O8IY1FAF6xrRBPyjByPmMSqErqy2CPmDCxZ0CPmLSDdhDuIB7W0JfcBswUHwjYAtti0~_bPE84A6vjSR3hOzS97DojYCH5U0IJ~;Jq3~_fyIsUIZCGLEAdGuDsUX9N0RQk~-.bps.a.1276672792349114.1073742299.137679822915089/1276672865682440/?type=3&theater
    I'll be waiting for your return~^^
    Speaking of Samurai Warriors, getting the new one next month, excited for that, releases around the same time as Senram Kagura, and DOA x 3 so will be a busy month

    Didn't get her today :( maybe tomorrow.

    lol, I figured you would, now you are fangirling like I was with Fire Emblem lol, but if you think that was bad,, wait for Persona 5! I'm gonna be so hyped then!

    :EDIT: Didn't notice your last VM. Nice! Gonna get her Day 1, Hope she has nice costumes.
    Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I picked up Mystere as well, got her from AmiAmi through eBay (they sale on eBay as well) for $99 and free EMS shipping so quite the still imo.

    She is from the same game as Little Vampy and I think they will look great next to each other.

    Looks like AmiAmi has some good deals on their EBay Store, plus free EMS worldwide shipping it looks like. Only negative is since you are using a proxy instead of buying directly from AmiAmi I doubt you will get their store points.

    Also, do you know who this is? So cute with the kitties! Saw her on AmiAmi eBay page.
    Yeah, that Kazuki looks cute, my first Nendroid lol. I hope one day Good Smile makes PVC's of all the Grisaia girls, I'll snag the whole collection!

    Right now I can't wait for my Cordelia, I admit she is very pricey, with shipping she will cost me $155, but she is 1/7 and I think she looks great, plus I loved her in Fire Emblem Awakening, she was one of my Waifu's in that game lol
    Yeah she looks good. Like her a lot. Love that I can store things in the chest as well.

    Now all I'm waiting for is my Kazuki Nendroid, I'll let you know when I receive her, probably posting her in the irl thread.

    Also, just got my 3k tax return in my bank account today, yay! Not that I needed it, but extra money is always nice. Thought it was 2k, but it was 3k cause they gave me some money back for college expenses.

    Are you getting DOA X 3?
    Well, here is Velvet, my first Tony figure. I think she looks great.

    Overall, I like her a lot, my first figure from AlphaMax, but the quality is good, and I like that her chest opens as well so I can store a few things in there, only negative is her base is huge so when I get my display case she will probably be displayed without her base. Her hat is magnetic as well so it's stays in place nice lol.
    Yep. I liked that video. Glad we are still getting a English subbed version since the west is being a bunch of ass hats :/ beating people to death with a bat in GTA? That's okay! But throw some boobies on the screen and its banned! WTF!?!?!?!

    I had the new Senran Kaguta pre-ordered o PS Vita, then switched to PS4 after I watched it. The graphics, frame rate, and loading times are a bit too much different for me, I think the game is better suited for a handheld since it's quick mission based gameplay, but still, difference was a bit too much IMO
    Wish I could hug you super warmly so you dont have to feel worried..~
    Oh well,I'm also missing you..kind of writing a lot about you to my diary ~
    I'm sure you do your best at work,so good work each day~!:3
    My heart feels refreshed now~>////<
    Love you lots lots lots lots ~❤
    Watching the Chicago Blackhawks (hockey) game on TV, hockey games are played indoors in a ice rink, but about 3 or 4 times a year the hockey league freezes either a baseball, or American Football field and play outside. Today they are playing outside on a frozen American Football field but the Chicago team is losing 5-0 :/ goals are hard to score in hockey so it's actually like 5 billion zillion to zero :deadsad:

    Like the new Fire Emblem so far, playing the version called Birthright now, they made 3 versions of the game (Birthright, Conquest, Revelation), each with different characters and story and each is the length of a full size Fire Emblem game so I will be on the game(s) for a while. All 3 cost about $75. Birthright you side with your blood relatives (i Married my blood sister, (-_-)) Conquest you side with your adoptive family that you were raised with (they captured you as a small child when they attacked your homeland) and Revelations you remain neutral and form your own army. Conquest is the hardest version of all 3. So yeah, gonna no life all 3 lol.

    Cool, just let me know and I'll get you the codes, probably best if you tell me day 1 so I can get them before they run out.
    Finally got Velvet after 5 weeks of waiting :deadsad: Stupid Sal taking forever.

    Will post more pics after I unpack her.

    Still waiting on my Yumiko charm, and Kazuki Nendroid :/

    :EDIT: As for the Pokemon code, if you see one again you want me to get at GameStop try and let me know as soon as you can, I don't mind getting them but looks like if you don't get them early you just won't get them since they run out quickly, guess each store gets a limited number of codes.
    Well, i have double bad news. First, no luck with the Fire Emblem SE, had to get the regular version. 2nd bad news is that i called the GameStops in my area and they all "ran out" of codes :/ they all said they ran out last week.
    I just called my local GameStop and they are out of the codes, but I'll try the GameStop's I visit tomorrow. How do you run out of codes? :dead:
    lol, I never knew Pokemon Cards could be worth that much until you told me about it, makes since though if they are rare.

    Yep, stopping by 2 GameStops in fact, and Walmart, Target, and Best Buy lol
    Yeah I think she looks good, might pre-order her. Love the base.

    That sucks about the card man. Honestly I thought you would be buying it for around 5k lol.

    Tomorrow I begin my journey to find the Fire Emblem Special Edition at stores, will I succeed? Find out tomorrow! lol. Going to check a few stores for it though, if I don't find it I'll just get the regular edition.
    Yep. And her original price was only 9800 yen, but that was in 2012 and she only got one release. Lots of Persona 3/Aegis fans so it a popular figure and people pay a high price for it.

    11,800 for the Queen of Hearts. Think she is worth that price? I love her color/base/overall design.
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