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  • WTF!!! My BluRay movie is stuck in my PS4 and won't come out!!!

    Has that happened to you before?
    Yeah I'll PM it to you, but it expires March 17th, so you have to use it before then.

    BTW, I have a coupon for $5 off your order for Play Asia if you are gonna reserve DOA X 3. Expires March 17 though. Not much, but $5 is $5.

    Donald Trump was supposed to speak here in Chicago today, but supporters, and protesters got in a huge fight and they had to cancel :/
    Yeah looks fun, I played the original. The thing about this game is that even though it's basically all fanservice, it's actually a fun game. The volleyball is very fun to play, and the other mini games like that game where you hop across the water, they are all fun, so it's more then just fanservice. I got the PS4 version pre-ordered already from Play Asia, can't wait for it. Here is the link for the English Sub version, they recently dropped the price $10 from $69.99 to $59.99

    Do you have the PSN app on your phone/tablet? You can send pics of the game to a friend on your list, then view the conversation on your phone/tablet and save it to your device. I think you can send a few pics at a time, just warn your friend in advance to expect a bunch of pics lol.

    Ehh, no problem, it was my fault that they got delayed anyway.

    Been fine, been fine. Intended to enjoy my day off, but piling up tasks really sucks when the time comes for you to finally get to them. This includes those neglected SOTMs. :P
    How have you been yourself?
    Anshin'shite Unown-kun, ore ga mairimashita...:samuraihero:

    I see... Well, it's depending in which relationship with her are, but I'll both versions (Formal and not less formal)...:goodtea:

    Formal: あの、作ってたのお絵かきとカードの為にありがとうでございま!/Ano, tsukutteta no o-ekaki to kaado no tame-ni arigatou'degozaimasu!

    Less formal (Under friends, etc.): あの、作ってたのお絵かきとカードの為にありがとう!/Almost the same, just you've not the end part (masu) of the formal version say/write.

    A additionally way what in mind still coming: あの、私の為に作たのお絵かきとカーどはありがとうでございます!/Ano, watashi no tameni tsukuta no o-ekaki to kaado wa arigatou'degozaimasu! -> The less formal is almost the same, just you've not the masu saying, and instead of 私/わたし(the same, just on hiragana writen)/watashi - you can quiet 僕/ぼく/boku or 俺/おれ/ore use as personal pronoun for me/I.

    Well, this is what I for you do can. Let me know if it was wrong or anything, okay? Much luck...:goodtea:
    Nice! Send me a pic of all 3 butterflies once you complete the set!

    I want to do this with my Annabel, bet she would look great.

    My mom hates butterflies so she doesn't like my Annabel :/

    Which bridal figure is that?

    Some girl on MFC wants to buy my Kirino for $200. She wants her for her bridal PVC collection and that Kirino is very hard to find.
    Yeah I wish they added that too, she still looks nice, but would look better with the blood. Still, excited to to get her soon.

    Cordelia next month! So hyped for her!
    You can only see her top part here, but how do you think Little Vampy looks in her transition from the official artwork to PVC?

    I personally think it looks pretty good, other then they switched which hand is touching her face, and that she is licking blood off her fingers in the artwork, but I think Koto did good with her. Receiving her soon BTW, just got a notice to pay for her from Nippon-Yasan, her release date was March 31st, but got changed to March 18th.
    Well, I ordered from AmiAmi, but once again used Global Rakuten as a proxy. They had another 1000 yen coupon that I used, plus I had store points from Rakuten, so both combined dropped the price to $110.

    I might cancel the Rise, I love Rise, but that figure, without a good base just isn't worth 11k. I think she is worth more around 8k.
    Ended up snagging Cordelia for $110 (pre-order) from AmiAmi with a coupon! pretty good since she is $130 plus everywhere else.
    Yeah I hate region locking. So retarded. Warning if you do decide to jail break your 3DS you shouldn't connect to wifi on it since any official Nintendo updates can break the jaikbreak and possibly brick your 3DS, so no online trading in Pokemon which probably isn't worth it for you.

    Yeah, those are her wings, Necro (darkness) and Undine (Light) they sometimes argue amongst themselves driving Dizzy crazy lol, but they work together to defend/fight for her when she is in trouble.

    Having 2nd thoughts about Rise, don't get me wrong, I love her character, but not sure this figure of her is worth 11k. Feel like Phat is using her popularity to charge extra for it. What do you think?
    The 3DS is region locked unless you jailbreak it. So don't import it unless you plan to do that. Ask Hinode if you plan to jaikbreak it since he did, he can download all the 3DS games for free now, and region free. I wouldn't risk it though.

    Ended up snagging Dizzy for $90 and free shipping. Will post pics when I get her.
    VM Part 2:
    Also certain male characters have children when married, (the trap, yuri, and BL characters are all child characters resulting from having their parents marry) and depending on what female character they marry the child they have will have access to different classes, their stats will vary, and what skill the parents pass to the child will vary as well, so if you want the child to have certain stats, or be a certain class, who the father marries is important. So basically it's a kinda micromanagement type game, where every decision you make is important, but it's so much fun. Here are the child characters, the only expedition is the 1st and 3rd character on the list that the mother is the one with the child, so for them which guy they marry is important to the child. The parent on the left, child on the right.

    That being said, the conquest side is more old school Fire Emblem, limited exp, gold, and resources so it's a bit challenging for newcomers. But it's so fun.

    Nice, that figure looks great! Another Tony! Castoff too! Gonna pre-order? I personally don't think I would display that figure, but it looks nice I admit.

    Sorry that the VM is so long also :deadsad:
    It's a 3DS game. All 3 of those characters are on the conquest side, I don't think it has released in EU yet though. Unfortunately since the US wanted it slightly edited, that means the EU version will be the same, sucks, but that's just how it goes :(

    Everything about the game is strategy, even who you have which characters marry, the characters can only be certain classes, but if they marry they can share each other's classes, or if 2 people of the same gender acheive A+ ranking they can share classes as well, sounds a bit confusing but you can partner characters together in battle, and that increases their bonding rank so they can get married or become friends. Each rank achieved a new conversation appears. The ones with the Yuri, and BL character becoming friends were hilarious. The Yuri character was watching the female Knights train fantasing about being with them, and the BL character was watching the male knights train, and fantasing the male Knights kissing each other lol, they were arguing whose view was better and it was pretty funny lol.
    so, with the incest, trap, yuri and BL characters this game received a TON of controversy, I'm glad they still released it in the west, even though it is a bit edited since they think most people in the west will find all that offensive.
    Yeah besides that she looks great, but it's kinda a big issue for me since the face is probably the most important part, I love Kotobukiya, but I feel they have trouble making faces sometimes.

    Here she is, she looks really nice! Love her colors.

    One negative I have is I wish her face was more like the artwork in the 2nd picture on the side of the box. In the artwork she has more of a shy look, but in the figure she has a happy look, wish she had more of the shy look like the artwork but besides that she looks nice.
    To be fair a lot of the figures I ordered from Mandarake are new with "box damage" but the boxes I have received have very little, if any damage at all but it's up to you. Hope you can find her at a decent price.

    The other one they have is 14k, but it's pre-owned so I wouldn't get that one.
    Holy shit that purple haired figure I just bought already made it to Chicago in 1 day! So I should get her tomorrow.
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