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  • Okay, I have no idea how I did not notice this before, but I was playing Senran Kagura today, went to the in game shop to purchase new accessories and costumes and was like "OMG FTW Ayame is the shopkeeper!" I don't know HOW I just realized she has always been the shopkeeper in the Senran games lol. Apperatnly fans requested to have the shopkeeper as a playable character, so they put her here as a DLC character lol.
    Nice, I figured you would know them, they have interesting combos/moves, so I will pick them up. Hope they release in a 3 pack DLC bundle.

    I have yet to watch the K-ON! anime, as I mentioned I don't watch THAT much anime, most of the characters i know are from video games. But nevertheless I have been thinking of doing a 5 figure at one splurge and buying this set by Alter. What do you think?

    Individually they might look just okay, but I think as a set they will look amazing.

    Also, think she is worth 12k?

    :EDIT: due to licensing issues the US/EU won't be getting the Ikkitousen DLC girls in Senran Kagura :baby: that really sucks since that's a lot of new characters I won't be able to use :( bummed about that.
    Heya. It's hard to be popular, eh? :p

    Hmm, I can see where you're coming from. While I generally like flashy and gaudy stuff (at least as far as colours go), there IS such a thing as being overboard with effects. I was guilty of this too when I just started making signatures. As for the text, I guess it's fine if that's what you wish. I've personally moved on from thinking text was mandatory to now considering it an afterthought. I'm not really good at styling complex typography, so sometimes I think a signature is better without the average text. YMMV, though.

    Honestly, I can't remember the last time I joined... or if I ever joined at all after the first. I was mostly detached from it when Pinky was running it, and when I took over, I thought I'd be better off just managing the contest rather than actively participating in it. Thanks for your compliment :D I guess I'll leave the entry as is; can't say I really liked the edit I attempted a few days back.
    I love the artwork for Little Vampy, wish her face looked more like it, but I know that's hard to do. Takes GSC quality to pull that off correctly.

    Yeah, can't wait for Ayane, she looks great in that game.

    Ayame is so awesome, I already maxed her out (level 50 lol) apparently she is Katsuragi's student, so her moves are similar, but man, Ayame is sooooo much better then Kat, she is one of my new favorites already, so fun to use. Sucks that she didn't come with her own specific character mission like the other girls in the game, can only use her in the main story mode. DLC characters apparently don't come with character missions like the other girls which sucks. I wanted to play Ayane's missions to explain what she is doing there lol. Oh well

    Got little Vampy today! Pics incoming soon

    I wanted that figure too, but she is pricey. I want the whole collection eventually.
    Gonna pick up any DOA 5 costumes?

    :EDIT: NNNNOOOO! It wasn't Ayane that released today, but another new character named Ayame :deadsad: Guess I still gotta wait for her :(

    :EDIT 2: Ayame is freakin awesome, she appears to be a student of this other girl named Katsuragi, but Ayame is far better then her, she is extremely fast, and agile, and powerful as well. Glad I decided to pick her up.

    Poor Katsuragi lol. Guess Ayame likes her teacher.

    Nah, time-zones always messes with everyone.
    I'm doing well too.
    I'm having difficulty trying to slow down time :) I cannot believe it's almost April.
    I want to go on vacation this year. Hmmm, maybe I should start looking at tickets.
    Are you planning on going on a holiday?
    Annnd one last thing, I know you like Kasumi, so if you pick her as you character buy her sunscreen lotion at the sports shop and have her apply it, she tans really bad for some reason and looks like a orange walking around in a bikini :/
    Yeah, Marie seems to get jealous faster then other girls, so make sure you play most of your activities with her if she is your partner.

    Yep, their are 2 ways to give gifts, one is by having your character give a gift to your partner, the other way is by going into "owner mode" which basically means the player gives the gifts, you level up by completing missions, which adds more costumes in the owner shop, and many of them aren't available anywhere else in the game. Getting money in owner mode is more difficult though so some of the best swimsuits are difficult to get.

    And yeah, getting Hitomi to accept the more revealing swimsuits can be a challenge as she is more reserved, other character will accept things easily, it depends mostly on their personality. But they should accept it eventually.
    Also, I know you said you don't have twitter but the easiest way to download your pics you take from this game, or other pics from other games on your PS4 is to create a twitter, send all your pics you want to download to your twitter account, then save them to your computer. That's what I'm doing to download my pics.
    Some of Hitomi's swimsuits you unlock while playing as her are cute, but to get her to wear the real slutty/revealing ones I have to play as someone else, raise their friendship level, quickest way is winning matches paired in beach volleyball, then I wrap the swimsuit in her favorite color wrapping paper, and hope she excepts it. I don't care if I have to tie her down with rope to accept, she WILL accept the slutty swimsuits, and she WILL wear them or I will die trying!

    So basically play as all the girls to look at their swimsuits, if you want a specific character to have a swimsuit pair them up, and gift her a swimsuit after raising friendship level.

    UNOWN! My sweet friend, how are you?
    I missed you. I've been around...just seems every time I here you're asleep. (hate time differences)
    My DLC Marie Rose costume works on my US main account! Yay! So now I can download the DLC/updates on my Asia account, but play the game on my US account for trophies.

    And yeah, had to do a mission where I had to win Blackjack with a Blackjack, was pissing me off since I did that a few times before the mission, but couldn't do it when I had to, I kept betting 10k which I why I lost so much :/ you don't have to do the missions, but that's how you gain more exp to level up.

    Nice, hope you enjoy the game it's fun.
    Yes, more then just jiggles lol. I don't known how to play poker so I don't play that in the game :(

    one thing I loved about the first DOA extreme was the game let you upload your own custom soundtrack in the game, so you can listen to your favorite tunes while playing beach volleyball, or doing mini games etc... Not sure if this game has that option or not.
    Lol, I suppose so. Only problem with having Marie Rose as a partner is she doesn't hit the volleyball that hard, and sometimes has trouble getting the ball over the net. Other then that she is fun to have as a partner. Might pick her as my main the next play through.

    Been playing a lot of blackjack in the casino part of the game as well, it's addicting to try and earn more in game money for swimsuits and gifts for the other girls lol.

    Gonna see if my DLC costume for Marie Rose transfers over when I play on my US account, if it does I will play on there instead cause I want the trophies on my main account.
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