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  • Was talking with Lasgesha (another one of my PVC collecting buddies) and she said in Germany everything imported that's more then 23 Euro's gets taxed, so I guess it's similar over there to what you have. Luckily when I lived in Germany when my dad was stationed there we used the US Post Office since we lived on the military base, so we didn't have to worry about import fees since the packages didn't go through the German/EU mail systems. But yeah, $17 in fees for $24 worth of pens is pretty crazy :/ I wouldn't import much of anything if it was like that here ;(

    If you use SAL will you be taxed less?
    Nice! I was gonna ask you about that. Hope you get it soon. She looks nice.

    BTW, I found out in the US we do have custom fees for figures/imports if the total exceeds $2,000. So if I order like 10-12 at once I'll be hit with a fee, but I doubt I'll ever do that lol
    BTW. Ayane is fun to use in Senran Kagura. She is very fast with flashy combos. However, she has one disadvantage. She doesn't have a "Shinobi Transformation" like the other girls. That's a disadvantage since when your character is almost out of health, you can use Her Shinobi Transformation which replenishes all her health, and increases speed. Ayane lacks that, but still fun to play as her.

    Also, I'm worried Cordelia will be delayed :/ still haven't asked for payment yet.
    Got a notice from my internet provider for downloading copyrighted anime on ASF/horrible subs :( so guess I have to stick to crunchy roll for now.

    Do you know any sites where I can just stream anime instead on downloading? Crunchy Roll has a very limited selection, And I don't want anymore notices from my ISP :/
    I never block since the opponent can also use my trick and tap the ball over me when I attempt to block. I prefer to hang back and wait for ball to reach me.

    To be honest, even if the DLC swimsuits were nice, which they are not, I would not spend $4 on each one. What a ripoff. All I know is they better add LeiFeng as a DLC character. I think Kasumi teaming up with her clone would have been interesting as well. My major complaint is they left out a lot of the girls. And even took out some of the previous activities from the past games :(

    This activity from past Xtreme games was fun. You can see the jet ski's in the sports shop in extreme 3 so hopefully they add them later.

    I always quit the "win 2 battles of tug of war" since I suck at that. I usually do the butt battles and other activities that are missions. I always quit the "give girl swimsuit in owner mode" since it's a waste of money.

    I'm not certain, but I think the excitement level for girls gives them higher rewards in girl mode, and unlocks character specific customs in the Owner store at the hotel.

    Which girls have you played as so far?

    On a side note, some people are paying up to $100 for Xtreme 3 English Sub version on eBay. It's a good game, but I wouldn't pay THAT much for it. Guess limiting the game to Asia increases its value. Was looking for the Marie Rose mousepad and noticed the games on sale there.
    BTW. The game has a 3 GB or so update today. Adds new Bikini's in owner mode (why not girl mode :/) and gives you more Zach dollars after each vacation. Apparently the new bikinis can only be purchased for a limited time in the owner ship for 400k each. What a pain :/

    :EDIT: some of the DLC costumes can only be purchased with PremiumTickets AKA real money. At about $4 each swimsuit :/ no way in hell am I buying DLC costumes at $4 each unless it's Marie Rose's "birthday suit" costume :/

    :EDIT 2: Been waiting for the Rise Dancing All Night by Phat to go on sale. I love Rise, but don't think the Phat PVC was worth 10 K, I was willing to pay 8K max, found her on sale for 7K so I picked her up finally! Will post pics when I get her.

    :EDIT 3: And picked up a Rise Pinch strap as well. Only $10 with shipping. I think she looks cute.
    Nice! Told you you'll get the hang of it with practice! Keep winning and you'll max your money/friendship level in no time.

    Unfortunately For Marie while she may be the cutest of the DOA girls, she is also the weakest/shortest. She has trouble getting the ball over the net regardless if she is your character, your partner, or on the opposite team. Try not to spike from so far away if she is your character.

    For spiking, try to wait till the last moment to spike, I always get a "nice spike" when I do it that way which gets me more points at the end.

    As For blocking with Marie Rose, she is a bit too short/weak for that and she has trouble blocking :(

    As I mentioned earlier though if your opponent tries blocking you then always press the O button to "tap" the ball lightly over her spike. Works every time. Again, the only exception is if Marie Rose is the opponent trying to block you then you can spike since she is too short/weak to always block properly and you will almost always spike over her block, or just power through it.

    As for the owner missions, if it says "buy girl this item AND have her accept it" I always quit those. Not worth spending owner money on that. If it says just gift her a drink, or food and doesn't mention her accepting it, or being her favorite then I'll do it. Otherwise I just save the owner money to buy the character specific costumes.
    VM #2 Once again we go back to volleyball for raising your partner satisfaction level :( it does take practice, but once you get it you'll win every game with your eyes closed, plus it by far gives you the biggest satisfaction for your partner, and the most money, I played the original years ago, so I already had a idea how to play volleyball in here, but it took me a while as well. I would do a playthrough with only playing volleyball with your partner, don't worry about the missions just focus on volleyball, that should help you get a grasp on the mechanics.

    LOL, lowest I've gotten is a C, I have gotten a few S ranks.

    BTW I SUCK, and I mean SUCK at tug of war! I even lose on easy sometimes :( whenever I see a "win at tug of war mission" I just play volleyball all day, and quit the mission once I'm back at the hotel lol.

    And as I mentioned, never give gifts while you are in your hotel as you have no way of knowing if the gift was accepted, only give gifts when you can give them in person, it counts as a activity so it waste 1 of your 3 activities, but you will know if she accepts or not.

    If you thought Ayane was an ass, try playing as Kasumi, and ask Ayane to be your partner :/ have fun with that it's almost impossible, in fact that should be a character mission for Kasumi "try getting asshat Ayane to be your partner"

    VM #1 Yeah I admit the game is a bit tedious, but I still find it quite fun lol. And to me volleyball is so much fun!

    Besides moving your partner in volleyball, you can force her to spike/hit ball over the net as well. When they hit the ball over to you if you press O you will pass to your partner, and she will pass back. However, if you press the square button instead you will call out your partners name, signaling to her that you want her to spike/hit ball over the net instead of passing back to you,if you do that try to position her up top, instead of in the back. Personally for me what works best is what I showed you in my video, works basically every time. On a side note, have you knocked out one of the girls with a volleyball yet? It's quite hilarious, sometimes the girls on the other side aren't paying attention and you can smack them in the face with a spike knocking them out lol, as a bonus you gain more points when that happens which leads to a higher cash reward. I don't mean when the girls just fall down, cause sometimes just the force of your spike can cause one of the girls to fall on their butt, that's not what I mean, here I mean they will literally be knocked out by a spike to the face/head lol.

    I forgot to mention, but you can quit missions if you like, I never do the "buy this girl this swimsuit in owner mode" missions because as you mentioned it's a waste on money. 100 k for wrapping paper lol, talk about super inflation.
    Also, never give gifts to girls who are not your partner. They will almost always reject it, and it can upset your partner in the process.
    Best way is to practice volleyball, you will max out money quite fast doing that, and gain friendship levels faster. Around the 7th day start spamming your partner with swimsuits you want her to have and she will accept almost anything you give her. make sure to buy swimsuits and wrap them with your partners favorite color even before the 7th day since once you max out your money you won't gain anymore, so buy swimsuits you want for your partner and hold them till about the end of the 7th day. Then spam away after that! On a side note Helena has some super slutty swimsuits and getting Her partner to accept them is a bit of a challenge, even with max friendship level.

    Owner mode is a different story, they purposely made making money hard in that mode since they have micro transactions in owner mode, basically they want you to spend real money in owner mode, hence making money in that mode is much more of a challenge. After each girls vacation you will receive a rank depending on how well you did. Getting a S rank grants you a decent amount of owner money, you will gain money for any rank, but S is the highest. And the money always transfers over to the next play through.

    Also, say you want Marie Rose to only wear certain swimsuits, or have her hair a certain way when she is being controlled by the games AI, choose her as your girl, then "put away" any swimsuits or hair styles you don't want her to have. They will just go into her closet, and only leave out the swimsuits and hairstyles you want for her then when she is your partner, or on the opposing volleyball team etc... She will only wear what you left out. Same for all characters.
    Also, never gift at your hotel room. Choose "gift to insert name" in one of the areas. If she changed swimsuits right away then she accepted it and when you play as her the swimsuit will be in her inventory, if she says "I'll open it later" most likely she won't accept it and might return it when you get to your hotel room.
    Did she change into the swimsuit when you hpgave it to her? Or said she will open it later?
    Eh, it's my turn to forget replying now. Sowwy.

    Yes... indeed... less is more. It's one of my favourite lines that I say very often, though usually in the context of, err, exposing skin.

    I usually just put whatever doesn't disrupt the colours and doesn't stand out too much. I've tried doing complex typography too, like a bunch of layers of text being juxtaposed and aligned together (for example, remember KK's previous signature with an angel?), but I kinda suck at it. I know how you feel. So, yeah, YMMV (your mileage may vary).

    The busiest mods are those assigned to the download sections, I suppose, as there are always waves of uploads every day. As for being talkative, it's not that much either; the ASL staff channel (which I'm also part of) is usually more lively. Mod staff channel is full of mod stuff most of the time, which almost certainly would be boring to non-mods, so you're not missing much. ;) I guess it can't be helped that most staff members only chat in staff channels and not the public channel, though. It's more comfortable when you know everyone in the room and all that.
    That does sucks, I hope you receive it soon. I'm still kinda pissed they left out Hitomi's BFF Leifang :/ and added Honoka which no one likes :/

    And that Katsuragi PVC I bought? Someone beat me to it and it was sold out :( got a email.

    :EDIT: BTW if you want to set up a Asia region PSN account to redeem your Marie Rose Costume ask Pichu, he helped me set up my Singapore Account so I could redeem it. The costume transfers over to my US account as well.
    Apparently the Airman in question was facing some type of disciplinary action for something he had done, when he got to the disciplinary hearing he killed his commander then himself :/
    Also, getting Ayane and Kasumi to be partners in DOA X 3 is a pain in the ass. I know they hate each other but Christ, getting them to partner is like pulling teeth :/ They are on vacation they need to relax :/

    :EDIT: BTW, apparently the shooting at the Air Force base was a murder-suicide. An Airman shot and killed his commander, then killed himself :( Sad that happened, but relieved my brother was okay.
    I agree. That's why I stay away from certain parts of the city here, the west and south sides of Chicago have shooting practically everyday. This guy I used to work with got a call while we were at work that his older brother was shot, and killed in the city's west side. Most of it is gang on gang violence, but a lot of times innocent bystanders get caught in between

    If you ever visit Chicago stay on the North Side. The part that has the downtown with all the buildings.
    There was a shooting today at the Air Force base in Texas that my brother works at, he was there at the time but luckily is alright. They had to locked down the base though, 2 people killed so far :deadsad:
    Yeah it does add to that stereotype unfortunately, which is why I am cautious mentioning I like anime and games like Senran irl social gatherings with friends/co-workers etc... because they will instantly label you as some type of pervert/weirdo which isn't fair, but that's just how our world works. Everyone judges each other always. Especially here in the US with everyone being very conservative.

    Usually just talk about sports and popular western shows/movies, politics etc... with friends when we hang out.

    But with people I trust, and have similar interest with I don't mind talking about these things.

    In the DOA X game, if you press the touch pad you go into "owner mode" which lets you take pics of your character and her partner doing activities. They are both controlled through the games AI in this mode.

    Marie may be the weakest in butt battles for obvious reasons, but games that require speed like pool hoping, and the flag race she dominates.
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