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  • Like it a lot so far, Playing as Hitomi, and have Marie Rose as my partner and did a few volleyball matches so far, the volleyball is so much fun in here I love it. Did the pool hop game, but Marie beat me in that :/ looks like they have a good amount of costumes to unlock in game as well. You need a Asia Region account to redeem the pre-order costume though, if you plan on doing that ask Pichu, he helped me set up a Singpaore PSN account so I could download the bonus. You can play the game on your current account, but won't be able to download the costume, or future DLC with it.

    Also, Little Vampy made it to the US (New York) a couple days ago, so should receive her soon.
    Here is an example of why people are pissed about region locking, and the shit western releases from Fire Emblem.

    Looks like Umbra Mortis, and KenShjIN both got banned for arguing on the Latest Thought thread, Mortis was causing problems for a lot of people.
    Got a official update now from Play Asia, my order shipped! Should receive it by Friday hopefully since I used 2 day shipping option.
    Hello dear~ thanks for warning the two of them, I was just about to inform a mod^^
    Whoever that Umbra Mortis person is he/she is always getting in fights with people on here, I think whoever it is just wants attention :/
    Yep they do, glad they added that, butts>boobs imo :goodtea:

    BTW, I didn't get a notice from Play Asia either, but they said on their twitter page for everyone who ordered DOA X3 to check their order status in their account.
    Yep that's the one. It says it's in stock now so it should be shipping soon. Can't wait for it.

    I think I need to make a Asia Region PSN Account to download the DLC though :/
    It's a fun game, the combat is fun, and has a wide variety of characters to choose from, and they all play very different, and some of the finishes are pretty funny as well.

    Nice video! My order status for DOA X3 from Play Asia changed to "packing your order" so it should ship soon! I paid for the faster shipping as well.
    Good day dear~
    I'm doing alright, too much happiness recently:blushing:
    Your friend is getting married? I wish the best for them! Well I can imagine you being busy plus with your job and such..~
    Please don't be sorry about it =) Feel free to drop by anytime...~

    Take care sweetie:bye:
    Nice, I was the best man at my brother's wedding, my other brother didn't have a traditional marriage, just got a marriage certificate at the courthouse, he is kinda a ass and going through a lot of shit, mostly the results of his stupidity and over sized ego, but that's not really a conversation for here.

    I've been playing Senran Kagura with friends lately just finished playing CTB (Capture the Bra) mode online lol. Was pretty fun.

    Ohh, a hard worker at heart, aren't you? I agree, though. Doing something you don't like, such as working, makes it all the more enjoyable when you later spend some time to do something you do like. Everything in moderation, as they say.

    That's a problem with me too, actually. I can't really tell where I should start from. That's why I just look at images I find likeable (such as those from my favourite artists) as I feel I know I'll be able to work on something when I spot it. Just like you, once I find something suitable to work on, the rest comes naturally. As for rendering, I often don't even render anymore nowadays... either I render only parts that are absolutely necessary or just repurpose/mix/blend the original background in the character image I'm using into the overall signature (like my current set).

    That signature looks great! I like the combination of dancing colours, which is also reflected in the shading around her eyes and chest/neck area. Probably the missing piece is the relatively empty area on the right side of the image? Or maybe you wanted to have focus on certain areas only, such as around the body and wings, with weakened light effects everywhere? As for the text, I guess it's the stroke effect that makes it look out of place. Maybe try outer/inner glow instead? Or inner/drop shadow if you need more visibility? I'd say some signatures are better without text at all, though.
    /me does sneak attack!

    Cool. Can't wait for it. Were you able to use the coupon? Not sure if it worked outside US but I hope it did.

    You should look into Senran Kagura on PS4. So much fun, I think you will like it.

    I have headphones that work on my PS4, but not a official Sony Headset specifically for the PS4, but it works fine. Let me know when you wanna lose lol.

    Also, we should play DOA sometime.

    Tried playing Senran Kagura online with my friend yesterday, but the server was down I kept getting a error message :/
    You gonna download the new DOA character tomorrow?

    Also, were you able to pre-order Xtreme 3?
    I will. Gonna post pics on the irl thread. Was the launch edition so came with a art book, soundtrack, and cards.
    Was wondering when Senran Kagura will arrive today since it's almost 5PM here, and mail man just dropped it off :samuraihero: time to get my ecchi on!
    I know right. Once you get out of college, you enter what's perhaps the longest phase in your life. In school/college you could probably think "I just have to put up with this for a few years and then I'm out," but I don't think most young adults who find work tiresome are looking forward to retirement either.

    Haha, I think I've had a tendency to do that ever since I was in school :p Only, as you get older, the odds that you will successfully accomplish a task by pulling an all-nighter one day before the deadline approach zero...

    Eh, same here, actually. Took quite a bit of time finding the drive for my current set, too, even though I'd wanted a new one for a while. Suggestions... anything specific you're looking for? I admit, I usually just rummage through Pixiv or for my favourite artists/tags, and I know a nice workable image when I spot one. It's almost like luck, really. Also, is it a render, a signature, or something else you feel like working on? Without any context whatsoever, and probably as good as random utterance: how about making something based on girls in armour? No particular reason; I'm just a sucker for those :p
    Yeah, but glad it came out. I purchased a 3 year warranty from Sony, so worse case scenario I could just send it in for repairs, but that takes forever :/

    And yeah, I already told my niece to keep bunny away from Bain, and Bexar (their 2 huskies)

    Bunnies name is Jameson lol.
    Okay, finally came out. It kept making a rattling noise when I tried to eject it like it was stuck. Tried turning it off and on still with the rattling noise. Googled how to take the PS4 apart, and manully remove it. Was about to take it apart when all of a sudden the disc just popped out by itself :/
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