Ever17 seems old, but good, an other one I've "noticed". I might get drawn bit to older more nostalgic things like that for some reason, it has a special feel too it. Everytime I see something a bit old like a picture or a story even from the 80's or 90's I go like "oh the innocence of the 80's or young 90's. Thoughts of sunny summers, white tennis shoes, green leafs blowing in the wind, and a warm thicker atmosphere around everything and the memories... Not that Ever17 is that old ofc hue hue Ik.
Get Takeshi trough safely.
Well maybe learning some vocab from VN's is a lot simpler than I've amde it out too be, except I've since learned that ITH way of doing it is like a machine translation, and so I guess thats when it's transliterated, and not rly translated, which would probably be better for learning the language and printing it into your mind, inc the structure.
huh groggy morning, got up late today. And had a disturbing dream somewhat. Stayed up too late again.