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  • ahhh i know how u feel... b-but bewbs... but yea there is at least the f2p ver.

    ive been mostly the same with work. in fact, ive got my own underlings now huehuehue. been trying to save up for a vacation cuz i need it or else im gonna die lol.
    doa5u? kk? doa5u? kk? doa5u? kk? /shot

    uhhh anyways what youve been up to?
    ahhaha... glad you like it unown... ^__^ i dont know too if should sell it my nds too.. ahahaha.. maybe later if really need money to buy the games... haahha,,,
    hope you find a good buyers ya... and waiting for your 3ds.. xixixix
    hmm well we dont have the time but if we have the time we are always to lazy to go to the wall since its too hot >.< high school :deadsad:

    Oh I see~
    I guess its almost the same~ u have to study a lot to work as one~ ;)
    ah,, dsi,,, i have it too.... i buy long time a go... ahahaa.. its still operating good.. until now... its all about need ya.. if you ask me i will bvuy it.. because its seems many game developer choose go to 3ds now... we can see like nds game is dead end... if i dont wrong yah.. and it will cost a lot too buying 3ds because no copy game now.. dunno in the future... we can copy like in nds.... :)
    if you want can sell your dsi and bought 3ds.. if want... hahaha...

    and region lock on 3ds.. somehow annoying too... :ohnoes: but theres the rumour it can be hacked that region lock... ahhaha...
    hmm be honest...Ive never been to the great wall of china~
    I went 4 times to china already~ but never been there >.<

    Im at the 12th grade~ 3rd year in high school but we dont have high school here >.<

    are u a doctor? :reallyconfused: :D
    ahahha.. okayyy....... :XD:

    mmmmmm i willl buy it soon... since this pokemon will be fantastic.. and the 1st time i buy the ori one.. ahhah.. why not suree..??? :deadsad:
    LOL.. watch... ahahah i feel something important lost when watching that.... :sowwy:

    i seeeeee.... goood luck unownnnn.... have bought 3ds yet..???? or preorder x and y?
    Part 1... this is retarded... the supposed to be first part had 200 words too much...

    Hmm, was quite a long time ago you wrote that one :sigh: Sorry for the late reply from me as well I guess xD

    Oh, I've never been there so I trust you on that one. Sweden is kinda boring in general but I suppose that we got a pretty nature or how to say it. I'm not really the kind of person who would run around in the forest since I hate bugs and I'll end up going "KILL, KILL, KILL!" if too many of them shows up xD
    I don't like heights so I wouldn't even dare to ride a coaster anyways D:

    So, the UU teams are the funniest to play with even though it might be hard to face a OU team? A guy on my work therapy has his 3DS with him and he EV trains some pokemon on Heart Gold during lunch breaks xD I can't help but to laugh a bit at him since it looks so funny :<
    Part 2...

    You have to buy a 3DS if you want to play Pokemon Y or else you have to wait for an emulator if there isn't one already. I'm thinking about getting a 3DS as well... Pokemon Y is on it, Etrian Odyssey 4 is on it and Rune Factory 4 is on it as well :sigh:
    Itomi... not really. I played moemon once and I got myself an Ampharos there who I named Itomi so that name is kinda stuck on my Ampharos. Kinda the same with my Dragonite/Reuniclus and Vera except that Vera is a pretty name that I've only heard once and it was a cute girl in my class when I was in 1st grade or something who had that name.
    There wasn't that many choices between types in generation 1. Now we got like a couple of Flying type pokemon but at that time you kinda only had Pidgeot or Fearow. Probably some more that I had forgotten about since they wasn't that important to me *looks at Aerodactyl*.

    I thought that Volcarona looked pretty strange :/ It wasn't my type xD I like Whirlipede and Galvantula more. They're my type of Bug pokemon :3 I like spiders but not many pokemon actually look like spiders. That's why I loved Ariados and lvled one up even though it was horrible. He had a good ammount of Attack but weak physical attack moves and he had shitty Sp. Attack so Psychic which he learned later was kinda useless :( I still love him and I won't hesitate to capture one everytime I play Crystal or any other game where you can capture him.
    Part 3...

    Lmao, Aids xD I would never be able to name my pokemon that :< I have a tendency to name the first male pokemon I get except my starter to Perry ^^ *looks at my Crobat in Crystal*

    Crits have a tendency to bullshit me instead of actually helping me... But I'll be happy whenever I get a good crit! Not one of those "feel yourself owned" crits that happens when the enemy got 10 HP left and your next move which is obvious to kill the enemy crits instead.

    I guess that's a good reason to do that then. You had friends to play with as well :3 And I get the feeling that the 4th generation had a better reason to beef up your pokemon since it was easier to battle others compared to the earlier generations.

    Elsword is kinda meh. It gets boring pretty fast if you lvl up alone. Shiri took a break from it so I also took a break from it and started to play Tera a bit. I like that I can play as the little fox eared/tailed little loli and carry a big axe. The combat system is kinda fun as well compared to other games. No autoattacking :3

    Oh, I see ^^ I thought that only Sweden had that kind of stuff for some reason :/ Kinda fun to see other people use it as well :3

    Okay, this was quite a while ago so you might be busy now. I still haven't found a picture though... I think. I might've found one. Depends on how hard it might be for you to render :<

    Yeah, I liked the anime but I have a tendency to stop watching anime if the ones I watch isn't finished already so I stopped watching it. I guess that I could get back to it soon to finish it since it doesn't have that many episodes. I can watch the OVA as well, thanks for informing me :3 From what I've seen so far I can say that I also would prefer another season. I guess that they won't make another one though :/
    UNoooooooooooooo...... ahahha you like that.???? go download itt... and tell me your opinion... xixixixi

    im good.. how about you.?? you in vacation right now.???? :XD:
    Yep it was china ~
    The trip was fun except the hot weather~
    Sometimes it was boring since everyone was too lazy to out so we stayed at home =.=
    Now im back and school began already~ have too much homework to have my fun >.<

    How are u doing? :)
    Thruthfully the deadline is at August 23rd~
    Yeah, its my final thesis.. XD

    Ahh, I see.. I never play online console gaming.. I prefer the PC one for online games :3
    i think its beneficial since someone else might spot an error you didn't so now i can go back and correct any of my error's, and i think im gonna come off nearly falling asleep >.<
    yeah i noticed the jagged edges but couldn't find the softening tool, as for the empty space, i was going to have text there but i couldn't be bothered so im gonna do it later haha
    no worries, but i think im starting to get the hang of it, just needa bit more practice with the tools in this program and i think i might be a bit better
    just point out area's for improvement, it was my first time using the tools in gimp so i noticed certain things like the legs are a bit jagged, but besides that i cant see much for improving, besides my text skills haha, so i thought i'd get your opinion
    yeah, doing that can reduce skip time by a lot! especially in VN's like this one that take forever to skip
    Yesss... ; ~; My group need to revise the proposal first before we get the approval...

    Unn~ There's a storyline in there~ Kinda like Ragnarok?
    yeah, sachi's route is a good one, pretty sad too.

    well it's kinda weird for you to start over a VN to begin with. pretty much every VN has a save feature lol. quicksave is just so you can press it, and it instantly saves it, so you don't have to go to the save menu
    Yeeepp, the deadline is nearr~ and still haven't get the approval... ; ~;

    Currently playing Dragon Nest..
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