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  • Also Kinder Egss are banned from being sold in the U.S., because U.S. customs says it contains a harmful object inside, how stupid is that?
    Also let me know what you think of Scrapped Princess, unfortunately without spoiling anything Scrapped Princess could've used a couple more episodes also.
    Yeah they seemed to just slap a ending together real quick. They really needed a few more episodes that's for sure.
    I finally finished watching Claymore, it was an awesome series, but honestly I don't really like how it ended.
    hahaha.. im jokingg... >,< my outcome is muchh this monhth.. so i will stay calm not buyy anything expensive... sxixixixii....

    how about you..?? that figure is preety nice isn't ?? oppaii dekaii.. and the costume is good... :XD:
    Yes... its Selena... Pokemon x and Y Heroine.... :XD:
    seems i like long hair... and that so perfecttt.. :blushhappy:

    so hows your dayy..??? wheres my girll i can hugg.??
    Nyahahaha..... Nuuuuuuu..... Wheres mine then..???????????????

    here... im gonna hugg emm in octoberr..

    huhuhu.. here is the real oneeeee....
    well i guess it's a good thing that i'm just a naturally modest person lol
    and ask me as much as you want, i'd love to help ^.^

    yeah, makina has a fairly sad route. she's one of the comic relief characters though, so she's not the saddest route
    well i wasn't trying to be modest, i genuinely thought that lol. makes me happy that you thought to ask for my advice though. i don't have any other recommendations about it though
    LOL yeah it is XD same :3 usually i get tips from my friends though o: like after i show them an artwork they often give me pointers, what they like, what they dont like, whats missing and how i can improve :3 i think having people to tell me how to improve improves my options more because often i never even think of it doing things that way XD

    really o:? did you download any grunge brushes? i always use those to assist with texture, of course smokey ones as well :3 !
    i know right XD the power of one brush ;u;d LOLOL i know how you feel XD
    i think i used about 20? on the first one o: it doesnt look like it but i used a lot of textures and colour changing on that one and the second was around 46? XD i cant remember well because i usually group the layers in groups OTL
    but woah 27 o_o im guessing you did a lot of work for the background XD
    that's actually pretty cool. the only thing i'd change is their order. so far the routes you have already finished are together in your sig, and you're doing makina's route next right? it'd look kinda odd if the routes you finish aren't next to each other don't you think? and possibly make it more noticeable when you finish a route. it seems like it'd be easy to miss it when you finish the route and restore the color. maybe add more color to the box with the name? so that when you restore the color it shows a little more
    yup no worries :3 i might sound a bit arrogant OTL but i just wanted to say it in case because i've noticed that not many people here have played around with all the options they are available with o: most people are great designers but just not polished to their fullest potential :3
    ahh yup i use that site XD i go there every time i make a new poster/signature instead of downloading them all at once @-@ cause i get highly confused but thank you :3 ! since we're on the downloading topic XD you should try downloading new brushes too o: they're a heap load fun to play with! XD
    (in case you may be wondering how i made the background from such an odd mix of textures):
    base: for the base i used a provided pale mint green colour
    layer1: i overlayed this texture onto it;
    layer2: i then also overlayed this texture; and masked the right side
    layer3: i changed the curved to make parts stand out
    layer4: i used a round gradient with the insides clear and saturated it to fix the blending and overlayed a second one to darken the edges
    layer5: i then added this texture; and set it to overlay (you can also screen cloudy textures :3 i usually do this XD)
    layer6: i add these sparkly things 8'D (set the blending mode to screen)
    these are the flowers:
    and i also made it grayscale and masked out parts i wanted colored (for the red flowers)
    and then you'll end up with something like: or
    owoo........... i though you have itt.... i more like Momo noww... instead lala.. momo is very cuteeee.... lala is more innocent type one.. but momo is like half angel/ half demon one... umuuuu..... its not surprised the author really focus on momo in TLRD... hahahah.. just my opinion tho.......
    ahahahahaha,,,, really.??? ah if i not wrong you have bought momo devilluke one ya.??? yes i love tony taka works too... >,< shining heartss... pannn.... ahhaha... ^__^
    hiya unown. Could u just make M capital? And I asked for avatar too :P. And thanks, I like this isg
    fap 2 play. maybe for some people :3 theres a free to play version with like 4 characters unlocked. the ninjas uhh ayane, hayate, hayabusa, and uhhh uhhm kasumi. you can buy other characters/story for super cheap if you dont plan on playing all the characters.

    nono its the other way around. underlings who make my life miserable and call me to work 3 am!!

    i was planning on trying to make the next comiket in japan this december and maybe make a few side stops to korea and/or taiwan.
    Well my family but me too :D
    Too lazy >.<

    4 years to get major~
    But in those 4 years u must have studied a lot ;)
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