I just got Kokoro's Halloween Costume for DOA 5 U, it was to cute, I had to get it! :D Also there is a free Halloween Stage that is pretty cool, that really sucks you can't download any of the new DLC on the regular DOA 5.
That's what I though :/ Lucky that I got myself a female after all then. Nice, you was lucky with him! The hardest one for me to capture was my Mawile which took about 15 Poke Balls to capture when she only had 3 out of 44 HP left :/
I got my Snorlax now! A lvl 15 female because I didn't know if male is able to breed for Snorlax Eggs. She actually got pretty good stuff I guess. She got Immunity so I don't have to bother about Poison and she got Brave nature which reduces Speed but increases Attack :3
Hi there!
...Reminds me that I left our previous conversation unanswered, orz. Since the things I need to do tend to spike (in the sense that sometimes I'm so busy and some other times I'm so free) in amount, negligence often leads to forgetting.
That said, I'm doing pretty well myself, how about you? Actually, we're taking a little break from AS work since there's been so much to do other than the revamp (like ASL stuff). I suck at making layouts, so it was Checkmate who laid out the barebones, and I worked on the graphical elements -- things like banner, background, etc. The final product will likely look quite different from what I posted, though.
Yep, it's yuri. I don't fancy effeminate males you know w
It's from a (very short) doujin VN, Color of White, depicting the yuri incestuous sisters (yes!), Ashley and Kirika. Here's the original CG image in case you're curious: