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  • hi, girlcelly
    do you have?
    (18禁ゲーム) [120629] [age] マブラヴ Windows7対応版 (ISO rr3).rar
    (18禁ゲーム) [120629] [age] マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ Windows7対応版 (ISO MDS rr3).rar
    boy, you're sure gotten famous in every forum GC... how's the life, i'll be around your city in january. hopefully get to see you this time.

    ehm, who am i? you can guess, it's Mama :XD:

    PS: how come you're never online anymore in YM, im kinda missed you! :dontleave:
    Here goes~

    "As expected from the godly F22! You manage to do what we can't so easily!
    I'm impressed! I look up to you!"

    "What's with the oriental retiring mood? lololol [sorry, not sure what the person meant by this, but that's what it literally means]

    I just finally started to climb...
    ...this endless hill of eroge.


    Is this some sort of conversation on 2ch or something?

    I think that other sentence means "my full name consists of four kanji letters." Also, 超電磁砲_みさか reads "choudenjibou_misaka," and of course 超電磁砲 means "railgun."
    You are so amazing…
    Can I request them here? I'm sorry if I shouldn't. Here they go:
    [CDPA] シルエット (Silhouette) and [CDPA] 季節の花嫁 (Kisetsu no Hanayome).

    Thank you in advance.
    It's not flat-out "impolite" per se; it's just that, when writing a get-well letter to someone having health problems, it's a manner to avoid addressing the issues directly.

    Mine's far from perfect, and I can't guarantee that the translation is totally free from errors, but it should sound (somewhat) natural :p

    Here goes the line:

    I tried to make it sound more natural in Japanese. If you'd like to know which parts I specifically changed:
    Foobar2000 is my favourite audio tagging & player software. However, tagging .wav files can be a bitch indeed; I recommend you to transcode them first to .flac or something. Once they're in .flac, you can have them split to each track instead of merged in big audio files (if you have the proper cue sheets), and they'll be much easier to tag.
    Hey, how are you?

    I thought I would send you the files of the eroge Boob Wars from MangaGamer, since you are a uploader here, you know how create torrents and since there's no thread about the game yet :)

    It's the installed folder already, but it should work without problems. At least it works for me. I can upload the installer too if you want/need it.

    Ehehe. By chance, I was online at that time, so yeah.
    Alright, here goes your formal reply (I changed some expressions to fit more in Japanese as being direct on topics concerning health issues can be seen as impolite).











    追伸 最後の言葉のように書かないで下さい。また寄れてくれたら話す機会を伺おうとします。良い新たな生活をしていると言ってくれて欲しいのです。

    "The first day of winter has passed. As the rainy days are getting colder, my health condition has gotten worse.
    I planned to continue working a lot more this year, but it seems like it is impossible.
    I am thinking to move and get a new job, then live a lifestyle with more care for my health.

    Therefore, with this as my last message, I will now retire. [could simply mean "you will not hear from me again as I will retire," and not necessarily a death letter.]
    It is not a good way to say farewell, but I hope you understand.

    It was short, but I am really grateful for having been acquainted with you. [could also mean "for having been your girl/boyfriend."]

    Everything flows from and to God. All the best for the population." [this last line is pretty much a guess... not sure if it's a proverb or whatever, but I definitely don't get the context.]
    girlcelly! Do you know if this ever got released on share けもの道-六ぷら-? Someones been releasing fake games :(.
    thanks a bunch. so can this patch still be used even though i don't have that 110428 update or should i update the game?
    I really appreciate it if you can upload it Girlcelly since I'm still loking for Aion Garden, I can wait for a day or two :D
    As for Koi Mekuri Clover Fandisk, Yeah no Luck on my side either. Been looking for it with Mr. Google help ^^

    And many thanks for your help and effort
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