celly-san can i request for this > http://vndb.org/v1179
that time i said i got it but that file was a fluke TT
and if can those 2 fandisk b4 as well >.<
I see , arigato for the advice :D
hello girlcelly san , i have a request , could you upload [060825][BISHOP] 牝教師~淫辱の教室~ into torrent since when i download from sukebei.nyaa it have a torjan inside the file and i were unable to execute the game because of it.Arigato gozaimasu.
Ah sorry celly-san..
He downloads the japan-version back then, lol
So i figured out some things and search a new links for the english one.
And it's work. Once again, sorry for bothering ;p
It Solved, thank you