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  • Nothing, just random lol

    Pssh, Puella Magi can beat the black dragon in Dragon Crisis :o (haven't seen Dragon Crisis tbh)

    Sure, tell me what needs help? o.O
    SMILE. It WILL be okay.^^

    I'm better than you? o.o No way. Haven't seen your stuff you know but i'm sure you're good. :]

    Anime genres? Well, my favorite still is Clannad. VN genre. :]] Usually has a good plot. I'm very particular with the story and good gfx, and the over all content of the anime... And a well-thought ending. xD

    Check recommended me DC series before... I think I have finished it too. So... An anime sort of like those two. :] I have watched several of his recommendations though I don't remember the titles anymore. :|
    LOL Ignis. :p


    That's the life of a high profile person, gc. Many gets jealous and tries to mess up with yah. xD "if people tries to pull you down, it means you're up." ;] So cheer up gc, hope everything will be better soon.^^

    Hmm.. My photoshop skills? I guess so.. But there are many many members that are really good in rendering. :] I can only do rush ones just like my entry in the SOTM. I can help if you want but I'd recommend others to you cause they're waaay better. :]]

    as for the anime.. nope, none at the moment. -.- do you have any good recommendations? :D
    Woooo, gc is online /o/

    A man has to be brave enough to challenge a god someday :3

    >_> Just... don't do anything strange, unless you're a girl XD

    When I looked at the online users below in the main page, I saw your name... Then, I thought, maybe I should drop by again in your page. Exactly when I arrived, your reply to my previous message is actually waiting for me. xD

    hmm.. what problems? you may share if you want to. ;] you may even pm me if it's that confidential.^^ maybe I can help you lighten things up. :]

    as for me, i'm handling the creativity section and the competition section in this forum.. I only volunteered to give an hour to the forum.. But I always exceed.. Can't help it I guess. :]]
    Yep I used a different username >< I used macgrady that time to message you. Guess you're too famous already :/ People like me isn't worth mentioning XD
    It's umm:

    Ignis: My midterm exams weren't exactly easy; some were quite a surprise. Not sure how I scored >_>
    girlcelly: Um...Just study and do exams carefully, with that, you could get quite high score !

    That felt as if my mom told me to study better xD

    Ah, negative form? Like taberu -> tabenai and miru -> minai?

    Something like composing a short story? 70 characters is quite little, good luck :P

    But you don't even need to install any extra component like the East Asian language files on XP - you only need to change your locale and add input language to your keyboard settings :P
    Hmmm maybe you won't know me though. I pmed you last time before at HF asking about what happened with the previous blog last time :)
    Telling me to study somewhat feels like what my mother and teachers would say, that's all :P

    Oh cool, let's try that sometimes? =D btw, what was the last thing you learned?

    Yeah, same here. There are just so many, not to mention their possible different ways of reading and meanings... >_>
    Also, I have like zero Chinese knowledge, so that can't help me with kanji either lol.

    >_> XP looks too old and 7 is more convenient, so I'll stay with 7 :P
    You sound like a mother or teacher now xD Yeah, that's how students are supposed to do, but sometimes laziness just prevails... :P

    That's good to hear! Can you now already converse in Japanese?

    Hehe, quite an improvement~ I personally think that mastering grammar and structures should be prioritised before words and kanji, cause you can look them up in a dictionary~

    Win7? I've been using it for a few months now, and it's satisfying ^^
    Sorry for the late reply, was sick >_<

    My midterm exams weren't exactly easy; some were quite a surprise. Not sure how I scored >_>

    How's your Japanese gc? How much have you learned so far? And how many kanji?

    The LCD screen got impaired for some reason ^^; Fixed now~
    Hai thanks ^^

    Yeah, my uni is usually always the first to have exams compared to the others ones >_>

    Good luck on your upcoming exams too~

    Nah, not enough money yet xD Will just repair the old screen lol
    Been a little busy with uni stuff; currently having midterm exams >_<

    Yeah, been a little lazy as well, and about one week ago my comp screen broke :P

    Currently using a spared comp, that's why I still can't be online much >_>
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