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  • Hello GirlCelly, im female chinese, who rly, rly love all of ur uploads. do u think its strange for a girl to like it? =O

    i allways looking for ur new release at hf, but i cant access hf lately, i hear on chinese bbs, hf going close torrent forum, this made me sad alot, hf is best source for me n all chinese who love ur game, u know, chinese member call u 'Truly Hentai God'!

    i also hear u wan to leave hf, r u going to abandon it? can u do something abt hf, i dont want to miss ur release, i know ur vr famous at hf, if u say, site leader may open it again wen forum back!

    thx 4 ur all gr8 upload, take care n i hope to u'll reply it soon! ^-^

    Yo ^^!

    you know what ?

    I visit this site Hentaipalm and they said that DDL and Torrent will be gone. Only discussion will be alive."Reason Site has been shut down because of multiple DMCA take down notices from Hentaikey, Adultsource Media and Dliste authors."

    I dont know it's true or not :(

    edit: I m talking about Hongfire ^^!
    Hi Girlelly!

    First! Thank you very much for support !

    Sec ! Would you mind if i ask you something ? i have received an infraction then and i read General Download Rules Violation but i can't understand which information i miss! ... so can u tell me more about that in order not to violate this rule in the future.

    Have a nice work !
    Hi GC, I have just received an infraction from you, my mistake is missed some infomations-a little, me- one normal member of AS and all MODS and Admins want we read and follow and when we missed a little info we will received an infraction. And you ? you made rules but do you follow it or ...? I saw some games of you. what does it have? filesize and link to website of game and ... nothing. rules were you made but if what can dismiss so...anyway... waitting for infraction expires
    Hi buddy! sry reply slowly!

    what happen with HF ! boring zzzZZ!

    HF updated new rules but i dunt understand why they dont allow to post anything from DLsite ? u know that ?
    Hi GC, um...few days was passed you have not logined in hongfire since september. you said and you done, um.. hope you will come back hongfire soon ^^
    yup, and it's a very tidious work too. I had a c-Lang class before and one mispelt code is a huge trouble. :\ what are you trying to develop btw?

    Shocked because some great melody k-songs that I would hear could sometimes horrify me with shallow lyrics. >.< I'm quite critical when it comes to that.

    The music was bad? Why? Uhhmmm.. I was the one at the vocals.. So points for improvement would really be helpful!^^
    I'd like to learn java but codes are quite time consuming. :O She added me as a friend in facebook but up to now, still no communication. :\ I hope she's fine.

    K-pop sounds nice, their melodies are greatly composed but some I get shocked when I see the song translation. >.< What can you say about its vocals? And the whole band? :]
    Wow, coding stuff, java and stuff? Oh noessss, eXy is sick? :\ That I didn't know... I thought she was just busy. :[

    I forgot which season it was but I think it's in the first.. Its been a long time since I last watched an anime. :O

    Here's the link of the thread Covers. :> Will you tell me what you think with the song "One Woman". :]
    yep, more like the mysterious devil. ;]

    Oh busy with school? what course are you taking? seems like I've asked you this before but I forgot. xD eXy's having problem in rl? :\ lucky I was able to find a few emails from the previous blog, if not because of her reply, I won't be here. :]]

    Ooh, kotori! I like her song in DC! Nicely done.^^ Err.. Have you been in my song cover thread? :D it's quite kinda raw-ish so I'm looking for good/bad critics about it.^^
    Yes, your words like Rome are funny.

    Well, HONGFIRE site has been making the new rules, i feel a little new to it.

    So i hope to post my material here and there at the same time. :D
    been pretty busy in rl again lately. >.< how about you? Btw, do you have any contacts with exy? ^^

    I like your title.. Simple but rockin. xD is that nemu and kotori in your profile?^^
    Yo nice upload of ] [M no VIOLET] 真・夜勤病棟 [H-Game] but do you know where to find CG pack? Thxx you in advance if you know and I am apologise that you are ban :_(
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