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  • Hello, within I am on a business trip for some days, i don't have received any infraction anymore, but my posting-thread is disable again, what happened at me? can you please check my status? :)
    Hi girlcelly! do u know where i can find the save for the game "Sansha Mendan ~Rensa Suru Chijoku Choukyou no Gakuen~"? I tried to use sagaoz but i'm so lost can you help me out?
    well looks like most old HF members who have been looking for torrent switched over -_-.... ohh yeah btw
    this is broken....
    more ppl left hf, even u too, 1 month after last time u logged there..im so sad, pls do something GirlCelly, if cont hf will die cos no more traffic >"<
    No more surprised than I to see you. Thank you for the welcome, I'll do my best. ^^
    Finally my restricted posting is lifted, i will do anything more carefully, thanks. :)

    What's the meaning of "Boxshot"? just as screenshot or cover of material?

    Within a week national vacation, i have a workday today, but since tomorrow i still have some days of vacation. ;p

    BTW, i start to watch Fate Zero new anime this month, do you know it? :)

    license stuffs...ne. I see.
    But we still hav nya and here and *You* so i dont worry so much. lol

    P.s Banned is very cool status man haha!
    Anime? did u mean Gurren-Lagann? It's a best Robot Anime for me :D

    Global Mod but *BANNED* ? LOL

    Anyway, No prob about your torrent. It's perfect. :8
    I don't know because we're neighbouring countries or not,but I always dl ur new h-game torrent.

    I hav some Question, I can't find torrent's forum in Hongfire. Do u know what's happen?
    Kuku* Are u still learning Japanese?

    Since tomorrow, i have China's a week national vacation, i begin to play new PSP game Ao no Kiseki from The Legend of Heroes, i am a fan of Falcom company. ;p

    I like a girl named Elie with big breasts, hehe...

    Hongfire is back, but i dont see any DDL sections, but my DDL threads is still given REP+ by some members.... that's why?
    Girlcelly, ppl say if u r friend, u'll be great help, but if u r enemy, u r one of strongest n most dangerous, i dun believe it untill today! im not ur friend, but i dun wan to be ur enemy, why u keep get in my way?
    Yo ^^!

    Girlcelly, why I can't connect to the peer in (maybe all) your torrent...? So my torrent download is always stuck at some %... >_>

    Anyway, I'm also a refugee from HF, just a lurker there and here I'm using another nick, Nice to say hi to you ^^
    :D of couse. B'coz I'm Yoko Mania :P

    Since Hongfire closed for a while, I seach for some H-game and I found your thread here in anime-sharing and Nyaa. So I decided to sign up here to seach for my hobbie :D

    Are you a Mod or Admin in here?
    Master Celly, Carny here! ^-^

    as you guess, hongfire back today and they hid torrent and ddl, temporary or not, I'm not know! i got your command in email you sent me 2 days ago, I'll come again and tell you result of it, Master! ^-^
    Hehe, anywayz i dont hope Hongfire will be back again. i missed a lot of friend including you, Yurichan, Picochan and others there. :(
    I know some famous uploaders in this site, but i havent talked much with them but you. ^^

    You answered that i cant create new thread until next week, i have almost thought my creating permission became perma-ban for "in Downloads & Requests Section will be banned from posting there.(At last i found Chinese Rules)". Actually i still have been feared by a thing that SEO banned me in Hongfire two years ago. Haha, it's so many memories. ^^

    Well, a week punishment is just short, i should talk with old friends like you often within a week. Good night, i go to bed. :D
    Ah,naruhodo, i missed Release Date, Company, Getchu/Official Site, i will post h-game and hcg thread with additional informations, do anything more carefully. ^^
    Except h-game, hcg, console game, anime and so on, others like h-anime, h-manga, raw-manga, artbook are posted with simple informations that's no problem?

    Well, congratulate you have been S-MOD for some months, are some staff your friends? :D

    Hongfire has been shut down for several weeks, i dont know when will it be back...
    Good morning GC-chan, my hentai game thread is deleted, i still dont find some important points in Forum Rules & Guidelines, dont know what's the reason that lincenced material or wrong posting way, can you tell me why? :)

    BTW, i dont know you have been S-MOD till now. ^^ how long are you working as S-MOD?
    Actually, I no longer need that or the other album from that game. Managed to find share hashes of them a few days ago, thank you for reminding me though, I shall update my request.
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