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  • Hi there, I wanna ask if you still have the Da Capo II Spring Celebration? Apparently the megaupload and rapidshare links are dead ><
    Thanks a lot for your hard work!
    Indeed, and after she left Wat became the only admin and as expected site management became quite troublesome... recently another admin was assigned though.

    Yeah, too bad I knew you rather late - we could've poked each other earlier :p

    Ehh, really? Sorry about that :p SH employed a system where a bot would PM you if your post got deleted/edited/moderated etc so yeah >.<

    Hai, you're welcome, it was my pleasure ^^
    Yeah, though I'd rather not let others know since it's not necessary :p

    Indeed, it seemed that there was something going on between them, though I'd rather not ask the details since I guess it's a personal matter after all.

    Yeah, you left like half a year before I joined :p

    What sucks is that vB limits you to working with a maximum of 400 posts at once when moderating, but anyway all done ^^
    Ah, you should also add my MSN address to your YM contact ^^

    Ohh, I see. Indeed, most of your old links are dead and I'm sure you won't reupload and repost them :p

    Come to think of it, it's been like two and half a year since you left SH lol. About Misu, maybe so, or she's just been too busy with real life issues (as that was once of the likely reasons she left SH), not too sure of the details though.

    Okay, I understand. Will start doing it soon ╹◡╹
    Ehh, why? Do you have a reason? If you don't wanna say it in public you can send me a PM/e-mail or talk through MSN lol

    Yeah, Misu suddenly disappeared without prior notice, and recently she also stopped appearing on MSN...

    I'd refuse banning someone who never violated the rules anyway :p Before I go deleting your posts can you please tell me why first though :p
    Hey "banned" gc! Been a while (´・ω・`)

    Yep, I still lurk around and moderate SH. Anything I can help you with?
    Hey,girlcelly, the world is too small, so we met again on the internet
    Do you remeber me? when you in hongfire, you really help me a lot
    Thanks for your kind help.
    I hope you can happy here everyday~~
    In my opinion, it's better to memorise kanji slowly while repeating what you have memorised daily (read, write, type, whatever) rather than trying to memorise a lot at once. It helps you avoid forgetting what you have already memorised ^^

    Vocabulary and grammar? Is there no book that contains explanations of grammar and sentence structures? Ahh, how good is the kanji book? Try practising everyday or every week :3

    Well, many Chinese hanzi are similar to Japanese kanji, so it's not strange that kanji is easy for them >_> You and that other girl are the only one who aren't Chinese?

    Haha, now you speak like Checkmate :p
    Well, I'm studying it ^^ Though, it's hard to remember the older ones I learned long ago, lol. Let's say I've actually learnt ~400, but maybe I can only recall 200-300... >.<

    Ohh, you're using Minna no Nihongo too? Nice! Are you only using the grammar book, though? It should come in one set composed of a grammar book, a reading materials book, a kanji book, a grammar guide and explanations book, and finally an exercise questions book. The kanji book is good imo, provided that you practise regularly :p

    Haha, good luck, I don't know what keyword I should use lol
    Have fun then ^^

    Hmm, I'd like to know too, if there's such a list. But unfortunately, I don't know :s
    If it's about outdated kanji though, jisho.org is quite comprehensive in differentiating commonly used kanji and outdated kanji.

    I know around 300, so I guess it's kinda hard to list everything I know ^^; You may want to get some e-books for the list instead, Genki should be good or Minna no Nihongo (Japanese for Everyone)~
    Same here, I don't go there anymore actually lol

    Hmm, not really sure, I myself suck at kanji and am not sure what method would be the best to learn it. Maybe you can try a software like zKanji or just browse the kanji section of jisho.org :s
    Yeah, I do know Kotoko and I've - used to collect I've Girls Collection from vol 1 till vol 6, also loved Love Planet Five (the top five singers of I've) but eventually I got bored of their songs :s
    I see.. Hongfire must be popular.. But i never went to that site tho. xD

    Aww.. don't think too much about the negative things... It gives bad aura. :p

    How ecchi is Freezing? Is it still watchable for like example.. kids? :]]

    Yup, she's a girl anyway, not too shocked that she likes pink. hahaha. I actually miss exy. when the blogsite got pruned, I got worried and tried to do my investigating to contact any of you through e-mails I can find. Lucky enough, I was able to reach eXy and got in the sb. And there they said about AS.
    Hmm rarely download Kotoko music lately; back then I used IRC but it was waaaaaaay back then lol

    Maybe you can list some albums you want and put a request?

    Ah here it is btw: click
    You haven't replied gc. :]] Btw, I noticed your signature with your emphasized Rank: "Normal Member"

    Why, what's up? Someone bothering you? :P
    Hai, I'll get back to you later when it's done (may take longer since there's no scans)

    Hmm no idea, maybe I'd just google if I wanted something like that, try Chinese boards or Share or PD? Though I can't read Chinese so relying on such boards wouldn't be good for me :p
    Ahh okay, may take me some time lol. I'll get back to you later with what I can do ^^


    Here gc: click
    Ofcourse there is. :] I'm sure you can learn fast. ;]

    Hmm... Which one among them should be in my priority list? Are they too ecchi? xD
    yup, maybe you do have same taste as nii-san. :]]

    OMG GC.. I'm seeing a bunch of pink avatars below this post. LOL. my pink blood is spreading. xDD
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