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  • I just checked again the VNdb and...Yoshitsune for the fifth release!!! But how will that work if she likes the other tsundere guy with gray hair whose name I can't recall...multiple protagonist? It doesn't feel something Minato Soft will put out...but anyway, it's still plenty of time before it goes out so I'll enjoy Benkei for now.
    I'm mostly used to the 720p since I sometimes (always) have problems with either the space of the lap and/or the internet connection, and I don't have enough restraint to wait till the Blurays, (although there are exceptions like To-loveru Darkness...because I want high quality, not that I'm thinking in the uncensored version or any of the sort...).
    You got Majikoi A-1 already?! Did you installed it already?! Did you played it already?! DID YOU FINISH IT ALREADY?! ...sorry for the caps, it's just that I will be able to enjoy Benkei so, I'm kinda high spirited. Though, if I remember there was one or two H-scenes with her on the previous one? Well, either way it wasn't a real complete route...but at this point I don't think any of them outside of the main ones. Still, Benkei! :runhappy:
    Haganai? I already watched the first season when it was airing and before that read some episodes of the manga, currently following the second season and finished up to the Vol. 7 in the Light Novels and as far as now...I'm on Yozora's team, after she cuts her hair the amount of time she goes :blushing: is too damn high!!! (not that I'm complaining, in fact I need MOAR!)
    Torrent will do, I'm a Vampirate after all. (here, reference Supernatural, at 1:20)
    And as if the destiny is telling me to play it, I just finished the vol. 10 of Campione! that ended in the arc of Sir Lancelot du Lac and Guinevere, more Arthurian Legends! But we didn't see the King who manifest at the end of Eras that was supposed to be King Arthur but they give you hints that there is a prototype to the legends of the King Arthur. And I'm just here, reading Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, well the only four volumes available. And that's one of the reasons I still don't wanna learn Japanese or I may go mad trying to read everything there is to read. And I just finished the seven volumens of Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai and....those endings are so catch...as if you were watching an end of season from Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead.
    Last week, and back again. But before, I'll go look for a nice torrent with Fate S/N, thanks for the files!
    Gununu~ with the part of Rider's master is Sakura, that route totally win me over. I'll go downloading it, but could you pass me the save game of the other two cleared? I still kinda remember them, but for now I only want to check that one. *looks forward to it*

    Jahajahajahajaha of course! That's the true spirit of gamer! Indulge yourself in the virtual world till your hands start bleeding...and still continue playing! ...ok, leaving the hot-blooded part aside, I'm finally making progress in Demon's Souls, until I encounter the third boss, a giant armored spider who shots spider-web that causes inmobility, and multiple flame shots that take around three quarters of your life (each one). And you fight in a tunel from a cave mine. Fu*k.
    lol no worries dude :D

    I am going to be uploading that torrent to my server and then posting it :D

    I'll give credit LOL
    for added flexibility, I recommend using url within codes to make it clickable.
    you can also just click the link button and past the url. either way it's much more user-friendly~
    good luck on becoming an uploader :P
    I know that feeling...but with a little more holidays, in the middle I kinda forgot school, but then some anonymous character informs me about projects about the next semester and all the beautiful virtual world starts to crumble (if you watched Sword Art Online, is almost the same feeling). But then again, it was our choice (well, maybe) to take up in the career we chose and struggle for existence! (last part taken from a space invaders game...)

    Jahajahajahajaha, I don't know, but is there a Rider ending? or was that one from Ataraxia? Or maybe am I mixing a doujinshi over there? It will be pretty interesting (yeah, "interesting"...of course) to see an ending with Rider. Though, it doesn't feel like something Type Moon will put out.

    By the way, now I'm playing Demon's Souls, the spiritual prequel of Dark Souls and...after two or three hours of playing, I tend to end up crying in a corner because of the difficulty level, that in my according for now, surpasses Dark Souls, you'd say it's because I'm starting the game, but I supposedly finished Dark Souls and I'm currently playing the NG+, so where is my supposedly acquired experience since the gameplay is pretty much the same? I leave you with this thought from the game producers: "Hey, won't there be any checkpoint? - Of course there will be, but only after you defeat the boss, if you die, start from the beginning." And it's saga motto: "Fu*k you. No help. Go die."
    I could help sometime if you'd like. My school gives me about 2mb/s and I'd sometimes prepare things at home and upload there~
    Ok so I did a little searching and found more about it~
    Remote uploads basically download a file from one server and upload it to another. Most file hosts block each other due to competition. It's very similar to ftp, which is probably the more preferred method over remote uploading. Mirror says to upload from private servers only, which means that you won't be able to just add a download link to upload, it has to be supported by the other host.
    (more about it all here) http://www.wjunction.com/102-file-host-discussion/109920-what-remote-upload.html
    I'm not sure, you could try emailing support. (i'd like it to be ftp, but that's fine~)
    If you're trying to just get it to upload files from another host, it doesn't work that way. It's more like an address of where to access a file from a server. (don't know much about it :/) I might google about remote uploads sometime
    It's important to have mirrors for uploads (not required, but it is advised~)
    the host I use gives the option for multiple accounts, including mediafire. http://mirrorupload.net
    mediafire is great for long-term if your account isn't bothered, and other hosts tend to purge every so many days/months. (it's extended if you have an account).
    For tagging, try to include the catalog number and the most important things. (sry if you know all this already lol)
    You should make an account for vgmdb~ I use it sometimes to make things for asl or bubblegum. Keep in mind that unless there's some connection with TV anime or games, they won't allow other albums. (the ones I have for aosaki shizuku for example).
    Other people will fix what you couldn't figure out~ it takes time to make albums, but it's worth it really.
    Harem ending maybe? But not sight of Saber (pronunciation: Zeivaar! because...yes) so I suppose...wait, Rider is there too so we need some Saber! But oh well, I'm fine as long the harem ending is there. Maybe that's the reason for no adaptation, important information in the H-scenes will be quite troublesome to put in anime withouth it having become an hentai series.

    Wow, I just got tired from trying to think of what would be about the next semester, take in account we'll be starting with Nuclear Physics and proper introduction to Quantum Mechanics...And the beatiful Relativity.
    So about the Visual Novels Releases from this month...*trying to scape from reality once again* *didn't work* *cry in the corner room*.
    Jahajahajaha, well I haven't played it too but I'll warn you since now that 11eyes is pretty much the same in that aspect, but try first without walkthrough to test your abilities as "Player Capturer". And I bet Ataraxias as well. Of course! Any Rider's CG is welcomed here! In fact just now I noticed that maybe the landlord from this game Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to. is designed according to Rider, and hell yeah I went for her first while playing it. "Oppai" 'Enough!' -Never!- (a description of my personalities fighting each other to decide the first heroine in each game I play, the first voice tends to take the cake quite usually).

    According to September-February and February-June it should be the same as us but with a difference of the start and finish only. But what I don't get are the breaks, I think either you guys work too hard or we are just lazy. Maybe both.
    What I know is that it's based mostly in the story of Sakura (and if you watched Zero, you know she had a dark past...) so that explains the Dark Saber, but about endings I don't know them, just some other characters that appear in Carnival but they just make jokes about the storyline that I haven't read so I didn't get them. But you played F/SN right? (I only watched the anime and the movie, epic by the way) I don't know the other endings but I can tell there are some bad endings here and there by pure feeling. I believe Ataraxia will be along those lines.
    Well you got a point there, although to be precise I kinda miss college, I do nothing in my hometown and that's gonna be bad once I come back to school. They gave you the exact dates already!? Aren't you just starting classes!? By the way, yours are four months course? I have a friends that seems to have the same course as you so I thought of it.
    ...I feel sorry just by the thought of not being able to pronounce those words correctly. But hey, I still have around two weeks of vacations but that sounds like what you'll say to a fallen enemy so I'll stop here.
    I think I may want to play Fate Hollow Ataraxia (though a friend already spoiled me almost everything as well as the spin-off manga from it and Carnival Phantasm, but since the last one is pretty epic I can't complain) but I'll have the need to finish Fate Zero first just in case, and I don't remember which chapter I left it at and right now I want "comedy" series so I'll wait a little more for it.
    For now I need to prepare mentally for the "NTR" parts that setsuna warned about. So "Aete" will be for now.
    A little late, but wishing a proper New Year as well as all the holidays that came together with it, and if you celebrate "Reyes Magos (don't know if they translate it)" then that was yesterday so happy late holidays again!
    Sorry, I tend to confuse wheter I reply or not, since sometimes I do so in the cellphone but the reply doesn't appear due to connection...and all of those problems that comes from an internet connection from a third-world country.
    So which VN did you decide to take for the first one of the year? By the way, if you come across EF -both tales- and finish it completely, just spoil me the part to know who is the "rape victim heroine" in case is Yuuko Amamiya .....
    Forget it! I just checked the characters on the VNdb. Fu*k. And I really like that one, I mean I didn't even watch past 5min in the anime or 5min in the VN and with just a glance I could say: "I like that character, Amamiya Yuuko". Now I'm really afraid to play Perseus...but I need to watch it till the end! All for the high-quality h-scenes! And the yandere imouto!
    I'll be a katana too if I could, but that tends to be a bishoujo, so you get the idea. Because that's the spirit of a swordsman! One who cannot sleep without at least a knife under his pillow! (Ok, that's dangerous when you're the type to place your head below the pillow...) well, more like that's the spirit of globalization but that doesn't sound romantic.
    But can you cut wood with a butterfly? We were gonna do the hard-way of camping Russel Cruise-way with only the most neccesary. It will be disastrous. I don't doubt it.
    I too was supposed to get an air gun or a gotcha one, but since I can't go to USA for now, the money went to a more "final fantasy-esque" issues.
    Jahajahajahajahjaha, you're okay right? 200€for katana means they are full tang at least, so yeah you'd be able to cut...things with it. Did you get the butterfly because someone challenged you to do the tricks with it or just by mere coincidence/instinct? Along with the katana I was thinking of getting a knife used for campaing, the wild life!
    Uh, I was gonna get them hopefully before new year's eve but now it'll be after since I'm out of my countryside, so I can really order something online. Mexikoplatz.....the most close I can think is "Plaza Mexico" but the grammar, well is the "nice" version of how to write it. Did you bought a stun gun? You bought a stun gun right? I should totally love one of those! (The fact of how little that last made sense is means I'd love a combination of katana with stun gun...No More Heroes maybe?!)

    If you see it in the cafe, I finished Eimi's route in Appare and from my point of view: "play it". Seriously. There are some great crisis and I thought the MC would be pretty outside the action, but no! He's quite good. Ah, yeah there is only on or two at max h-scene and not enought "route-time" so I'm gonna play the fandisk later since I need more Eimi(Kanzaki?) in Oedi High School(Academy City?).
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