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  • sadfghsdfghskfgfgejkgbc,mvnb
    Sorry about that, had to wipe away some tears off of my keyboard before I could type.
    Just finished Sachi's route.. A great one that was..

    Hope the rest of the routes will match that level.
    Next up: Michiru :3
    Oh I see..
    Well.. I usually just forget to save at some points. Before the choices or something ._.
    Heya Bro~

    As I hoped for, I'm on Sachi's route now. But boy..everything took a sudden turn for the serious >_>;
    Poor Sachi.. :deadsad:

    But that wasn't what I VM'd you for. It this thing in VN's called 'Quick Save'. I seriously have no idea what it does. I always start the VN from scratch when going for a new route by skipping through and something tells me there's an easier way to do that >_>
    So yea..what's it useful for? :o
    just a question, with the parts, is there a way to combine them or do i just download them, extract each and everyone of them and put them into some kind of folder? or once all downloaded and i extract one of them it will do all of them into one?
    ok thanks man, im thinking for that one to be the next one i play once this mg is over, also still waiting for you and hinodes move
    hey infa for the the Da Capo series u recommend me, where would be the best place to get the torrent for them?
    『Hmmmm... There is no Rip here on ASF too... And I can't find it in google from searching a few times too... It must be harder to rip PC vns, but its still quite weird how there is no rip even though they managed to translate it... Guess I'll try searching harder... I found one HCG rip, but not sure whether character sprites are in there... I guess I'll download it and check first...』

    『EDIT: Checked it, there were only CGs there...』
    dude that was me not trying... once i finish this mg im going to my own post weekly for vns and games i play and review them. that was a very lite version....

    but yes i agree with Komomo and kosame ^.^ i loved there story the most and yes the karate chopped was cute. also when u start her romance was funny.

    i agree with chinami route was painful to do. isuzu had ups and downs, asuho i agree with u, and mare i agree with u too on that. yume i didnt enjoy as much.

    well there was the few i still have left but feel free to recommend some me to play again and the order
    Finished Hoshizora no Memoria, ill give u my opinions on each route

    First off Asuho: I thought her route was the average romance one. though i like the story there wasnt anything big in it

    Isuzu's route: It made me hate "you"(the guy) a lot but it was sweet at the end. overall its a good route.

    Now the twins komomo: I loved her route the most also very suprised about her sister which was dead but brought back to life. Her route was my number 1.

    Kosame: her route is number 2 fav, i liked the comendy in the route, also like the end to it as well.

    now chinami..... i could only see her as a comendy character so ill admit i didnt like her route much..... but even though it did shed light on the past and the father as well.

    yumes route became a little confuseing but i understand it, i didnt like how she tried to push him away but at the same time i also understand it. i like the ending where mare is there daughter

    Mares route, i like and was my 3rd fav, though ill admit i had a feeling it was going to be a sad ending but ended up with a good one instead.

    overall if i was to continue with music, plot, and other stuff added on to it. i would rate this vn 7.4 out of 10.

    now i can move on to another vn u recommended me to play but ill wait first. MG6 comes first now
    Lin-lin.. Chouhi..whichever :3
    Just 3 routes? I assume they're long then.
    Or it's just not that big of a VN :o
    Are there many routes in the VN?
    I recall quite a few characters in the Anime and I really hope that Lin-lin doesn't have a route >_>

    I will play it..eventually. Have some others I wanna play first. Priority level is kinda low for me :3
    Sad endings huh.. =/
    Strange though, first time I hear about a 'Harem Ending' in a VN :o
    I didn't dislike the art in the Anime, sort of liked it I guess :3
    Is it that different from the art in the VN?

    And it seems that you're not that enthusiastic about the VN itself. Seems like a standard Harem VN to me :o
    Enjoy your free time that remains :3

    I've seen the Koihime Anime and I kinda liked her too. But she didn't have much screen time.. =/
    Maybe season 2 has more of her. But I'm all for Sei (Choun Shiryuu) <3 that :o
    Ah..holidays are over by then I guess. Sucks though :3

    I knew you'd comeback at some point but you were away for quite a while without saying anything so I was kinda worried that you left your bro ;-;
    And the new set looks nice ^^
    LOL I'll try infa, but not on this week since I've go to my village and there isn't internet connection in there eww x_x

    Gomen gomen, I was so busy with my exams and preparing for my job :P
    I'm sowwy D:

    Wasn't home, staying over at a friends house. time for ASF over there :3

    You're away until 29th? ;-;
    ahh! Nice to see you again :D . Yeah you better online more often or I'll tackle you to death lol :XD:
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