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  • R
    Looks great!
    I love the colours of it. <3

    Hmmmm? I see.
    The doberman my dad had was scary.

    His name was "pagan".
    Huskies are nice doggies <3
    I have some pvc figurines too.
    Darn neko's are vicious like that >:
    They need spankings!

    ok thanks!
    Yeah I do. : )
    I don't play it too often though.
    I have a deep obsession with Mountain dew lol
    I just like drinking it.

    Oh I like dynasty warriors. I should see if it is getting an Australian release.
    Thanks! I've been homing my skills over the years and even now, still improving.
    I am fine, just drinking sprite right now. >:
    Hey, how are you feeling today?
    I love history and English.
    Favourite subjects at school.

    Poetry is my passion though.
    It creates such a unique stage
    to display one's voice

    and the chance to have creative freedom
    without being ridiculed for it.
    Ah. : )

    Have you seen my poetry thread in the writing section yet?
    I put up some of my older works there.

    Feel free to look, when you have the time to.
    umm...i dunno, i dun really like persona 5 actually, kinda like action game now=/
    It's very nice. Really laid back people too.
    One of the safest countries around.

    Oh so Germany?

    I have Norwegian in my blood?

    They are related in the Germanic paganism culture/ideals.

    which is cool.
    Yeah spiders are rather common in Australia.
    Got to watch out for them!

    Oh I see. Were you born in America?
    Oh Darwin was it? It's too hot over there.
    I was born in Darwin, much to people's surprise.

    Oh okay. That's good!
    I hope to be here for a good while as well.
    Oh hi. Thanks for the warm welcome.
    This is a really lovely site.
    WHoa 4 figures. The one's I like most are Muramasa and the Blue Devil thingy; the one you got was in blue or the other color? :0

    I know, I have those "sprees" as well from time to time x3 It's hard to stop sometimes. And then you see how much you've seen and you go like :spiraldown:

    Oh, Kyouko looks nice as well as the base. Some figures are hard to "assemble". Sometimes I'ms cared I'll damage/break the figure If I put too much force D:

    Sorry to hear about your uncle man =[

    BO3 looks pretty awesome from what I've seen on YouTube. I might actually get a PS4 just to play BO3 XD
    Yea, a lot of companies do that unfortunately =[ Oh well, as long as the figure's worth the price. It's all good in my eyes then ^^

    Oh, they're Ayase Eli and Yazawa Nico form the anime Love Live School Idol Project ^^
    The figures looks nice but that's it, you won't see me buying them :0

    Hope you enjoyed Comic Con :runhappy:
    She looks great Elos. Love the base, it's so colorful :3
    It might be on the girly side but still, great figure. Yea Phat is definitely underrated, they should do more figures of popular characters to gain some more attention imo.
    Well, I actually almost did. I'll PM you the story soon.
    I'm fine though, don't worry about that.

    Cya soon.
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