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  • Thanks for the list! I'll check them out. From those I have seen Grave of the Fireflies which was really good. I don't watch too much anime shows, more anime movies like Grave of the Fireflies, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Jin-Roh, Blood the Last Vampre, Metropolis etc... Watching anime seasons is still kinda new to me.
    Yes, I tend to get attached to characters. As long as I feel some sort of emiontal bond to them. I have them download just haven't watched them yet. I'll give it a go soon. Any others you recommend?
    Nope I haven't :( I heard about them though. Are they good? Kinda a sad romance anime, right?

    Yeah. Microsoft owns the Halo franchise, unfortunately. Only reason I bought a Shitbox One :/
    Too bad it's a Xbox exclusive though :( not even a PC release :/

    Idiotic AI though :/ alien with sword knocks me out. What do my teammates do? Instead of killing him, they run trying to fix me up. 1st teammate runs, kneels down to heal me, alien dude chops him with sword, he is down, next teammate runs, tries to cure me, Allen dude chops her with sword, she is down. Last teammate runs, kneels down to heal me, alien dude chops her with sword. All dead. Yay! Shoot him first retards!!!
    Damn hunters killed me :/ hate those big aliens. Usually one shot from a rocket launcher finishes them. Need 3 in this game.
    /me gives a surprise glomp attack:nekopara_hug:
    I requested it just to practice my Japanese, yep that's the only reason lol. :pinocchio:

    Yeah. X1 sucks to install games. Got the game at 11 AM. Couldn't play till 3 PM :/ if it wasn't for exclusives like halo I would take my baseball bat to the damn thing :/ at least the game is fun. Better then Halo 4, but nowhere near the level Halo was when Bungie was the developer. Those days are long gone :(
    Stupid Xbox One! Got Halo 5. Put the disc in ready to play. But I forgot :/ it's a Xbox One. Both PS4 and Xbox 1 require you to install hard copy games before you play. On PS4? You can play in about 40 seconds. Xbox One? 20 minutes! Sometimes longer! Microsoft said "we don't know why it takes so long on X1 opposed to PS4" you don't know? Well you made the damn thing stupid fucks!
    Well it's mostly to talk to our oldest brother. He has been making a lot of stupid decisions lately that's affecting his whole family. Need to talk some sense into him. He needs to understand that since he is married with kids he needs to make decisions thinking of his whole family not only himself.
    Yeah, Lol. As long as they make costumes I like then I don't mind too much. I'm liking the game so far though.

    BTW. Have my brother, sister in law, niece and nephew visiting tomorrow so might not be on for a few days.
    Yeah, work therapy kinda opened my eyes for baking :3 Sure, I don't mind!

    At the start you usually think "eh, I can handle kids well" and then you end up realizing that you overestimated yourself when it comes to that. The combarison of being with my siblings compared to working with 20 different children is a HUGE difference ><
    Yeah, if they can pay $20,000 to watch a baseball game, then I'm sure they will be okay losing that money. Still, I would be pissed haha. Rich people problems lol.

    Some dude at my work wants to buy my Supergirl PVC for $180, but I think I will keep it. She is very rare and hard to find. Lucky I found her for a good price.
    Aw,I wish you were here:dontleave:

    Why those people cant even do only 1 easy job :angvoodoo:

    I'll be waiting unown :bigeyes:

    Well, Chicago Cubs got eliminated in the semi finals :( so I hope everyone who bought those $20,000+ tickets to see the Cubs in the final round will get a refund lol.
    I hope we can talk again soon:dontleave:

    /me glomps back unown ~:nekopara_hug:
    Oh well,you're really a busy man then :)
    I hope you can find the peace that calms you enough,your dad must be grateful to you ~

    I see..well its really fun when you're here so dont get lost too much Im sure im not the only person who misses you xD

    Aw thanks for asking about me :D Im doing fine but time to time these days are really bad :sigh: but im keeping it cool xD
    lol, aww. But seriously, I thinks it's kind of dirty for the league to charge those prices, they know people will pay since if the Cubs win the championship they will be witnessing sports history and people want to be there for that. They are gonna make a fortune off of that :/
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