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  • And here I was all exciting thinking maybe I could get a ticket for $200-300 lol. Had a heart attack when I saw those prices lol.
    Also, these are the prices for front row tickets if the Cubs make the final round :/ in comparison I can usually buy a pretty good ticket for $70. The baseball league is charging insane prices since its been over 100 years since the Cubs last won the championship. They will have no problem selling every ticket either.

    I see thanks. I use uTorrent also.

    Wish I would have bet money on the Cubs. I was thinking of going to Vegas before the season started and putting $1,000 on the Cubs to win this year. Wish I did :( got a feeling it's their year.

    Tales of Zestiria, Halo 5, Cod BO 3, Fallout 4, MGSV, new Tomb Raider... My wallet is crying lol. So many games releasing I want.
    Do you use a download manager? I usually use Mipony but it has been crashing way too much lately, so wondering what you use.
    Also, 8 more wins and the Chicago Cubs baseball team will be champions for the first time since 1908!

    Now to do something about the Chicago Bears :/ the terrible American Football team from Chicago.
    Yeah, EU always gets screwed by things like that. A ton of games that never made it to EU also. Mostly Nintendo games though.

    Yep, when they first announced that game they mentioned it won't be getting a release outside of Japan since the second one (which was 360 only) didn't sell well. I had the first one on th original Xbox and it was quite entertaining. The volley part of it was fantastic, and not just because Hitomi in a bikini, but it was actually a solid game of volleyball. And installing your own music CD's to make your own custom soundtrack in the game was a plus. If it does get a western release I'll be buying it. Let's keep our fingers crossed. I'll sign the petition.

    Even if they release it as a download only I'll buy it
    Oh nice, they look good! Gonna get Hitomi's. Love Kasumi's elf ears lol. Gonna get LeiFengs as well.

    Yeah, EU got screwed with the PS4 :/ maybe you can call your local game shop and ask if they have the Uncharted bodel 500 GB model and if it's on sale. Still Sony screwed EU. There reason? PS4's sell a lot in EU so they don't need a price drop, well last I checked PS4's sell a lot in Japan, and USA and they got price drops.

    Chicago Cubs won last night! One of the Cubs players (who is Dutch) hit a game winning homerun! One more win and they will move to the semifinals!
    Well, I'd like to work as an electrician but ever since I started baking stuff I've gotten a bit interested in that too. So maybe a baker is a possible path too. I used to think that children would be nice to work with, but the effort of it all compared to the pay doesn't feel so fair lol
    Looks like right now for Europe the only way to get the PS4 Price Cut is to get the 500 GB uncharted bundle. Their is a 1 TB, and 50O GB Uncharted bundle. But looks like it won't be permanent it's only for this bundle if you can still fine one. Was released a few days ago on October 9th.

    So looks like Japan/USA got a permanent price drop while EU only has a temporary price drop for one bundle, and only at specific stores. Doesn't seem fair if you ask me :/ maybe you will get lucky and find one though.
    Yeah currently I 'm playing alpha sapphire next I'm going to get pokemon Y

    and added =)
    I've just been fine here! Work therapy stuff still going strong but gonna try to practice work somewhere soon. Self-esteem is beginning to reach a manageable level now compared to earlier.

    Sounds awesome! Well, as long as stuff is going well it's good enough!
    Yeah Sony is releasing a 1 terabyte PS4 for $400, so the 500 GB model is getting dropped by $50 to $349 in Japan and US. But not sure about Europe.

    Valkyrie Drive on the Vita looks fun, will probably import it.
    Awesome : D

    give me your friend code
    my friend code: 4442 - 1421 - 3106

    actually at first it wasn't bad but now I have to wake everyday at 5:30 am for ride even though my classes are at 10am all because the bus driver screwed me up decided not to take me anymore =/
    Did the PS4 price drop in EU as well? Or was that only in Japan and US?

    Only a $50 price drop, but it's something I guess.
    Yeah, those are two of my favorites. They should remake/remaster them all on PS4. Would be awesome. I would but them all again if they did that.
    I'm not either, I like Star Trek, but I like futuristic shooters so it interest me. Still, I wouldn't mind another CoD based off World War 2. Wonder if they will ever go back to that.

    Her surgery went well, only took about 45 minutes.
    About to leave to take my mother to a dentist appointment. She is having oral surgery and they are gonna knock her out with happy gas, so I need to drive her back home since she will be all drugged up, gonna bring my 3DS and catch up on some games while I wait lol.
    Yeah I'm not sure what those things are either? Insect wings or something?

    I like almost everything except the price :/ why so expensive :/
    I'm great just busy with college.

    question do you play 3ds often?
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