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  • After getting some of the Senran Kagura DLC costumes in DOA 5, I decided to try the Senran Kagura game on the Vita. Honestly, I thought it would be all fan service, and have crappy gameplay, but I'm actually surprised how much I enjoy it. It's basically Dynasty Warriors with anime girls. Which is good. IMO anyway. Might get the new one if it releases in the U.S.

    BTW, have you watched the Senran Kagura anime? Wonder if it's any good. So many animes I need to watch. Don't even know where to start :/
    Yep, those 4 figures. I feel Good Smile is ripping me off with Cordelia though. Don't get me wrong, she is lovely, and well sculpted, but she is also 16,000 yen. 16,000!!! Like, WTF? Seriously? Way to rip off your customers. Of course I am still getting her though.

    Right now I have the purple haired demon thingy, but I have the blonde haired one one pre-order. I will probably sell the purple haired one when I get the blonde haired one though, either that or give it to one of my friends.

    Yeah, I know the feeling, I added up my figure spending spree this year, and it's about $600, that's why I decided to put it to a quick stop, it gets addicting with the collecting, and you can easily empty your bank account if not careful. So I am only getting 1 more this year, that's it. And next year I have those 4 on pre-order, and I'll probably get 1 more after those next year and that's it also. Need to set a limit, and only get the ones I think are the absolute best.

    Well, let me know if you get a PS4. It should be a bit cheaper now. It's a great system to have. Is BO3 only for next gen systems?
    Yeah, they look nice, but I haven't decided if I will get them yet.

    I have these 4 on pre-order, but they don't release till next year.

    Other then those, I decided to end my figure buying spree for now (I go on sprees sometimes haha) I decided (not including pre-orders) I will only buy one more figure this year, haven't decided which one yet, so gotta make it a good one. Let you know if you see any figures I would like.

    Comic Con was good. Had a fun time, I will post pics soon. Found 2 figs there I was looking for.
    Kirigiri from Danganronpa. I can't get her foot to attach to the chair. Not even close actually. And I left Monokuma (the bear) in the box since he takes up to much space on the base which I don't like.

    Also got X-23, another Bishoujo figure by Kotobukiya. She looks great next to Supergirl will post pics of those 2 later also.

    Had to cut Comic Con short though cause my great uncle was hospitalized with all sorts of health issues, they gave him about 48 hours. I wasn't that close to him, since I only met him a few times, but still sad.

    Also, played the Black Ops 3 beta on PS4. Looks amazing.
    Well, I'm probably getting Rise anyway, but I think Phat is using her popularity to increase the price a bit on her. Think she is worth 10,800 yen? I know the quality will be good though, since it's Phat.

    I'm not familiar with this character, but I think she looks great so I might get her. What do you think?

    Considering her as well. Again, not familiar with the character, I think she looks nice is all.

    P.S. COMIC CON TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    She looks nice! Love the pose and her little penguin friend!

    BTW, I got Mika Jougasaki the other day. What do you think?

    I think she is great overall. Nice quality, and love the base, but I think it's a bit too "girly" what do you think?

    P.S. She is by Phat! I have a couple of their figures, and I really like their quality. I think they are a underrated figure company. New Rise Kujikawa figure is by Phat!
    Don't worry I'll make sure to take pics of the comic con. Hopefully I'll find some nice figures at decent prices. My brother, his wife, and her brother are going as well. Should be a lot of cosplayers there as well.

    Hopefully some day you can make a Comic Con trip. You go to New York sometimes, right? Maybe you can plan your next NY trip around the New York Comic Con.

    :EDIT: hmm, while Chicago is next, I don't see New York on the Comic Con list anytime soon :(

    :2nd EDIT: found it here. New York Comic Con is October 8-11. That's relatively close though, so I doubt you'll have time to plan a trip for it :(

    Don't know what to think of this figure :/ just saw it on tomopop.
    Yeah, they could have been. I also don't like that they added Cornelius (the rabbitt) would prefer if it was just Velvet.

    Yep. I'm getting the Rise. Its by Phat and they make decent quality figures. Hope she is a reasonable price. Some of these recent figure prices are insane in my opinion.
    Yeah, she is a nice figure. If she was a bit cheaper then I would say you should buy it.

    Hopefully a good fig company makes a Sachi for you.

    BTW. What does you think of Velvets finished design by Alter? I think she is lovely.

    I think I will buy her even at a premium price. She is too lovely to pass up in my opinion

    :EDIT: RISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BTW. Hope the next Fire Emblem figure they make is of Nowi
    I think once I get some other bigger figures next to her she won't look as odd. She is really nice though. Like her a lot.

    I think that she is nice, but like you said the stitching is sloppy. And she she bit of a hefty price tag in my opinion, I wouldn't pay that much for her, but that's just me. I love the carrot she has though, it looks very nice. I would pay $85 for her.

    Alter is going to re-release Mercedes from Odin Sphere at her original price. She has a great pose, and base. Her build looks good too. But her face seems off, I don't like it. And that's huge for me. So I'm on the fence about her.
    Kuhehehe~ Just my speeecial way of saying "hello". And you should know that resistance only makes it that much more enjoyable.
    Sorry had to split the VM in 2 since it was too long :/ first time that has happened to me. This is the 2nd half of the VM

    As for the few issues I mentioned, #1. She is fucking huge!! A giant! Look at her compared to my poor Momohime.

    She makes ALL of my figures look like small toys in comparison. I really don't like that cause she looks a bit odd next to them.

    #2, her base is just meh. especially when compared to the other 2 Odin Sphere figures by Alter (She will tower over those as well)

    #3, she has 2 tiny clips that keep her chain in place. So tiny if they fall out I might lose them. I had to crawl on my knees a few times already looking for them :/ I can see this being a problem. Especially with my cat.

    Other then that she is great, excellent quality, and paint job. And her chain is very durable, and the crystals attached to her chain look amazing in person. I am satisfied with her, just wish she was a tad shorter, and had a prettier base.

    P.S. Once I figure out how to remove her skirt I'll post a "dat ass" pic lol/
    I'm getting Marie Rose, Hitomi. Leifeng, Momoji, and Kokoro.

    Also, here is my Velvet. She is a beauty. Though a couple issues keep her from getting a 10.

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