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  • Well they said online features like weapon paint shop, and eSports tools (whatever those are) won't be available on last gen consoles either so I doubt it. Still, only a $10 price drop when half the game is missing is shitty IMO, not worth it if you ask me. Another reason for you to upgrade to PS4 soon! I just wish PS4 played PS3 games, Sony fucked up with that if you ask me.
    Hellos unown how are you?

    //slaps with a trout
    Well i want to take her with me with for my rides with my bike i like scenery and landscape images also some close up photos from flowers butterflies mostly nature. It's given to say that the camera won't be used only for that purpose only. I want also this camera to carry it daily at the building sites that we my family's company are building to take pictures, Also as a member of National Service For Buildings Security i would take the camera and taking pictures of suspicious areas from buildings, but i tried with compact cameras with no good results. I want also this camera to be used as taking photos of Ready made houses, building complex, apartments, that we have build or we want to rent or to by for the also my family's company that is also in Real Estate industry.

    So i will be using as a hobby photographer and also as tool for my work. Though my work is more at the office i have more to do over with AutoCAD & 3D Max Studio and Maya Studio.

    But also in my free time i will go all the way to photography i am starting loosing interest in rendering and gfx. After looking some photos over a gallery i got amazed and i thought that a new path opened for me :D
    No problem, in the end i not going to spend money on any second hand cameras.

    I am targeting those two (brand new)

    Nikon D7200 Body 1.200 Euro. 24.3MP - Lens AF-S 18-105m VR 150 Euro & AF-S 55-300m VR 350 Euro (All new)
    Nikon D615 Full Frame Body 1.400 Euro. 24.3MP - Lens AF-S 27-55mm 187 Euro & AF-S 18-70m 450 Euro (All new)

    I don't know i might go with the Full frame D615 i saw a low light images and i was amazed. Also the D7200 was a super shutter speed faster than any Nikon Full Frame D600/615 & 700/750.
    Both of them have advantages and disadvantages I did go and tried the D90, D3200, D3300 and A D5300 and the 3 D7XXX cameras but the D7200/7100 i got thrilled and more thrilled with D615.

    I also saw some very old D300s full frame with Wifi controler up to 4 different wifi flash for shooting with 4 way different light source i was thrilled and it was a machine from 2008 with 12,3MP Amazed! It's given that Nikon is the leader in DSLRs though there is the Pentax K3IIs with the Low Light Filter and a high antialising system that goes with par with D7100 only in few areas the D7200 are better from K3IIs. Cannon stopped at 18,1MP though their image processor are lower quality from Expeedia Series processors from Nikon.
    Also only the new D7200 was given the new 24.3 censor from Sony on pair with Expeedia 5 is a killer combination. (all the other models till now where running on a custom made Toshiba & Epson censors).

    Anyway i am going for a whole brand new kit i might look for a dual Nikon external flash.

    I am so excited with the new hobby of mine :D
    Will you get Dead or Alive Extreme 3 (the beach volleyball/mini games) if it releases in the west?

    Also, they actually released a figure for that Moe Chronicle Monster Girl game I was telling you about lol. I'm not gonna get it cause I think it looks bad, and way too expensive, but still thought it was funny.
    Yeah, the game looks good. Really hoping on a western release.

    Yeah, that figure looks great overall, seriously considering getting it. However, the cheapest I see it right now is $200, which in insane, if it gets $100 (I think it's worth $100) or below I might snatch it. I'll wait and see.

    Also, I think this one is way better as I mentioned earlier, the sculpting, and her face are better. The other was was nice too, but a bit plain IMO.
    Yeah I really don't read mangas either :dead: I'll check it out though.

    Now that you mention it, I believe I have watched Sasameki Koto before. I think it's another anime that I wanted a season 2 for, but never happened.

    Never watched the others though, I will check them out. Thanks!

    I really like the pillows on the first figure, but the 2nd figure looks better overall. Especially the face. I would go for the 2nd! Gonna go on a figure buying spree? lol

    Also, buy me this!!!! I like this, but too embarrassed to display it in my house lol. It's actually very well sculpted, and painted. The figure looks way better then the artwork IMO.

    Think it's worth getting if I just keep it boxed? Lol.
    Any other yuri anime you recommend? That was the first one I watched and I found it quite enjoyable (well, I have also watched Candy Boy if that is considered Yuri, but more borderline incest I guess though I liked it as well)
    Nice man! Glad you have a good time.

    As for the DOA DLC, I think I'll get Hitiomi, Kokoro, and Momiji. And Possibly Phase 4, and Nyotengu. What about you?

    No Season 2 of Sakura Trick? /me jumps off cliff. How can they leave it like that? That's just mean lol. Just when it was starting to heat up too. Does the manga continue the story?

    Like I said, I'm no longer buying figures this year so I'm not getting this, but this one looks nice I think anyway. Pricey though.
    Hey man, how was your vacation?

    Also, please tell me Sakura Trick has a season 2!!
    Thanx unown :)

    I found this set Nikon D7000 with AF-S DX Nikkor 18-105 Lens & Hoya UV Filter (23.000 clicks) all together 550 euro or say 615$

    And i am thinking of buying it the only thing is the 23.000 clicks i read at dpreview that D7000 Shutter mechanism is tested by Nikon up to 150.000 clicks.
    What i should do? should i buy that package? He is also giving me 2x 32GB SDHC x66 speed memory cards (including in the price) because that Model 7000 / 7100 / 7200 can take 2 SD Cards.

    Are you satisfied with D5100?
    Thanks for the recommendations, I will check them out.

    Yeah, the game is a bit too much for me lol. Decided to sell it on eBay. Luckily it's selling for more then I paid for it so that's good.

    Oh nice. Have fun man! Take pics! I'll talk to you when you get back.
    Okay, so I decided on importing this Vita game called "Moe Chronicle" because it has Monster Girls (I like monster girls) and because it's one of the few import Vita games with English Subs. Bad idea. The game is terrible! While I do like the Monster Girls I get, the rest of the game is a train wreck. From the enemy design, to the story, and voice acting. The last enemy I fought was named "Condom Golem" which was literally a golem made out of condoms :/ the story is that all monster girls have gone crazy and to cure them I need to find the legendary magic panties. That's it. The whole story. Needless to say I'm probably selling this on eBay :/

    Oh yeah, other enemy called "Pantsu Man" that wears Pantsu on his head and has a cape. :/
    :hi: unown :)

    Question i remember you mentioned you have an D-SLR but i can't remember the Brand name and model you have.

    Anyway are you Familiar with Nikon D7000? I found one second hand Nikon D7000 with AF-S DX Nikkor 18-105 Lens & Hoya UV Filter with 23.000 clicks those clicks are to much?

    I need new machine because mine HP945 it's more than decade old... has left me and because i haven't bought ever since till now a Photo Camera i am still clueless...

    Thanx man!
    Well, guess I'll skip that anime then. Just found out the new game in the series is getting a U.S./EU release in November. Plus it has characters from Dead or Alive as DLC. hope they add Hitomi, and Marie Rose!

    I tried watching the Danganronpa anime, I didn't like it that much. I guess it's because I played the VN first on Vita, and the anime leaves out so much stuff from the VN. Kinda like watching a not so good movie adaptation after reading a good book. But it might be good for people who never played the VN.

    Any anime that you recommend? What are your favorites?

    I'll let you know if I find out how to get that Marie Rose costume.

    BTW, looks like the new Senran Kagura is PS4, and Vita only. No PS3 which is kinda weird since it's getting a Vita version.
    That's great! I'm going to Japan for a short holiday at the end of the year, really looking forward to it
    Awww, don't be like that kami-sama D:

    I do drop by to check out the KanColle thread, since there's an event going on now

    You don't seem to be as active as before either :/
    Also, do you know how to get this limited Marie Rose Red Bull costume? Apparently you need a special code, but I don't know how to get it :(

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