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  • I had fun watching you sleep~:runhappy:
    I have Paypal set up as my payment method.

    You can buy games on the PSN store using your PC and have it download to your Vita automatically
    lol, maybe it's just my Vita but I have trouble browsing the PSN Store App on my Vita, always says it timed out and kicks me out :/

    Doesn't happen all the time but enough.
    Looks like you were right, I see Digimon for Vita on the PSN Store. Gonna pick it up?
    I think it's more Sony's fault. I mean they basically ignored the system, never brought it to E3 or any special events, didn't put much effort into devopling first party games, or attempting to get 3rd party support for the system. Made custom memory cards that have insulting prices, should have made the vita play PS2 Classic games on the PSN Store, should have made more PSP games available to download etc... Sony killed it themselves unfortunately.
    I think it's perfect for this month~
    What would you name it if you'd make it?:reallyconfused:
    That song you posted is so sweet x3
    Eh I guess i'll break in and steal your cookies then (-_-)
    Yeah basically, as much as I hate to admit it cause I love my Vita, but the console is basically dead. Only a few JRPG's and such ever make its way to the system now :( sad because it had so much potential.
    I'm getting scared when you're away too much :wasclose:
    So happy to talk together as well~:fulfilled:
    I feel like complimenting you and showing how much i love you:bigeyes:
    You're the only person that I talk with this much xD -40 pages of vm lol-
    So you don't like K-chan?:sowwy:
    Then why would you place cameras and watch me?:reallyconfused:
    Do you like me or something?
    You should get a trophy for being a master stalker
    Well it's basically just a VN, but you can move around the school, and buy gifts to give to other characters and raise their affection level and such. The gameplay comes after the murders, you have to go around the school looking for clues, then you have a trial and everyone discusses the murders and clues and try to decide "whodunit" if you select the correct person basically they are executed, if you select they wrong person then the person who committed the murder gets to leave and everyone else dies, basically game over. Doesn't sound too exciting I guess buts it's a great VN and a well told/written story. Just don't watch the anime. It's abysmal.
    Basically a murder/mystery VN. People trapped in a school and only way to escape is to kill someone in your group without getting caught. It's good though.

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