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  • *boop*
    Infa~ are you available huggable at the moment?
    Yeah, remember in Awakening how the child characters had a unique conversation with the mothers, but the fathers were generic conversations with the exception of Chrom and male MC. Well, here it's reversed, the fathers have the unique conversation with there child, while the mothers are the generics, so Kana will talk about flowers regardless of who the male MC gets S Rank with.

    The exemptions in this game are female MC, Azura, and Selena who was Severa from Awakening, if she marries Subaki she will tell their daughter Caeldori how much she looks like her mother Cordelia and that she feels inferior to both her perfect mother, and now perfect daughter. As far as I know those are the only exceptions.
    In Awakening mostly when S rank was achieved one proposed to their partner and they married, here it's not the same. Some couples will say they marry, others that they just started to date, depends who you S rank with. Either way you produce a child if you marry or just are dating.
    Lol, I actually like Morgan better in Awakening but Kana is cute too.

    Did you marry Rinkah?

    Having the royals from Nohr and Hoshido marry each other is fun too. Expect Takumi marrying Elise, he was a huge ass to her :/
    Lol. No one likes Takumi, he is a whiny bitch.

    I had Oboro (his retainer that he is in love with) marry his older brother instead lol.

    Team up Nina (the BL fanatic) and Soleil (Yuri/lesbian girl) their conversations are pretty funny.
    Are you gonna reclass her, or promote her to a advanced class?

    Right now I'm leveling Nina, and Caeldori, she is basically a Cordelia clone from Awakwning. Looks, and acts like her.

    Having Selena as her mother (Selena marrying Subaki) is interesting in their conversations.
    Nice. I haven't romanced her yet.

    BTW, visited your castle in the game and recruited your MC Ruby from your first play through.
    Who do you plan to romance? I like Felicia the best so far in terms of romancing with the male mc, but only got S rank 3 times so far. Once in each version.

    If you plan to S rank Azura in revelation you will find out a secret between the MC a Azura in the later chapters.
    If you get Revelation then pair these 2 child characters together, only way to get them both at once is in Revelation since you have all the characters.

    Selkie is a Kitsune, and Velouria is Keaton's daughter so she is also a werewolf thingy.

    Selkie has high res, so magic attacks basically bounce off her, Velouria has high def, and str so she is good against non magic users, and paired with Selkie her dodge ability increases making her hard to hit. Basically pair them and have Selkie take out magic users, and Velouria take out everyone else. After a while they will basically be unstoppable together.
    Do you think you will purchase Birthright and/or Revelation after Conquest?

    I just want the Anna DLC to release so I can recruit her again like in Awakening.
    Yeah lol. I think it's meant for mutiple playthroughs when you don't feel like leveling anymore and just want to get all the conversations between characters lol.
    And you can always do Phoenix mode if it gets too tough. Your dead units return your next turn making your army immortal lol.
    Mozu is only good for one thing. And that's to pass on the Aptitude Skill to her child lol.

    Also when Playing conquest, the exp map is the only DLC map that you can gain exp and raise weapon levels. Other maps like the gold map won't give you exp, or raise weapons levels. In Birthright and Revelation all the DLC maps give you exp and raise weapon levels.
    No it's not just you. Remember how I was telling you that Conquest was more like the older GBA era Fire Emblems? Its more difficult, harder to level up, and limited opportunities for exp. Its meant to be played on hard mode with classic option. But yeah, even on normal and casual mode it's difficult. Now Birthright is more like Awakening. Easier to level up, and unlimited growth potential since you can replay maps over and over for exp and gold. Revelation is a mix of the two. Has conquest difficulty, but birthrights unlimited growth potential
    Yeah, I had a female character in Skyrim as well. Never finished all the quest in it :/

    Yep, she can be a lesbian, and the archer with the eyepatch on the conquest side is gay, so a male MC can marry him lol. Fair is fair I suppose.

    Noooooo!!!! Now you will have a bishe harem!!! :reallydespaired:

    Unless that is what you wanted! :surprised:

    Later Lilith dies in the story and you have to feed her corpse :/ and she appears as a ghost in invasions :/

    BTW, on the Birthright side if you create a female character you can marry Rhajat, she is the only girl you can marry in the game if your MC is female.
    Yep. They recently built a huge Amazon distribution center out here. They needed over 3,000 employees for all the shifts.

    But that's only my part time job, my main job I work at another distribution center for a grocery store called Meijer which is also only in the Midwest, though I believe they might be expanding further. Have you heard of HEB? Meijer is basically that but out here.

    Yeah, you get a Dragonstone + later as well. Who are you gonna have your MC marry?

    Because after a while it just feels like a waste of time :(

    If you use Amiibos, the Fire Emblem Amiibos well add those characters in the game that you can recruit. I only have the Lucina, and Robin (Awakwning MC) Amiibos though.
    I actually work at Amazon, oh, the crazy things I have to pack there lol.

    Yeah you don't really need to raise the sword level for the MC since that's the only sword he really needs.

    Revelation is fun too since you have the characters from both sides.

    Also, feeding the dragon Lilith gets so annoying after a while :/
    Might only be in your region :( I think jewel is only on the Midwest (Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio) I think that's it lol.
    I never heard of it :( that a grocery store? We have a grocery store called Jewel in Illinois, but they don't carry them.
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