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  • Aww glad you started calling me -chan x3 I'm alright, just finished writing last month's wow results and downloaded the game clover library~ How's your day so far?=)
    Aww glad that it made you happy~ you're really a nice person >.< Thank you for the Toma gift, I love it~
    Here are few gifts :3



    Have a great day!
    Gama-chan being gama-chan xDDD
    Right now you aren't punished....xD I don;t remember punishing you xDDD are you a M or something? xDDDDDDD
    Ohh, nice ^^ say hello to Kei-chan for me then xDD
    Like I said, chill xDD you don;t need to say sorry for this ^^ or for anything you say, I told you this many times xDDD
    Yeah, I agree it is too much...but what can I do....*sigh* Pfss, well, you can play some nice otome games meanwhile xDD Also... Keio-chan? :/ xDD
    Yeah, well....what can I say, finals are horrors -___- 12 exams and the distance between them are like 2-3 days, but even that is nor enough...*sigh* Anyway, after july I have the practic thingy, but I won't be so busy I suppose and I will have more time ^^ hang in there, Gama-chan *hugs*

    Why not, knowing me, you need to expect anything xDDD
    Haa, do you thought I will finish so early? xDD Until late July, I have only exams :( Rip me xDD It is ok, you don't disturb me, I can't study 24/24 anyway so chill xDDD

    P.S what do you think of my improved avatar? xDD
    here and there xD I have an exam today regarding something on computer so.....I got distracted while working xDD Hence my new pic xDD ahahahah
    P.s. hmm, you can give VM decent enough from the mobile (as I am now on mobile) xDD
    Haaa. Ok I noticed I messed my exam order as I thought today is always happen to me xDD exam yesterday. One today and another one tomorrow. My hellish month began!
    Btw..*pokes back* xDD
    Yes! I still play them~
    I can never escape from this idol hell >w< They bind me, ahaha
    I tried googling for reviews about your first traumatic experience with BL games, gosh, that sure was scary o_o
    And hello! Maybe this is kinda too late, but you can call me Kei ;>
    Feeling good, thanks for asking *high five*
    I've got plenty of visual novels I wanna play that haven't been translated (mostly 18 rated otome xD) I'm learning Japanese but it's slow going. I guess I could try using VNR though, I have it but I've not used it yet. There's a game coming out on Wii U only that I want called Tokyo Mirage Sessions, I used to have a Wii U but I had to sell it to raise money for my rabbits operation so now I will have to buy one back T_T
    Okay! Well, I am going offline as I have to read the mangas Mon-chan said for me to read.:D So, bye!
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