
  1. 君の魔名はリナ・ウィッチ

    [Japanese] 君の魔名はリナ・ウィッチ

    Release / 販売日 - 2015/11/20 Company / ブランド名 - Lilith Password / パスワード - biohrd Download part 1: Click here part 2: Click here
  2. Dark Angel

    [Discussions] SOTM#35 - December 2015

    We are now officially opening the forum's "SOTM#35 Discussion Thread". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discussion Thread: You may post your questions, inquiries and suggestions here. You may also critique and comment with the artworks here. (You may...
  3. Dark Angel

    [Entries] SOTM#35 - December 2015

    We are now officially opening the forum's "Signature of the Month Contest Round #35". Special Rules for SOTM: * Images in signature for this round must be within 500px in width and 300px in height. * You are not allowed to put specific usernames on the signature. * Images should be either in...
  4. nanashi1

    Fast, before still Sep. passes (but at Pichu is it nevertheless too late...:deadsad:)...

    Well, happy b'B'day Pichu!!! In all names of ASF we're wishing for you an long and healthy life, let's a another 1000 years be...!!!:goodtea: ryuraze; Neko; pichu655889; Shinseph; TheWikiHow; Brandish; Dark Angel; DreamCa7ch3r; TsubameGaeshi; T-ELOS; AhGwee; GenKiDan; Hinode; nawi; Ralium...
  5. nanashi1

    An actual, and an delayed B'day...

    Happy B'day K-chan (|♚| KK |♚|), and happy b'B'day D'angel (Dark Angel)!!! Well, K-chan doesn't know much the most of us here, even that she meanwhile about a year on ASF's ship is. But what I can about her say; that she a nice and friendly kouhai is what I ever seen have... Well, let's along...
  6. What is your zodiac sign?

    Well mine is libra birthday is 29th september
  7. nanashi1

    Well, the last summer B'day: Happy B'day Raly (Ralium)!

    Well, my high valued friends let's the last day of the summer with an B'day finish, and there is randomly a good friend out of our "little" circle, where exactly today his special day has. Where then... Raly, we the ASF family we wish for you an enjoyable day/time today, enjoy your day with...
  8. nanashi1

    Well, the B'day series rolls and rolls... - And this times at Shin (Shinseph): Happy B'day Shin!!!

    Well, just now did' noticed that you today your B'day have, where then sorry for the delay...xD Anyway... Happy B'day Shin, I hope that you an nice day have in your special day today; enjoy the day with your beloved ones, cakes, gift, etc. Live long healthy and wise^_^! ryuraze; Neko...
  9. nanashi1

    Happy B'day Unown-kun (unownhgss)!!!

    Well, it was really long ago since I an B'day thread made have, but it's again the time some to make: And we start with our really close buddy called Unown-kun^_^! And again: Happy B'day Unown-kun, I wish for you along with your family/friends an nice time in your special day today - With a...
  10. Anayomex

    [LPW #126] Come, Join us, along with our friends and neighbors!

    Rules for any possible Newbs, you are most welcome! I.) No double, triple... posting! II.) A 2199 th post will grant you a win! III.) The winner can create a new LPW Or pass the honor to another member! IV.) LPW can only be won 3 consecutive times and the winner of 3 consecutive wins...
  11. nanashi1

    [LPW #113] Let's go party...!!!

    ~Hey guys, let's us the senses turn out, and let's us dance until tonight!!!~ Well, welcome to LPW 113 (Remembers almost on an police phone number XD) my highly valued friends & guests, I hope that you all for the next 2345 posts a lot fun have will, and the time then with the usually...
  12. nanashi1

    The anime-chart for the Fall season 2014.

    Well, in bit more than month starts the next season/program for us, and I've now the first valid chart of our friends from - I hope that you the next season also so enjoying will, how I already...:goodtea: unownHGSS; Asuka Langley; Dark Angel; @Calculator...
  13. Anayomex

    [LPW #106] hmm... Hot summer...?

    Well, nothing special except that is too [hl-blue]As usual rules for the LPW are:[/hl-blue] Insignificant spam (staff discretion applies) is not accepted. Chit chat is allowed Quoting quotes - quotes within quotes, or quote-ception - is not allowed. Double, triple posting and so on are...
  14. nanashi1

    [LPW #105] The last lord of the civil war (1477~1600) will the winner of whole Japan (and of the LPW 106)...

    Well, I've this time the Sengoku-age chosen, because I'm very interested in that/this period of Japan's history - Where then spontaneously OnY in my mind fallen is... [hl-red]Well, now to the holy rules of LPW:[/hl-red] Well, from now can I say: Have fun with this, and take the control about...
  15. nanashi1

    [LPW #100] Well, welcome in the 100th Holy Grail War my high valued masters^^!

    Well, I've this time a Fate-theme chosen, because soon the re-make of Fate/stay night goes... Everybody knows that the LPWs actually a game is - Catch the targeted post-principle game - And I've because of this a RPG-element extension thought after. What then logical been is from me Fate/stay...
  16. Anayomex

    [LPW #89] “We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public.”

    Finally won a LPW after a short long time. :fulfilled: Rules: Insignificant spam (staff discretion applies) is not accepted. Chit chatting is allowed. Quoting quotes is not allowed. Double posting is not allowed. The user making the 2379 post can make a new LPW or pass on the honor to...
  17. nanashi1

    Well, a another year has you catched Anti^^!

    Well, happy Bday Anti (AntiClimax)!!! [hl-darkblue]Well, my beloved and highly valued friends, Welcome^^! We're again together met, at a friend and soulmate from us his specially day to celebrate: Well, he has in the 3 year since he in ASF active is/was a lot members/guests happy made, but...
  18. nanashi1

    Well, happy Bday Inori-chan!!!

    [hl-pink]Happy Bday Inori-chan!!![/hl-pink] Well, welcome my very high valued friends! We're again together met, at a very important (especially in my case) person out of our community her Bday to celebrate. - I can me good on the day remember than I with Inori-chan met: On the this day was...
  19. nanashi1

    A "little" event between the two Eves^^!

    Happy Bday Coro (Corocoro)!!! Well, welcome my beloved friends of ASF, we're again together come, at/by a very very and very important person out of our community to celebrate: Without his cooperation were ASF not this, what now is (maybe very bored); He has also his blood, sweat and nerve in...
  20. nanashi1

    [LPW #81] Well, a last min. LPW before the year ends...

    Well, welcome my beloved ASF/LPW-friends, I'm very happy that SB KOS-MOS;) me the permission given has for the first LPW, what I make can; - in this place then again: Thank you very much SB!!! - I'll it than late X-mas gift take from you. Well, time to some details to explain: -...