
  1. nanashi1

    A currently Bday and a missed Bday.

    1st: Happy Bday Naza (Nazaka)!!! Well, to first: Would I than notice say, that this date (Dec. 26th) for some here nothing much says - except who around of Indian-ocean lives (I not, but I know the past very well): Because exactly almost before 10 years was about the countries, what close to...
  2. Anayomex

    ➥Japanese Video Lessons Recorded in Japan (Fun)

    The episodes material (NHK Video Lessons) is from the 80s, however the information is still completely accurate so it's great for a people who wishes to learn the language and get some training from native speakers. Videos are compressed so quality is low however watching it is not boring at...
  3. Anayomex

    ❤ Count the letters into Words ★★★★★

    To truly dominate world numbers aren't enough so we shall start counting letters. :) We shall use English alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Lowercase or Uppercase Counting should be in alphabetical order Example: A B C ......... Y Z AA...
  4. nanashi1

    Well, collected events^^!!!

    Well, collected events^^!!! Well, we're again together met, at some important persons from our community to celebrate - Let we our friendship and respect show, how they always to us shown have, okay? (If not, then will I Renano-chan's poke-machine use, okay guys?...:traitor:) #1: Happy Bday...
  5. nanashi1

    Well, a year goes, but on this empty place goes a new year: Happy birthday Gwee (AhGwee)!!!

    Happy bday Gwee...!!! Well, to first: With this thread want I at Gwee apologize, because I've at last year totally forgot one to make, what I me since that time me a bit shitty feel. I hope, that Gwee me forgive can^^! Well, we're again together met, at/to a very important person from our...
  6. nanashi1

    The trolling game.

    Well, how the title already says, you can freely troll here, and out your soul only so trolling. But there is just a limit/rule: And that, that too personally statements, what already about the limit goes, is not allowed. okay? Well, then have all fun...:goodtea:~>
  7. nanashi1


    Happy bday Darky2(Dark Angel;)!!! Well, welcome my very important guests! We celebrate again a important person in our circle: Our Greek hero has his career on ASF in Feb. started – On beginning had at him not lot crystallized, but after one time is he getting hotter become in the forum. –...
  8. Shir0

    [LPW#68] お姐ちゃん..大好き! >///<

    #Shiki@[Getsuei] The Rules: - Insignificant spam (staff discretion applies) is not accepted. - Chit chat is allowed. - Quoting quotes is not allowed. - Double, triple posting and so on are not allowed. - Once 2791 posts are reached the thread is closed. The user making the post with the number...
  9. nanashi1

    2 x cake, 2 x foods, 2 x drinks, 2 x craziness and 2 x FUN...!!!

    Fast notice: Well, you wonders sure, why this time all double is, not? Because this time we two birthday persosns have, and although: SB (Selvaria Bles) and Myo (Myako). Well, to first... Guys...!!! Let us a person celebrateeeeee....~♫ Where he did always our life on ASF easy made...
  10. Shir0

    [LPW#63] 君と彼女と彼女のOD.. あ、間違えた.. 恋ですか..?

    Umm.. I was given the honour to make this new LPW by Quay today, so I thought "why not give this one or two shots?"~ Without further ado here are the rules.. Rules: - Insignificant spam (staff discretion applies) is not accepted. - Chit chat is allowed. - Quoting quotes is not allowed. -...
  11. nanashi1

    To 100.000th. anniversary, g'gratulation, SAMY....!!!

    You did it, Samy...!!! Well, after a long way, did our high valued friend, Samy managed that we still dream can - he is for us all here a big example: Samy! Still a another 100k p.'s, okay...? :runhappy::runhappy::runhappy::runhappy::runhappy:
  12. nanashi1

    Happy birthday to your Xth. Second (Second_flight)...!!!

    Happy bday Well, before I what to Second the obligatory speech make, would I first mention, that this on GekiDan thanking could it - Because if he me via PM not reported had, then would this thread not exist. Well, it is again a year from our firend gone: Maybe was not always perfect the last...
  13. Kayllin

    Anagram Word Game :D Join up!

    I don't know if this has already been done but anyway why not? I will start off with the word "Manga". Basically the rules are that the person above you types out a word and you have to make an anagram out of it. If you are posting a anagram for somebody to use please put it in either bold or...
  14. Sintarow

    The Wrong Answers to the World's Questions.

    I've had this idea for a really fun sounding form game. I don't know how it will go, but I'm hoping you all will enjoy it and have fun with it. Here's to hoping this game catches on!! Here are the rules. Someone will ask a question, and you have to give the craziest answer you can think of...
  15. nanashi1

    Well, again a bday-thread, but the last for a long time... Anyway, happy bday Ushio (~SnowAngel~)!!!

    Happy birthday to your 20th, Ushio!!! Well, my dear guests/friends, we are again together met at a really important person from our community celebrate. As I with Ushio (Well, I use still the last part of her old name) met have, felt I from beginning, that she really especially is: She is...
  16. nanashi1

    Let's start... Happy birthday Darky!!!

    Happy birthday Darky (DaRk_AnGeL_ZoA)...!!! [Notice: I give it rather now the thread/party, because I'm not sure if I tomorrow (04.06.2013) it give can!] :aloprosen:Well we starting the new bday-season with a person, where he by his obsession for "cute" things always displayed have, and...
  17. nanashi1

    The last bday from this month.... Happ birthday Neko!!!

    Happy birthday to your 22nd, Neko...!!! My dear guests, we are together come at a very important friend/person from us to celebrate, where he since the last more than a year ASF more color given have, and with his artist-ability each here helped and shown have. Well then is the time come for us...
  18. nanashi1

    A endless bday season, not?˘:) ...Anyway, happy birthday Slayn312!!!

    Happy birthday Slay!!! Well it's my turn now to say: "Happy birthday Slay to your 23rd.!!!" - Well what should I about you say...? Hmm... Well you was one my first friends here, you was, and are still one the best friends of ASF, and you're always not just to me but too to the another members...
  19. Shir0

    [LPW #45] Ogura Yui-chan ga Daisuki~

    Rules: I. Insignificant spam (staff discretion applies) is not accepted. II. Chit chat is allowed. III. Quoting quotes is not allowed. IV. Double, triple posting and so on are not allowed. V. Once 2021 posts are reached the thread is closed. The user making the post with the number 2021 can...
  20. nanashi1

    Happy birthday to your 21st. Decalcomania...~!!!

    Happy birthday Decal-san!!! Yeah, I know, that the situation a bit wrong...~ (I know that until your official date still few hours have, but I cannot wait for this more...~) From now are you one year older became (not to ashamed!), you was for me on beginning a secret how at Samy, but after...