『Holy pumpkin... Is Odin fight open available already? And damn that's long and awesome... Although I really hope we will get to see the boss xD Might have to plug in mouth to better target too...』
Yep... It been available since 2 days ago... Behemoth too.... It seem like the whole server where there fighting it and he wipe out everybody.... That end was very funny...... We need a full party to lb him...XD
『Yeah, I guess without parties and LBs it should be near impossible... But yeah, wipe in the end was fun. xD So many corpses ^_^』
I was enjoy watching it... I was like "Oh, they are gonna win" then failed show it with dead bodies everywhere...

Me: 0_o.... Lmao.... Holy S**t... Damn.... Lmao.... XD
『Ahaha... :sigh: I want my copy already... The order status shows shipped, when exactly it will be delivered here, no one knows...』
Well.. Hope you don't get it tomorrow... Maintenance..... This was post up...

[Maintenance] All Worlds Maintenance (Sep. 3)
At the following time, we will be performing maintenance on FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn to perform the operations listed below. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn will be unavailable.

- Addition of new Worlds
- Implementation of countermeasures to handle the influx of concurrent user counts as a result of split processing the duty finder
- Address several known issues

* Clients will update automatically upon launch after the date and time below.

* We will announce details of the fixes at a later time.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

[Date & Time]
From Sep. 3, 2013 5:00 p.m. to Sep. 4, 2013 3:00 a.m. (PDT)
* The completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Service]
『Yeah, I know about that maintenance... I think I posted about maintenance on Wednesday like 2-3 days ago... I don't think I will get it that early anyway... It should be at least Thursday or Friday...』

『But anyways, I finished making sets I wanted to make so right now I can have fun preparing for my MG6 ^_^』
I know you post about it... But I didn't expect it to be that long... Thought it was gonna be 3 hrs max.....
『Well, its still kinda only 10 hours... Could be the whole day...』
Well... It doesn't matter either way... I'll be catch some sleep from that time.......
『I see... Well, have fun playing... I'm off to sleep college... Later...』

『I just read their story about extending Free Trial, and it seems it extends even for people who have yet to enter their registration code if they enter theirs before 9th of September... In other words, if i don't get my copy before 9th, no bonus free week for me >_<』
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Hmm... 5 more days till you get it register.....

Damn.... Garuda fight is hard.... I think I need better equipment.... Got some AF gear already.....

Btw, I found some fates achievement.... Can't get any gold from any of them cuz of fate farmer..... Waiting for you to get it so we can get it together.....
『If I don't get it in these 5 days I'm gonna go and butcher everyone working in our post office...:traitor:

『Btw, I think next Green Armor set comes from lvl44 D-something dungeon in Coerthas...』
:sigh: I keep getting quitter for the garuda fight....

It 47 at Coerthas.... I got the dungeon....
『Nope, thats a wrong one. Lvl47 is The Aurum Vale. And I mean Dzemael Darkhold. Also, shouldn't you get your blue class equipment? I mean, you are 46 already... I see you wearing some pieces of it already...』
Oh... That... I didn't get it yet...XD

I do have all the piece expect the body... I get that when I'm 50... Class quest to get it......
『I see... Btw, can you change color of that gear?』

:sigh: They have 2 days to deliver me my game before I go and butcher those idiots working in the Post Office...』
Nope... Not dyed able....

Lol... Just go and demand it already.... Oh, you forgot to mention that I need to be Sergeant 1st class to get the dungeon...... That mean you need to be that rank to unlock it.... And the dungeon unlock never even stated that also... I see it but was wondering how do I get it cuz my lvl was 44 before.....

Tank always quit on the Garuda fight....:dispirited:
『I see... Too bad... In Summoner class quest you meet a guy who wears gray-colored summoner garb so I thought that maybe you are able to dye it...』

『Tanks are too scared of her? xD』

『And damn... Before, I thought I won't play as tanks, but after seeing all those shitty tanks I really want to try what it is like to play as tank...』

『Well, I guess I will go on Friday and check if Post Office has it already even if they don't deliver me the notice before that... And if they don't have it, on Saturday...:evillaugh:
:sigh: I'm getting pair up with bad tank lately.... Just did that lvl44. dungeon.... Tank say I'm not healing fast enough when the idiots goes and pull the whole mobs in the room.... There was frogs mobs mix in it... So every time I'm casting heal I get suck in to it canceling the cast.... How am I suppose to heal when that happen??? I need to get out of it aoe before I can cast to get pulled in by another one.... If it ain't that mob it another one that on me cuz of hate.... Getting attack also cancel cast....
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『Hmmmm... If you didn't see his post on MG thread it seems that Decalcomania is gonna get too busy to play FFXIV >_<』
Saw it.... Hurry and go get the game... I need titan and topaz to tank...........
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『So its that bad... Hope it delivers tomorrow then... Since 5 days passed from the moment it showed shipped out on status window and it says gets delivered in 5-7 days...』
『Btw, it seems from some bosses sometimes drop some unique items that can be used for crafting home decorations... And to craft them we need to lvl up crafting classes as well...』

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