『Mafia Game 8: Your maddest School Life ever starts from here...』

『Okay, finished updating player statuses to the end of Morning phase... Quite late, I know...:donefor:
Hmm... i said i would pass the role of doctor to kacta if i died but sova just made him doctor... and then he went and blew up the clinic O.o
i like mg4 thats when i first killed samye.... great memories, though ill admit at the start when i was shiki i was working with samye giving him info but the more i got to know [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] the more i wanted him to succeed in his plan
Lol he was trying to get meh on his side but losing the doctor is a fairly big loss i would say?..~ Perhaps anyway...~
yeah and when sin died, i became the new leader, although i didnt like the idea... nawi was a good ally but ogi wasnt....
Well i didnt go around bothering people till the latter half of the game... hadnt established that i was doctor till latish =w=
I miss mafia 4, the character I created was really fun to play.

The best part was, everyone knew I was the mafia boss and they didn't vote for me to die. (After beku saved me)
I had too much control!
Dammit Sammy, remove that question mark!
And I did ^.^, after you ratted me out.
You went against your word..
Hmm.. i didnt until later on when it was obvious you were jinrou? I dont think i said anything before then?...
Jinrou was okay, but the you mentioned the leader portion :P.

Also, I'm finally home!
My vacation officially starts!
『And somewhere in the school, madness grows stronger...:goodtea:
Lol my story isnt even finished :dead: Ill be doing like i did with fear and finishing it while i go.. xD
『Hmmmm... Its quite amusing how a single random action by a random not very active player can crush the long planned action of active one...:goodtea:
『Well, maybe not that long and not that planned, but still crushed xD』
I think I made an action and never got info on the result. Was there a result?
『You did send me some incomprehensible PM but other than that, no actions...』

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