『Mafia Game 8: Your maddest School Life ever starts from here...』

Well it will take me a while to send it.
I'm working on it from my iPad, and will send it from my laptop when done with work.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the powers, so much room for creativity
It looks like the beginning of a tearful love confession. Let's watch!
『Stop whining or I will accidentally forget all items you found till now! xD』
/me stabs his index finger through Nazaka's right eye*
"Now you know I have to dress you in agony before I can kill you!
"But then again, I no qualms with you anymore so I'll have to think about it"
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Well let's see, I kind of placed you into my world... Then I tortured you for a few hours.
Then I has you eaten alive my mindless husk.
Not too fancy sadly.
I.. probably won't mihairu XD

I got eaten?
I guess I had lost consciousness before that happened huh w
No I made sure you didn't.
I also let Sammy have the remaining blood of your body
『You really like killing Nazaka, huh... Leaving him to die in MG4, killing him in MG5, killing him in MG6... He never joined MG7 so couldn't do it there though...』
I recall fear PMing me with "losing consciousness" after you told sam to "we need blood for you" or something, now that you mentioned it

Ho... just realized that my death in all MGs is caused by or influenced by the actions of sin XD (mg5 for sin controlling fear)
Nazaka mafia deaths.

MG4: caused by not having faith in my plan and causing his own down fall.
MG5: MadSova decided to not give Nazaka his weapon, making it easy for fear to capture him (I enacted my revenge in story)
MG6: Still not satisfied from my story in MG5, and seeing through Nazaka's lies (I knew your Sova story was true) I decided it was now time
I won't say anything about MG4
But my deaths in the other MGs do have things to do with you! w
Not MG5, that was fear choice, but I when I found out he was out for your blood I made a change to his weapon.
Just to make it more fun
"I made a change"
Your action influenced my death ._.

Also did you have a grudge on me for being such a pussy in the village? XD
I still wouldn't say that since it was fear's choice first.
I just happened to jump on the bandwagon
If fear would still kill me without the modification you made on his weapons, alright
But still... all my deaths has "sin" mentioned XD
"I made a change"
Your action influenced my death ._.

Also did you have a grudge on me for being such a pussy in the village? XD
I never held a grudge against your skittish nature; I held a grudge because you destroyed 3 hours of work. Your actions let infamous go free, it killed you and later would lead to my death to give the mafia a chance of winning again.

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