[Hentai game] [120323] [戯画] マテリアルブレイブ 初回版 + Update 1.02 [H-Game] [No DVD Patch]

Ok, here is the stats listed by the order they appear on the characters status screen, and their effects and importance on battle and how to raise them:

体力 -> body strength : controls your max Hp, this is one of the 3 most important stats, on my personal opinion the 2nd most important. Yellow Enigmatites raises hp

治癒力 -> healing power : when you defeat the enemy, when combat ends, when moving on the map between areas, the higher it is, the higher it heals your hp. Also decreases the time your are stunned when the enemy counter hits you. This is the 4th most important stat. Blue Enigmatites raises healing power.

腕力 -> Arm strength : Raises the attack power of weapon attacks. The most important stat of all. No matter what character you chose to play with, weapon attacks make the biggest part of your arsenal of attacks, The more you have, the more dmg you deal...ever heard of a best defense is sometimes, a good offense? Well that is true for this game, the faster you kill them, the less you will get damaged or killed, especially if you are playing on hard mode like me, and likes to fight groups of 6 enemies or more to get more stamina on fields. Red Enigmatites raises this stat.

鉱力 -> Ore Strength : raises the attack power of abilities attacks(Ayumu's detonation attack, Kanae's gravity field, etc). Also raises the attack power of the Material Act. 3rd most important stat. As this stat only rises the attack power of abilities and not their duration of special effects(Kanae's gravity field floating time, Mashiro's freezing time), i still think its less important than HP...still an very important stat though.White Enigmatites to raise it.

回避力 -> Evasion Power : raises the performance of evasion in battle.The higher it is, it reduces stiffening, so it is possible to be able to put out attacks or repeated evasion right after an evasion. Also enhances the slow time duration on Just Evasion. Sounds like an important stat right? Well it is not, or rather, no need to waste your important engage board slots on this. when the Evasion Power you gain from level ups and items is more than enough. The least important stat out of all 6. Green Enigmatites to raise it.

楽観力 -> Optimism power : Improves the rate of speed at which the red blocks and black blocks of the Tension Gauge disappears (on battle screen, the gauge on the low middle screen). The more you have of these blocks, the more dmg you take, and cannot connect chains of combos, though red blocks also improve abilities attacks.5th most important stat. The same as evasion...the Optimism power you gain from level ups and items is more than enough. Save your engage board slots to the 3 main stats. Purple Egnimatites raises it.

How to use the Engage board:
There are 8 levels of favorability (heart shaped blocks) for each character, each level has a certain number of Parameter socket (light green sockets), and Skill socket (white sockets).

favorability (heart shaped blocks): To increase these, on Ayumu's case, you need to find the shards of self-love spirit...for each 3 pieces, favorability rises by 1 level. In each chapter , Ena gives you 1 of these pieces if you can find her. They are also given as quests rewards or found on chests on field maps...the shards of self love spirit have the icon of a blue heart.
To increase favorability on heroines, it is done by talking to them, when a smiley icon is displayed near them, on free time after school.Each time you speak increases 1 heart.To level up favor to lv 2, you need 1 heart, to level to lv 3, you need 2 hearts, to lv 4 you need 3 hearts...lv 5, 6, 7, 8 also need 3 hearts.
NOTE: there are 5 items for each heroine, each one that raise favor by 2 hearts instead of 1 heart when you talk to them, and also the game has 12 chapters plus a 13 chapter. It is possible to max the favor lv for all heroines before chapter 13, if you move carefully...

Parameter socket (light green sockets): each 1 of these can be used to raise a stat by 5 points. My engage board is buried only with red, white and yellow sockets, because these are the most important stats.
red: power attack of weapons
white: power attack of ability
yellow: HP
blue: healing power
green: evasion
purple: Optimism
10 shards of Enigmatite makes a complete Enigmatite...for lv 1 favor, to fill a parameter socket you need 1 complete Enigmatite...for lv 2 favor, to fill a socket you need 2 full Enigmatite....for lv3 favor. each one requires 3 full Enigmatite...an so on...

Skill socket (white sockets): by paying X Enigmatites (varies depending on skill), you gain a certain passive skill.
For example:
Favor lv2 - 1st skill socket: raises chances of support activating during combos, when that character is a partner.

Favor lv3 - 1st skill socket: raises chances of support activating during combos even more, when that character is a partner.
2nd skill socket: When attacker gets stunned, partner(the one buying this skill) will attack the enemies.

Favor lv 4 - 1st skill socket: Material Act becomes possible to use.
2nd skill socket: When character is the attacker, raises the amount of X color of Enigmatite you get, by 50%, when you defeat an enemy(depends on character...Ayumu gets more blue, Kanae yellow, etc)
3rd skill socket: When attacker does Just Evasion, partner(the one buying the skill) attacks enemies

About Engage Bonus: Each time you fill all parameter sockets of a lv of favorability for 1 character, you will get an engage bonus equal to the number of parameter sockets of that lv of favor.For example...lv3 of favor has 2 parameter sockets...when you fill these 2 sockets, you will get 2 extra points to spend on stats of your choice...this bonus will affect ALL characters so pick stats that help the team overall or the characters you use on battle.It is a good idea to develop the favor lv of all characters to get more engage bonus, as all it takes, is to talk to them.

How to get the Material Act (each character ultimate attack):
You have to get said character, to lv 4 of favorability, and then buy the first skill of that level.On battle, the Material Act gauge will appear...the blue bar under character portrait, that will fill as you attack the enemy.

Acquiring weapons: By searching the field maps, and opening chests.

How to increase equipment slots: Raise reputation. The higher the reputation, the more equipments slots will be open (max 10).To raise reputation completes quests and defeat NP's

How to increase the girl libidos: Just pair up the girl you want to raise with Ayumu (Attacker and Partner position don't matter).
On battle as support activates, libido rises. When libido get maxed, talk to heroine for H-event and a +1 raise on Tension gauge.

How to raise Tension Gauge on Ayumu: On each chapter, Kouichirou gives you an aggressive spirit shard. These can also be found on the field map on chests.When 4 are gathered, Tension raises by +1.The icon for the shards is a green musical note.

How to raise the experience value of character: Put said character as the Attacker on field search or battles, and NOT as supporter. Supporters do not gain experience, with a few exceptions, as for example:

Party equipment - some party equipment gives experience to supporter....like a pair or rings that gives 10% of attacker experience to supporter

Skills - Lv5 favor, 4th skill gives 20% of experience to that character when in supporter role

Edit reason: had forgotten to mention some points.
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Thanks for clearing that up. Didn't think that I was right to just wait it out and just ask before acting on the engage board. Since I am currently going through my first run and haven't invested in anything on the engage board... yet. Also wonder once you finish the game, does anything gets carried over or do you start with nothing again. If so, that's going to be a pain.
Some things get carried over, like levels of experience, reputation bonus and some items...can't offer more specifics than this as i have yet to finish the game...though i heard there's low replay value, as you can nearly get everything on the first play if you move carefully...you will just have to get max favor will all heroines and their h-events before chapter 13 , and then choose one them on chapter 13.
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The only things that are carried are:
Equipments ( Accessories & Weapons )
Map data
Unlocked board skills purchased on the end
And maybe some more things I forgot.

But you don't start high leveled.
And your rank is used up at the end to purchase the said engage board expansions.

And make sure you get patch 1.03, version 1.02 does not carry over anything other than the expanded engage board.
Found that out after going through the 3rd cycle.
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Is there a manual patch for updating to the latest version or is there a way to update it automatically without getting DMA or something like that.
You can also use the auto updater if you prefer to.
Although it is easier for a reinstall if you download the patch.

And just for the fun of it, update 1.05 ( which is included in 1.06 ) added a character "cosplay" function
select a heroine as an attacker then go to the setup screen while holding one of these keys:
E + K: Ena
R + K: Rin
K + F: Kouichirou
M + 2: Moe
Y + A: yukino
M + H: Misaki
N + S: Nana
S + M: Shizuku
Just for the fun of seeing other character in the battlefield.
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I'll actually try those things you mention when I have a little bit of spare time. Although I wonder can someone make mentions of the combat inputs and what they do. So far I can tell:

Button A - Default Z is Use Character ability skill
Button B - Default X is Use Melee Attack (Not sure if it includes ranged)
Button C - Default C is Jump Back, Evasion or Just Evasion Based the response of Enemy Attacks
Button D - Default V is ???

I'm only also aware of that Button B and C can be changed based on directional keys as well. But I am not sure of the entire arsenal of combination that can be inputted for all characters. Material Attacks I am not sure what can cause it to activate since I haven't had a faint clue what make it work at times. So I basically use tactics, reaction times, enemy patterns to defeat them at times.
D button serves no purpose during battle as far as I can tell.
On the dungeon, it zooms the map. ( much better since patch 1.03 )

All character can use the directional attacks, just that their attack pattern/method might differ.
For example, tsubomi ( the only heroine I used for attacker, shame on me ) has her down + attack aiming her rocket launcher from 6 to 12.
aerial version of it also aims the rocket but from her 3 to 6.

if what you mean material attacks are the special attacks, you need to fill the blue bar and press A+ B.

And also, you're not the only one with simple tactics.
Mine's simpler, hit the enemy to keep distance and increase tension then bombard them with skill.
Ok, this is the list of commands possible for ALL characters, of course, animation and type of attack changes according to each chara....but the input commands are the same for everyone.

First, the basic operation:

A button - Material ablility
B button - weapon attack
C button - Special action
D button - Zooms map

Next, all possible combinations that work for all characters...there are some exceptions in some cases. but i will refer to those too...

Normal Weapon attacks:

B ・ B ・ B : the most basic attack pattern, not a strong attack, so you cannot counter hit with this , but you cannot be counter hit back by enemies too , so it is useful as the start of a combo....Exception: Mashiro and Erika can use B ・ B ・ B ・ B which hits more times.

(When enemy is in the air ) B : Anti-air attack, good against flying enemies if you time it right, or if the enemy your doing the combo goes up to the air....this attack can't counter hit, but cannot also be counter hit back by enemies

(When you are in the air ) B : Attacks in the air, this attack can't counter hit, but cannot also be counter hit back by enemies

Strong Weapon attacks:

→ + B : Powerful attack , normally strikes forward , that can counter hit enemies, when they have yellow blocks on the tension gauge...you can also be counter hit back if enemy uses a strong attack while your using this, so be careful against multiple opponents...this attack can be charged, if you hold down the B button....becomes far stronger, but that takes more time to draw it...Special mentions:
Kanae's max charged attack cannot be blocked, Tsubomi, Mashiro and Erika cannot charge this attack.

↓ + B : Normally strikes from down to up, that can counter hit...can also be charged be holding B button. Special mentions: Kanae's max charged cannot be blocked, Hikaru cannot charge this. If Erika receives an attack while holding the shield by holding B button, it will counter hit the enemy.Tsubomi will change angle of attack while holding B button.

(When you are in the air ) Direction key + B : Draws a strong attack while you are in the air, in the direction of said direction key....can counter hit, and can also be charged. Special mentions: Ayumu, Erika and Hikaru cannot charge this, Tsubomi changes angle of attack by holding B buttton.

Special mention about Strong Weapon Attacks:
When the enemy has at least 1 red block on their tension gauge, if you hit them with a strong weapon attack, even if they defend against it , Guard Hit Break will generate, which will inflict near the full dmg of the attack...this also applies against you, so when fighting against multiple opponents, be careful of strong attacks if you have red blocks.

Ability Attacks:

Press A button (can also be used in air)....NOTE: Abilities Attacks, change according to the number of accumulated red blocks on tension gauge. Standard rule is, the more you have, the more dmg you will do, or the effect durations are stronger.Pay attention that the more red blocks you have, the more dmg you will also take when hit...so its a double-edge sword.

Ayumu's and Mashiro's case: Number or red blocks = Number of blasts that can be cast...just press A button repeatedly until all red bocks are spent.

Kanae's case: the more red blocks, the larger and stronger the gravity field will become, duration of floating time also increases.My personal favorite...disables enemies in all directions, while doing big dmg

Hikaru's and Tsubomi's case: The more red blocks, the generation number of blades/Thunder increases.

Erika's case: the more red blocks, the more duration increases.

Material Act (Ultimate move):

When blue bar is full, press A + B (can also be used in the air)

EDIT: Forgot to mention about the C button commands, and evasion, so here it is:

-> + C (works also in air): Rushes forward...warning, you be can be counter hit by enemies while doing this

<- + C (works also in air): Rushes back...warning, you be can be counter hit by enemies while doing this

C (works also in air): Evades back...while jumping back, you are invincible and cant be harmed, so use it well...

(Right before an enemy attack hits you) C : This is called Just Evasion...you character will dodge the attack, while Time slows down around you...the more of evasion power stat you have, the longer the slow time duration increases, and becomes possible to draw attacks during it.

-> -> : Rolls forward...same as evasion, it has an invincible time, so it can be used to get behind enemies while evading their attacks

<- <- : Rolls backward...same as evasion, it has an invincible time, so it is good for evading enemies that approach from behind
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Extra costume patch for those who wants some:


View attachment 猫耳しっぽコスチュームプ.zip
Got this from a magazine.
Thought I might as well share it.
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There is any cg files whit every single character, primary and secondary? Normal and deformed version (like when u do mission)
There is any cg files whit every single character, primary and secondary? Normal and deformed version (like when u do mission)
Do you mean the files in the game archives?
If so, then there are a quite lot of those.
You might want to just grab the CG rip.
If you want a specific one, I'll see if I can get it out of the archive for you.
Do you mean the files in the game archives?
If so, then there are a quite lot of those.
You might want to just grab the CG rip.
If you want a specific one, I'll see if I can get it out of the archive for you.

I mean like this but whit only the character

And like this, whit all the chars (secondary too)

the first one I can help you.
go get exchpac from asmodean site, then use it on the stand.pac.
exchpac link :
You should get some of it, while the rest of it you need to compose on your own.
But for the second one, it would be quite difficult.
The files for the costume itself are just sprites, they are not composed at all.
So you have to compose it on your own.
Anyone has any other bonus costumes from the shops?
Tried to get some from YAJ, but the price is, let's just say my pocket is not deep enough.
Especially rain's outfit, damn thing fetch more than 2000 yen.

Any kind soul willing to upload the bonuses here?
I have a question. The game keeps freezing for me. I think I have the correct settings, a decent rig and correct app-locale installed. I have win 7 installed. Thanks in advance for any answers.
I have a question. The game keeps freezing for me. I think I have the correct settings, a decent rig and correct app-locale installed. I have win 7 installed. Thanks in advance for any answers.

Have you tried changing your system locale?
Some games wont run with just app-locale.
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thanks for the torrent, is a great game ;)!!!!
Thank you for sharing. It's very much appreciated.
can you provide patch 1.02 > 1.08 pls ?

and btw is the sign up tool still working on 1.08 ver ?
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