[Hentai game] [130125] [戯画/TEAM BALDRHEAD] マテリアルブレイブ イグニッション 初回版 + Bonus Disk + Tokuten + Theme Song CD [H-Game] [No DVD Patch]

体力= HP
治癒力 = Healing capability (see my earlier post for details)
腕力 = physical attack power
鉱力 = material attack power
防御力 = defense
回避力 = evasion ( longer catharsis mode )
運のよさ = luck ( item drops, item box, loot)
Oh thanks! I have completed 3 Route and I'm farming item+skill in "infinite" with Hard Mode, so awesome :D
But I don't understand many features of costumes, I'm bad Japanese :|
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some of the good costume and skill abilities:

コンビネーション攻撃力+ = ground combo attack power boost
ジャンプ攻撃力 = air combo attack power boost
強武器攻撃力 = weapon (Right + B, Down + B, both aerial and ground) attack power boost
必殺技攻撃力 = special attack (Right+Right+B, Down+Down+B) attack power boost
マテリアルアビリティ攻撃力 = material ability (A) attack power boost
マルチロックアクト攻撃力 = multilockact (Down+A) attack power boost
マテリアルアクト攻撃力 = materialact (A+B) attack power boost
カタルシスモード時攻撃力 = attack power boost during catharsis mode
カウンターヒット時攻撃力 = attack power boost on counter hit

X ダメージ以下を無効化 = nullify damage below X

HP回復(戦闘中常時) = passive healing during battle
HP回復(攻撃ヒット時) = healing when your attack hits the enemy
HP回復(敵撃破時) = healing when you kill an enemy
HP回復(戦闘終了時) = healing when the battle finishes

テンション 増加(攻撃ヒット時) = tension gauge boost when your attack hits the enemy
テンション 増加(バトル開始時) = tension gauge boost on start of battle

マテリアルアクトゲージ 増加量 = materialact gauge refill faster
マテリアルアクトゲージ 増加(敵撃破時) = materialact gauge when you kill an enemy
マテリアルアクトゲージ 増加(バトル開始時) = materialact gauge boost on start of battle

バーストゲージ 回復量 = burst gauge refill faster
バーストゲージ 増加(敵撃破時) = burst gauge when you kill an enemy
バーストゲージ増加(バトル開始時) = burst gauge boost on start of battle

カウンターヒット可能 = can be used to counter (aerial weapon attacks, not combos)

ダメージが 1 になる確率 = chance to lower the damage to 1 damage only

パートナーが気絶しなくなる = partner will not be knocked out (stunned)

カタルシスモード 時間増加(敵撃破時) = catharsis mod time extension when killing an enemy
did alsignup stop working?

edit: mine still works after the update.
patched using alsignup_xp.
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Hello, guys. It appeared like this when I tried to install the game.

I'm using Windows 8. Do you guys have any idea?
Thanks, aimer7547. After change System Locale to Japan, I run the game once to update from internet, drag .exe file to alsignup_xp.exe and enjoy the game. XD
Have an alsignup for window 8 ? I can't play game after updated, I tried to run alsignup_xp, current, vista but them not work....
I get a reg.dll error when I run the installer...
It loads to 1% then gives me the error...
How come?
Edit: Screenshot
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For now, it's at patch 1.10.
Is AlphaRom still work?

And about Tokuten Busou
I only have
equip_ayumu01 (weapon00.pac)
equip_ena01 (weapon01.pac)
something?? (weapon07.pac) from first pages

How can I get another special weapon pack?
getting this problem for V1.10, tried some tips from previous comments to run the game in no crack -> use the patcher. but it didn't do a thing, still getting Original DVD missing error.... anyone can help?
I think I have a problem with the scene mode, all the scenes goes fast, like I am skipping it, but I am not, I think there must be something in the configuration, but can't read Japanese Language.
Any idea?
can someone help me about this?
for some reason, I've DLed an MBI WITH a reg.dll that HAD A VIRUS. When I tried to install, it got error, saying that reg.dll had a problem. Thus, I solved that by disabling my anti-virus and it installed successfully.
But, the main problem is, when I tried playing the game(of course, it first went to update via auto-update.) but somehow it got this another message(that I judged that it's an error)of not finishing the update, and just played. When I played the game, it's not updated? Is it the vanilla version? And lastly, can someone give me a reg.dll? having a non-virus reg.dll may solve my problem, since when I enabled my anti-virus again, my reg.dll got deleted.

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tintin0821 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Could you please reupload this game? and it got updated on Nov 18.
Thank you.
Ashikaga wrote on Shine's profile.

Can we have 異世界樹の巫女 for latest (V1.4) version?

Ashikaga wrote on Shine's profile.
can I ask a request about

カスタムオーダーメイド3D2 オフィシャルファンブック?

I would like to try this

Ashikaga wrote on Shine's profile.
Happy New Year!!

(I've almost forgot to say it on here,,,,,,, (Also its end up on 15th on some part, 7th for almost part about Japanese new year season,,,,,,,,))