[Hentai game] [130125] [戯画/TEAM BALDRHEAD] マテリアルブレイブ イグニッション 初回版 + Bonus Disk + Tokuten + Theme Song CD [H-Game] [No DVD Patch]

体力= HP
治癒力 = Healing capability (see my earlier post for details)
腕力 = physical attack power
鉱力 = material attack power
防御力 = defense
回避力 = evasion ( longer catharsis mode )
運のよさ = luck ( item drops, item box, loot)
Oh thanks! I have completed 3 Route and I'm farming item+skill in "infinite" with Hard Mode, so awesome :D
But I don't understand many features of costumes, I'm bad Japanese :|
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some of the good costume and skill abilities:

コンビネーション攻撃力+ = ground combo attack power boost
ジャンプ攻撃力 = air combo attack power boost
強武器攻撃力 = weapon (Right + B, Down + B, both aerial and ground) attack power boost
必殺技攻撃力 = special attack (Right+Right+B, Down+Down+B) attack power boost
マテリアルアビリティ攻撃力 = material ability (A) attack power boost
マルチロックアクト攻撃力 = multilockact (Down+A) attack power boost
マテリアルアクト攻撃力 = materialact (A+B) attack power boost
カタルシスモード時攻撃力 = attack power boost during catharsis mode
カウンターヒット時攻撃力 = attack power boost on counter hit

X ダメージ以下を無効化 = nullify damage below X

HP回復(戦闘中常時) = passive healing during battle
HP回復(攻撃ヒット時) = healing when your attack hits the enemy
HP回復(敵撃破時) = healing when you kill an enemy
HP回復(戦闘終了時) = healing when the battle finishes

テンション 増加(攻撃ヒット時) = tension gauge boost when your attack hits the enemy
テンション 増加(バトル開始時) = tension gauge boost on start of battle

マテリアルアクトゲージ 増加量 = materialact gauge refill faster
マテリアルアクトゲージ 増加(敵撃破時) = materialact gauge when you kill an enemy
マテリアルアクトゲージ 増加(バトル開始時) = materialact gauge boost on start of battle

バーストゲージ 回復量 = burst gauge refill faster
バーストゲージ 増加(敵撃破時) = burst gauge when you kill an enemy
バーストゲージ増加(バトル開始時) = burst gauge boost on start of battle

カウンターヒット可能 = can be used to counter (aerial weapon attacks, not combos)

ダメージが 1 になる確率 = chance to lower the damage to 1 damage only

パートナーが気絶しなくなる = partner will not be knocked out (stunned)

カタルシスモード 時間増加(敵撃破時) = catharsis mod time extension when killing an enemy
did alsignup stop working?

edit: mine still works after the update.
patched using alsignup_xp.
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Hello, guys. It appeared like this when I tried to install the game.

I'm using Windows 8. Do you guys have any idea?
Thanks, aimer7547. After change System Locale to Japan, I run the game once to update from internet, drag .exe file to alsignup_xp.exe and enjoy the game. XD
Have an alsignup for window 8 ? I can't play game after updated, I tried to run alsignup_xp, current, vista but them not work....
I get a reg.dll error when I run the installer...
It loads to 1% then gives me the error...
How come?
Edit: Screenshot
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For now, it's at patch 1.10.
Is AlphaRom still work?

And about Tokuten Busou
I only have
equip_ayumu01 (weapon00.pac)
equip_ena01 (weapon01.pac)
something?? (weapon07.pac) from first pages

How can I get another special weapon pack?
getting this problem for V1.10, tried some tips from previous comments to run the game in no crack -> use the patcher. but it didn't do a thing, still getting Original DVD missing error.... anyone can help?
I think I have a problem with the scene mode, all the scenes goes fast, like I am skipping it, but I am not, I think there must be something in the configuration, but can't read Japanese Language.
Any idea?
can someone help me about this?
for some reason, I've DLed an MBI WITH a reg.dll that HAD A VIRUS. When I tried to install, it got error, saying that reg.dll had a problem. Thus, I solved that by disabling my anti-virus and it installed successfully.
But, the main problem is, when I tried playing the game(of course, it first went to update via auto-update.) but somehow it got this another message(that I judged that it's an error)of not finishing the update, and just played. When I played the game, it's not updated? Is it the vanilla version? And lastly, can someone give me a reg.dll? having a non-virus reg.dll may solve my problem, since when I enabled my anti-virus again, my reg.dll got deleted.

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Jelly-filled Donut wrote on ramori's profile.
Also would you reup this old one too? Just this one title amongst the group
Jelly-filled Donut wrote on ramori's profile.
Hi ramori, would you reup the dead links? Just the mexashare links would be fine too
Jelly-filled Donut wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Dear, Nihonjaki90. Would you reupload these please? Thanks
Jelly-filled Donut wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Excuse me, Otokonoko. It's another old title with dead links. Would you reup them, pls? You're the only one left with it.
Jelly-filled Donut wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, Ryzen. May I humbly ask for a reupload? I'll be patient