[Hentai game] [130125] [ninetail] GEARS of DRAGOON ~迷宮のウロボロス~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

for corrupted crystal is it better to take them or not? whats the effect of taking them?

so if i take em monster will get stronger? and ill get a few ore as compensation?

Another question whats the difference between weapon colors blue, light blue, gold etc .....

Color differs with amount of enchanted slots in item (not empty ones). 1-2 - blue, 3 - gold, 4 - green. Did not see others yet.
... The Bee Queen side quest is so, so, SO hard to fight...

You get to fight against the Bee Soldiers and Bee Royal Guards first...

Because of the level difference (they just level when you level as well so no difference trying to grind, unless it's for equips), I had to repeat at least fifty rounds trying to find the perfect combo and finally won the fight with, by some extraordinary luck, without a single death. Alright, start looting! Save, take all four chest items, now take the last golden one...

Pops Bee Queen. Oh, shit, right. I forget. Still, it's just three Royal Guards and one Queen, so if I wait for the right Period and get lucky again then...

*Boom!* YES! THREE DEAD GUARDS!... *unknown x 6 -> unknown x 3, pops 3 Royal Guards at behind Queen*.

... Oh. Oh. I see.

*quits quest*

So what's the lesson? Enchant your shit... or just play Easy Mode, this is ridiculous >_>...
Get some anti-death enchants, and it all will become possible.
With invisible guys at the end of some waterway - just use Miroku and her insta-death skills.
So what's the lesson? Enchant your shit... or just play Easy Mode, this is ridiculous >_>...
Enchanting your stuff doesn't always work. I play Hard Mode and it's a huge pain in the ass. I feel like the game is torturing me to become a masochist. I'm only at the start of chapter 3, though.

I mean, when your basic strategy is to move back and forth near a recovery to build the limit gauge, something is terribly wrong with the game balance.

line/AOE magic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> physical attacks
I hope the devs buff the melee attacks and nerf the magic spells in a later patch.
... The Bee Queen side quest is so, so, SO hard to fight...

You get to fight against the Bee Soldiers and Bee Royal Guards first...

Because of the level difference (they just level when you level as well so no difference trying to grind, unless it's for equips), I had to repeat at least fifty rounds trying to find the perfect combo and finally won the fight with, by some extraordinary luck, without a single death. Alright, start looting! Save, take all four chest items, now take the last golden one...

Pops Bee Queen. Oh, shit, right. I forget. Still, it's just three Royal Guards and one Queen, so if I wait for the right Period and get lucky again then...

*Boom!* YES! THREE DEAD GUARDS!... *unknown x 6 -> unknown x 3, pops 3 Royal Guards at behind Queen*.

... Oh. Oh. I see.

*quits quest*

So what's the lesson? Enchant your shit... or just play Easy Mode, this is ridiculous >_>...

I actually beat that mission at the end of chapter 2 on normal mode. My party was Raedius (43) Felia (42) Ruche (41) Miroku (40) Jiru (40) Sheeta (41). There're a few key skills to have; namely Berserk, Air Raid and Break Blade on Raedius, Rampart and Valkyrie Hildr on Felia, Titan's Gate, Grand Impact and Warcry on Ruche, multi-hits skills on Miroku, Judgement and Dual Cast on Jiru, and Howling Menace and Variant Bolt on Sheeta. Try to enter the battle with 6 full LG and during hour of thunder. You have to finish the fight in 4 rounds else they'd enrage and wipe your party. Food is also a good way to get extra resistance on-top of your enchantments, take the first round to buff while letting Felia take all the damage using Rampart and just go crazy with damage after that.

EDIT: Oh, and to maximize damage during assault chain you have to use a different damage type for each character and have some quick casting multiple-hit attacks. Highest you can go up to is 200% bonus damage. Each extra hit give you another 5% while changing damage type doubles the multiplier.
Any ideas on how to run this game? I am running of win7 64 bit, with applocale. I tried to run it in Japanese Locale, but it wont start. Nothing happened, no window, nothing.
Ah, but you have a high level. For me even at the end of Chapter 3 I'm only about 30+ levels and not even close to 40 lol (I lazy do the side quests).

I guess you have no problems fighting the Chapter 3 boss fight then, due to Stella's special sure-kill skill. I just checked and saw that I'll have to raise at least 10 levels to get the skill, and now I officially gave up on trying to beat the game on Normal. ^_^ I'm going through Chaos route anyway, will try it on Normal again on Law route.


EDIT: Btw is there a way to see which skill goes first? I had to guess which of my skill goes slower and faster and that's hindering my planning by a tonne. And I did 'Food' up, though it isn't even close to being enough. >_>
Oh, kids now these days. Lazy to do sideuests, then go rambling. I'm actually glad, that game is not easy at normal difficulty, and have some challenge, not just some "click to win" gameplay.
Raise agility, then character will act faster. Skills with "quickness" will activate faster than others. Do a "formation"-type skill (Conrad has some for instance), and all characters in formation will go one after another in this particular order.
Ah, but you have a high level. For me even at the end of Chapter 3 I'm only about 30+ levels and not even close to 40 lol (I lazy do the side quests).

I guess you have no problems fighting the Chapter 3 boss fight then, due to Stella's special sure-kill skill. I just checked and saw that I'll have to raise at least 10 levels to get the skill, and now I officially gave up on trying to beat the game on Normal. ^_^ I'm going through Chaos route anyway, will try it on Normal again on Law route.


The first few pages in the walkthrough booklet that comes with the game has each character and their skill tree. The list below has a column of acquired level right next to the skill names. You can respec easily anyway, so just get what you have access to for now, but yes, you do need some skills to beat certain bosses from the look of it; especially those strong to X type of skills are ridiculously powerful. I think my Sheeta did something like 32k damage in 1 round with mirror cast lol...

Edit 1: The main character is really getting on my nerve, I thought Abel from their last game was bad but at least he's got some redeeming qualities and was really good in battle. Not only does Raedius say the most retarded things at times, he doesn't even have half the useful skills that Abel had; it seems they gave most of the utility sword skills to Falco...wish they had just made him the protagonist instead.

Edit 2: Oh btw, a really good way to level is to use the Military Installation free quest. Just stick Raedius full of Silver enchantment (bonus exp) and rush straight to the boss. You only need to level up one character quickly since the other character will automatically level up to catch up when you finish a quest.
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any solution to this problem?
- randomly get EAccessviolation when playing game using TVP(KIRIKIRI) 2 core:confused:
I would've agreed with you, azure, if I hadn't spent by now 40 hours+ playing the game and got stuck at unbelievably Chapter 3 of the game lol. Take the boss fight I was saying for example. When fighting Geist alone I have at least 3 LG in preparation and I beat him with just 2 within three rounds with minimal damage to my HP and only 1/4 HP. But it was actually a continuous fight where you face Geist and the corrupted monster this time, and the combi is just downright sick, in addition of going into Rage Mode within a few rounds of fighting. The recommended level to tackle the quest is a complete joke and meant for Easy Mode only, because at level 35 I don't see any way to kill even one of the bosses, with one performing painful Counters and another just bloody healing himself like a God unless you cancel it with Falco's SP.

And the walkthrough suggests to use Stella's lvl 42 skill to One Shot Geist, then fight the other one. I'm pretty sure someone would've appreciated a strategy that DOESN'T involve it, especially when the suggested level to clear this quest is goddamn level 27 to 41. =_="

To ogopogo:

I actually quite like the protagonist because it shows just how ignorant and young he is (and completely justified how he became evil if you go through Chaos route). I can clearly match his personality with his sprite, and that innocent mentality of a young teenager and ideals (he's like a 15 years old, whatever his actual age is lol) was done beautifully. He might sound like an idiot sometimes, but as a character he was very realistically portrayed and I must say that I would not deny good characterization.

Btw, which dungeon do you suggest I farm to get more/better drop items? I had 3 1 3 3 (Warrior Thief Mage Priest) on my Guild upgrades currently.

EDIT: Also what's the difference between Chaos route and Law route, for the protagonist. I know that you get Gear Weapons for Law (which means better equip meh) but how about Chaos? It's not obvious. Do I get like better stats when leveling?
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Craxuan, well, guess our way of having fun in game is different slightly then ) I personally enjoy those difficult battles, and so.
Btw, by destroying red crystals you lower level of monsters in all dungeons, or something. It was written in japanese wiki.
I also like MC's personality, though not yet came to the point of route divergence.
About chaos route - it's some backside bordel thing, where you rape your own girls, or something, and get better skills(?) for it.
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EDIT: Ok, I've just figured out how Jasmine's jounetsu no tango works; what the skill actually does is that while Jasmine is under the effect of tango, all the support skills she cast on a party member will be spread to the whole party. For example, casting tango first and then cast chain dance will put double attack on all party member.
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This game is super long for an RPG, holy cow, I just finished Chaos route finally - and it wasn't even done properly because somehow I couldn't go Sheeta's route and it turned to a sub route! Sob - and that took about what, bloody 8 hours of reading and minimal dungeon crawling? Awesome stuff.

Btw, if you want to resume your previous data, you had to search within your items and select a License stuff that will allow that. I don't know why they don't just do it like usual and resume from a save file, but I'm just putting it here.
[MENTION=13225]Craxuan[/MENTION]; y,you finished it already? :ohnoes:

gimme your save data :cometry:

Bro, I just downgraded to Easy Mode and click Win every time to see the storyline, because otherwise I would be forced to restart the whole thing at that point of progress. Now I want to properly beat the Law route next, so no my save data is not complete. >_>

EDIT: ANd oh, by properly I mean by starting at level 50 and making things more challenging muahahahahahaha FUCK YOU BEE QUEEN HERE I COME
Try that Jasmine trick I was talking about, it's insanely overpowered. It let your whole party's attacks that round hit twice, including spells and SP moves. Having Sheeta, Luce and Stella's full screen attack all go off twice in the same round is pretty hilarious.
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really... i still can't stop wondering, which part of the game that was hard? i complete the chapter 3 easily, despite of what people said was hard a few page back... and my level was 31 when i completed it
No idea. Perhaps you broke more pillars than me. When I fought against Geist + Monster his level was around 53 ~ 55 and I'm 20 levels behind, so perhaps the difference lies there.
maybe that's the reason.... i fought geist and his level are just 44
No, no wait. It must be the patch. I played this game when it was just patch 1.00, and despite the fact that I patched it later on at the beginning of Chapter 3, the developers had recommended starting the game from new if one hasn't played too far into the game. I didn't see the patch notes, but I'll bet my penny that they rescaled both Normal and Hard difficulty levels in it (it was stated in the wiki that it's downright impossible to beat the Prologue's boss in Hard Mode lol, patch 1.00). Because my save remains 1.00 version even though it's compatible with 1.02, I must have been playing at a level that's harder than the current game now.

No wonder when I started a new Normal game it felt a lot easier, even if I'm 30 levels ahead (since I set starting level 50). The level numbers and monster health had been giving me weird vibes all day and now I finally understood why. -_-"

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xRoguex wrote on Shine's profile.
Hi, can you re-upload this game? RJ01268655
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okinawa wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

redbeamff wrote on Shine's profile.

can you upload android version of B-Ginga simulation games ? thx in advance