[Hentai game] [130125] [ninetail] GEARS of DRAGOON ~迷宮のウロボロス~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

i got error on an equipment, dunno if it's a bug or not. but the data of the item seems broken. dunno what to do :donefor:
i got error on an equipment, dunno if it's a bug or not. but the data of the item seems broken. dunno what to do :donefor:
Weren't you using cheats for your equipment? That might be the case. But there's at least one item when equipped on Conrad which causes the game script engine to crash.

Anyway, finished Law route and unlocked crazy difficulty and the RPG Skip mode. I guess it's now time for me to use the included guide since I'm still missing several scenes and CGs. In my Law route game, I never got a heart point for Alma.

One of Conrad's skills is also bugged. His Millionaire Pick should be an SP skill but the game just treats it like a normal one (can be placed in a regular skill slot and doesn't use up the limit gauge). He can have two SP skills equipped.
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Read all the posts.. i didn't try to enchant even once :( ... didn't actually thought i'll need it XD stuck at chap 6...

damn them dragons... what stone do you use for the chap 6 dragon? or the volcano sidequest.. red dragon (chaos route)
[MENTION=7042]carlos1018[/MENTION]; try equipping dragon rune on every support equipment like headgear, shoes and accesory. it should be enough to prevent fear status. those dragon's roar could give you fear to all of your member.

In my Law route game, I never got a heart point for Alma.

alma's heart point only 1, at the first chapter. choose [older woman] and [quiet and innocent] combination. it'll give you one heart point for her. that's all. for the ending you'll need at least heart point + partnership = 5
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Thanks for the info... but i don't have enuf dragon runes o__o ... and equipments =)) where should i start farming... i haven't farmed hard :( i'm trying to finish the sidequest (red dragon) but well hard :)) should i farm on lower dungeons?

characters are 5x
The funny thing is the enchants doesn't seem to work if you enchant it the wrong way. Let's say you enchant an 4 slot equip with 4 different runes, and do the same for every other equip with the same type. Let's say, Fire, Water, Wind, Thunder for all of them. Since there are 6 equips, supposedly they will all stack together to give a total of 240% (40%*6) status ailment prevention. In fact, the damage prevention (on your character) and damage increase (on the enemy) does stack. However, when I checked you actually only get 40% status ailment prevention of each type. That is, the ailment prevention of a single rune.

So to enchant your stuff properly, you should put all the same type of runes on a single equip. Let's say you want to prevent Dragon fear, then you should put at least 3 Dragon runes on a single equip (120%) to get the desired status immunity. It was during the fight against spider woman at Chapter 6 that I noticed this because she keeps on Instakill my people even though I supposedly have perfect immunity against Death.
try to made the rune... on the research room... the very first option is to combining runes.
the higher level of the runes means higher level on guild's sorcery rank . 3 point of guild's sorcery rank should've been more than enough
Nope, you need 4 to make the 'Break' rune - which allows you to destroy all runes in your current equip - and 'Life' rune; which gives you HP/turn. Don't ask me how I got the Life rune because I have no idea, it just popped into the slot some time some day lol.

EDIT: Dragons are hard, but much easier when you compare them to bloody Bees and Spiders. As long as you have enough LB, fear prevention and DON'T FORGET TO BREAK THE RED PILLARS - even 40% is enough - you just need to 1st round: Buff Up, 2nd Round go bat shit insane with the damage and see the numbers pop like flowers. Don't spend LB when the Dragon's on guard though, unless you break its armor.
The funny thing is the enchants doesn't seem to work if you enchant it the wrong way. Let's say you enchant an 4 slot equip with 4 different runes, and do the same for every other equip with the same type. Let's say, Fire, Water, Wind, Thunder for all of them. Since there are 6 equips, supposedly they will all stack together to give a total of 240% (40%*6) status ailment prevention. In fact, the damage prevention (on your character) and damage increase (on the enemy) does stack. However, when I checked you actually only get 40% status ailment prevention of each type. That is, the ailment prevention of a single rune.

Not quite right. There are three enchantment types for the equipments, Attack (攻撃), Defence (防御) and Support (支援). ONLY Support-type equipments will add ailment resistance. In other words, only headgear, footwear and accessories will provide ailment resistance once enchanted. Defence-type gears will add elemental resistance instead.

Also correct me if I'm wrong but damage limit break enchant is capped at 200% right?
The enchantment system is terribly implemented. Let's take the 天の魔石 as an example. It works as a percentage reduction and there is a cap of 50% (rounded down to the nearest whole number). Some sample numbers of recast times:
original -> lowest possible value
10 -> 5
5 -> 2 (not 2.5)
0 > 0
3 -> 1 (not 1.5)
18 -> 9

In order to get the 50% recast reduction, you'll need:
4 x 天の魔石
2 x 天の魔石 + 1 x 極の魔石 (This is the +100% effect.)
1 x 天の魔石 + 2 x 極の魔石

As for the status immunity and resistances, I really have no idea if it's working or not. The character status screen doesn't reflect the enchantments. At least with the enemies, you can inspect them and see their resists. Red number means weak, white means average, blue means high (9 = immune?)
Omg seriously? It's probably stated in the tutorial then, but man, I've only went through it once with my eyes half-closed -_-"...

And yeah, the enchantment system feels like a cluster fuck of confusion.
hmm... i don't know what's wrong... but all of my enchant are working well. even for the heaven's rune (天の魔石). i can cast howling menace without any delay. and i only put 3 runes on Sheeta
I'm really stuck on chapter 6(chaos) dragon boss, any tips for it?
my guild skills went wrong i have only 3 on the mages department and i don't have any gp's for it
and since i didn't use the enchanment thing(since i tot i can get through the game without it XD ) and threw the weapons that i didn't use
also did you guys use your skill points for stats?
It's definitely annoying.
Radi's sleep resist: 4 (default without any equipment)
total sleep resist enchantment: +2,720%
Radi's sleep resist with the equipment: 4

How in god's name am I supposed to know this thing is working? I'm expecting the sleep resist to show at least a 9 here. Oh, and don't get me started on monster attacks with the death effect.

hmm... i don't know what's wrong... but all of my enchant are working well. even for the heaven's rune (天の魔石). i can cast howling menace without any delay. and i only put 3 runes on Sheeta
Unless the difficulty somehow affects the runes, it's not working for me. I tried recast reduct +60 and the recast turn is just cut down in half. With that high number, I should be casting everything without any delays.
Zephas Field: from 10 to 5
Pentagram Edge: from 5 to 2
SP skill: from 18 to 9
Tips to fight dragon?
1) Go and find equipment with the 耐竜 or 耐恐 passive if you can't get the runes.
2) Get 6 LB.
3) Use Armor Break and Guard Down skills.
4) Use Cat Girl and never forget the 'Resonance' + 'Fatal Dance' combo.
5) Have 2 separate healers/half healers that can cure status ailments.
6) When using LB, always make sure you have different types of attacks and if possible, attack its weaknesses.
7) Sheeta is god. Use god. No Sheeta no dragon slaying period.
8) Arc Impulse is a life savior when you're canceling any healing effects.
Umm, he's in Chaos route. Jasmine is not in the party and Radi's Light attacks are replaced by a corresponding dark element.

I'm really stuck on chapter 6(chaos) dragon boss, any tips for it?
my guild skills went wrong i have only 3 on the mages department and i don't have any gp's for it
and since i didn't use the enchanment thing(since i tot i can get through the game without it XD ) and threw the weapons that i didn't use
also did you guys use your skill points for stats?

You have at least a Return Portal, right?

Anyway, try fighting the boss first and list down his elemental weaknesses. It's the second line of elements beside the monster picture. Then check it's resistances via the Intel option (3rd from the top, above the auto). Look for red numbers. Usually, the status weakness corresponds to its elemental weakness.

With that info in hand, use the Return Portal and respec your skills. Keep in mind that single target attacks/spells have a higher chance of inflicting status ailments. All dragons are weak against Dragon-type attacks.
Max Sheeta's MAG stat (top priority), Howling Menace and Dragon Sonic (SP skill).
I can't remember if you already have Shizuna (green hair version) at this point but, if you have her, max her Water attacks.

Return to the dungeon and build up your limit gauge to at least 3. Make it 6 if you want to be safe.
Tips to fight dragon?
1) Go and find equipment with the 耐竜 or 耐恐 passive if you can't get the runes.
2) Get 6 LB.
3) Use Armor Break and Guard Down skills.
4) Use Cat Girl and never forget the 'Resonance' + 'Fatal Dance' combo.
5) Have 2 separate healers/half healers that can cure status ailments.
6) When using LB, always make sure you have different types of attacks and if possible, attack its weaknesses.
7) Sheeta is god. Use god. No Sheeta no dragon slaying period.
8) Arc Impulse is a life savior when you're canceling any healing effects.

Noted Thanks!
1)can i find it on any dungeons?
2)I got it
4)I don't have cat girl
5)i only have kaora as healer o_o shizuna and ninja seems to have a spell with heal per turn
6)always >.<
7) using her like mad we still lose T_T
8) who has it?

Umm, he's in Chaos route. Jasmine is not in the party and Radi's Light attacks are replaced by a corresponding dark element.

You have at least a Return Portal, right?

Anyway, try fighting the boss first and list down his elemental weaknesses. It's the second line of elements beside the monster picture. Then check it's resistances via the Intel option (3rd from the top, above the auto). Look for red numbers. Usually, the status weakness corresponds to its elemental weakness.

With that info in hand, use the Return Portal and respec your skills. Keep in mind that single target attacks/spells have a higher chance of inflicting status ailments. All dragons are weak against Dragon-type attacks.
Max Sheeta's MAG stat (top priority), Howling Menace and Dragon Sonic (SP skill).
I can't remember if you already have Shizuna (green hair version) at this point but, if you have her, max her Water attacks.

Return to the dungeon and build up your limit gauge to at least 3. Make it 6 if you want to be safe.

i have shizuna green hair version, she has two water attacks so i should max it right?
how about rad i have like max pow and mag on him and some spells
I forget; any additional skill points throw it at AGI. Always throw extra points you don't need at AGI.

EDIT: Why on earth would you max POW and MAG on Radei lol.
yeah all extra stats to agi XDD

about radei

ah well... that was on... impulse :D

th-then what is good for radei :confused:
Nothing. Don't bother with putting stats anywhere else; even for Sheeta I just pump extra stats into AGI so I could cast faster without troubles.
everyone seems squishy without the hp :(
howling menace is guard break right?
and how about the buffs should i max it or just have it? or rather not?
i do break them :D (it's them red like crystal like the healing sky colored one?)

i haven't tried to kill dragon yet again playing with the skills(buffs)

kaura has cure omg didn't...:(
Then honestly, I don't know why you're having trouble lol. I find fighting AGI based bosses far harder than any dragons honestly.

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