[Other] [131220] [BaseSon] 戦国†恋姫 ~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~ + Bonus + Wallpaper [Visual Novel]

AlphaROM should work as your noDVD patch. There should be no need to mount the ISO. And if you made the batch file like what I do, you don't have to drag and drop sengoku,exe to AlphaROM every time you want to launch the game.

Sadly, I have no idea what that 1503 error is.

I just remembered I got my AlphaROM when I was trying to play Innocent Bullet, and when I checked its thread here in A-S, there's a link to another thread where you can get it.

I'm not 100% sure this is the one I'm using, but it most likely is. Give it a try and see if you'll still get an error. Just place the AlphaROM inside your Sengoku folder, then drag and drop sengoku.exe to it. That should launch the game without having to mount the ISO. If you still get an error, I can only assume it's a compatibility/settings issue. I hope you get to play the game soon.

Thank you so much AlphaROMdiE-Build20130528 working.
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Yes i love baseson series especially koihime,appare and sengokuhime everybody thanks for help.
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Going by the release dates for tenka gomen and matsuri, a fan disc for sengoku may be a year away, or at least until holidays 2014. But since tenka gomen already had hscenes, hopefully sengoku's will come sooner.
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I might play those earlier Baseson games while waiting, considering how there's almost no interesting new titles coming out for the past few months. It will also be a nice reading practice. To tell you the truth, I can only grasp the general idea of what they say in Sengoku Hime. I barely understand the details, especially when the characters name themselves before a battle. And all those kanji characters and names of places and people make my head spin.
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Anyone know the hcode to grab text which also contains the names? ITH v3 only gets the dialogue on getglyph threads. Things can get confusing when there are a lot of characters.
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Hey, guys. Baseson's got a new one for us. Falls under the koihime musou series. I'm not sure if they're redoing the story, it's a sidestory of sorts, or if it's a continuation of shin and moeshoden, and if anyone can read japanese text, please share what you learn. The game will apparently divided into three, one per faction. The first will be for Kanu and the rest. Here's what I've ascertained: more characters (I've counted more than 20, and they're all girls (DAMN KAZUTO!)) and, yes, there will be h-scenes and, by God, Kazuto's harem may get bigger, again (DAMN KAZUTO! AGAIN!!).

Here's a link to the site for the first game: http://baseson.nexton-net.jp/sinkoi-eiyuutan/syoku/index.html
This is the main site that branches of for the planned three: http://baseson.nexton-net.jp/sinkoi-eiyuutan/
Release dates are first game (april 24, 2015) 2nd game (july 2015) and 3rd game (october 2015)

Until next time!
Hey, guys. Baseson's got a new one for us. Falls under the koihime musou series. I'm not sure if they're redoing the story, it's a sidestory of sorts, or if it's a continuation of shin and moeshoden, and if anyone can read japanese text, please share what you learn. The game will apparently divided into three, one per faction. The first will be for Kanu and the rest. Here's what I've ascertained: more characters (I've counted more than 20, and they're all girls (DAMN KAZUTO!)) and, yes, there will be h-scenes and, by God, Kazuto's harem may get bigger, again (DAMN KAZUTO! AGAIN!!).

Here's a link to the site for the first game: http://baseson.nexton-net.jp/sinkoi-eiyuutan/syoku/index.html
This is the main site that branches of for the planned three: http://baseson.nexton-net.jp/sinkoi-eiyuutan/
Release dates are first game (april 24, 2015) 2nd game (july 2015) and 3rd game (october 2015)

Until next time!
Baseson announced 3 games. First one is Shin Koihime Eiyuutan, it will be something like fandisc, like a continuation of moeshoden but there'll be a couple of new heroines which wasn't in moeshoden (not 20, only 3-4. Others are for their 3rd announcement). This game'll be released in 3 part, April - July - October. First one will be shoku, then gi and go. Each part'll be 3500 yen, so dont expect something very long, think about it like Majikoi's A series. For example there'll be only Kanu - Sei- Sui h-scenes at shoku part, not for everyone.

Their Second game is "Sengoku Koihime X". As everyone expect It'll be an +18 VERSION of sengoku koihime, there'll be also some new characters (like 8-9) and new episodes at story. (Like matsudaira problem etc) It'll be released on december 2015.

And Their last game is "Shin Koihime†Musou -Kakumei-", is a "complete" remake of shin koihime. All of cgs will be remade, every characters will have new events and h-scenes, there'll be more than 20 new heroines, They'll improve the battle system etc etc. Also seems like this'll be very very long (well even shin koihime was pretty long, and an extended version of it would be insanely long) so they'll release it in 3 part as well. (but all of parts will be released on same day). In short you'll just buy which route you want (Shoku - Gi - Go) for 7000 yen.
I mean over 20 will be introduced over the course of the three stories. There was originally a full list of characters planned, here's the link. http://baseson.nexton-net.jp/koihime-eiyuutan/character/index.html
No dude, as I said those characters are for "Shin Koihime†Musou -Kakumei-", in short for the remake. At shinkoi eiyuutan only 4-5 of new characters will appear, not all of them. Dont mind the website's name, they confirmed this already at live channel as " at shinkoi eiyuutan there will be a few of new characters but most of them will not in it" so I'm pretty sure of this. Hell they even said that most of those new character's seiyuu is not decided yet and they're taking suggestions at their blogs or somewhere like it, how can they be in april's game?
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Ohhhh, okay, thanks!
No problem, I also thought as you at first, but after listening their live channel ( I was wondering when will they release Sengoku Koihime X) I learnt that I was wrong. Well its still okay, a complete remake with new arts also pretty good news. 2015 will be Baseson's year, with 4 total release (4. 7. 10. 12. months) we'll be full of koihime characters :)
Their Second game is "Sengoku Koihime X". As everyone expect It'll be an +18 VERSION of sengoku koihime, there'll be also some new characters (like 8-9) and new episodes at story. (Like matsudaira problem etc) It'll be released on december 2015.

wow another good news finally my fav samurai stories alongside chusingura have another sequel....and btw did you have the link about that news?.....at some time ago i found at some jap site (i dont remember the site) that showed a picture character just exactly look like kuon wearing white robe holding katana.....so i thought it will be the sequel of sengoku....but when i look at baseson site or nexton i didn't find it at all.....at first i thought its fan made but when i look carefully at the picture it just exactly with sengoku character design
wow another good news finally my fav samurai stories alongside chusingura have another sequel....and btw did you have the link about that news?.....at some time ago i found at some jap site (i dont remember the site) that showed a picture character just exactly look like kuon wearing white robe holding katana.....so i thought it will be the sequel of sengoku....but when i look at baseson site or nexton i didn't find it at all.....at first i thought its fan made but when i look carefully at the picture it just exactly with sengoku character design

That white robe Kuon thing is pretty old, 2011-2012 I guess, they made a character desing competition for sengoku koihime (there wasn't anything about sengoku koihime except the name at that time), Its from that time. To be honest I dont know the details about it too, but I'm pretty sure its not about X at all.

http://baseson.nexton-net.jp/koihime-portal/home.html This is the link for incoming games, there is not a website for sengoku X and Shin koihime -kakumei- yet since there is still one year for them, and you can see the details at the pictures (They're from PUSH magazine) I'll put in spoiler (its +18)



That white robe Kuon thing is pretty old, 2011-2012 I guess, they made a character desing competition for sengoku koihime (there wasn't anything about sengoku koihime except the name at that time), Its from that time. To be honest I dont know the details about it too, but I'm pretty sure its not about X at all.

http://baseson.nexton-net.jp/koihime-portal/home.html This is the link for incoming games, there is not a website for sengoku X and Shin koihime -kakumei- yet since there is still one year for them, and you can see the details at the pictures (They're from PUSH magazine) I'll put in spoiler (its +18)




well its a shame they didn't have the site yet.....but can't wait to see sengoku x....can't wait to see kuon's flustered face when they had s*x....and hope there is kazuha and futaba 3p scene.....and you said there will be aoi story?....personally i wish aoi story would be rape scene....well whatever it is it will be going the most eagerly awaited game of the year for me
well its a shame they didn't have the site yet.....but can't wait to see sengoku x....can't wait to see kuon's flustered face when they had s*x....and hope there is kazuha and futaba 3p scene.....and you said there will be aoi story?....personally i wish aoi story would be rape scene....well whatever it is it will be going the most eagerly awaited game of the year for me

Well to be honest I dont really care about aoi's h-scene, but they should solve the Matsudaira problem. I mean everyone was talking like "Aoi is planning a rebellion, she is gathering samuiras at everywhere, seems like we will have a big fight with her, be careful when you are with her" etc, and they didn't even include her to last battle because they dont trust her, then suddenly it gone to "well I'm sure we will come to terms with her one day" > end. I guess they saved those for X version but it really felt like unfinished. There is also Sunpu-yakata and Echizen problems too. I'm also pretty excited about this.
Well to be honest I dont really care about aoi's h-scene, but they should solve the Matsudaira problem. I mean everyone was talking like "Aoi is planning a rebellion, she is gathering samuiras at everywhere, seems like we will have a big fight with her, be careful when you are with her" etc, and they didn't even include her to last battle because they dont trust her, then suddenly it gone to "well I'm sure we will come to terms with her one day" > end. I guess they saved those for X version but it really felt like unfinished. There is also Sunpu-yakata and Echizen problems too. I'm also pretty excited about this.

yes i know what you mean....i feel the same,,,,,actually even if sengoku sequel didn't have h-scene at all im still looking forward it cuz its one of my fav game......and as we know matsudaira aoi will be the first tokugawa shogun (tokugawa ieyasu) according to japan history after the betrayal of mitsuhide then betrayed by hideyoshi.....so maybe i think the story would be lead to that way if they followed history line....my point is maybe aoi will be one of the main heroines along side kuon,kazuha,miku,and hikari and would be the center of the main story
This will definitely be an act 2 for the sengoku series. I wonder if we'll see more of the prominent clans, like hattori, or maybe the clans in the north and south like hojo or chosokabe. Then there are the temples. Finally, there'll probably be more focus on the foreign powers. As for shin koihime musou, if there are more characters then there will be a proportional increase in harem members (Law of Baseson Harems), thus there would most likely be an event where Kensuke confesses that uncle Kazuto actually had more brides than he (Kensuke), initially implied. XD
Oh, the family issues will probably be tackled here, too. Like Miku's family, for one thing. Then whatever really happened to the Asakura.
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This will definitely be an act 2 for the sengoku series. I wonder if we'll see more of the prominent clans, like hattori, or maybe the clans in the north and south like hojo or chosokabe. Then there are the temples. Finally, there'll probably be more focus on the foreign powers. As for shin koihime musou, if there are more characters then there will be a proportional increase in harem members (Law of Baseson Harems), thus there would most likely be an event where Kensuke confesses that uncle Kazuto actually had more brides than he (Kensuke), initially implied. XD

Well I'm pretty sure they wont add anything except h-scenes (maybe a few scenes at here and there) to first 10-12 chapters (until touka's dead), because all of those characters already got their character developments and scenes. For example we already know when will Mitsuki, Mugiho, Touka, Kuon, Yuina, Makoto, Ichi etc will have their sex with Kensuke; Mitsuki & Touka & Ichi - Makoto threesome will have at the night before Echizen first battle, Mitsuki after their meeting at the end etc.

So I'm expecting new episodes more at game's second part because most of those characters didn't get enough character develoments and enough romance with kensuke for h-scenes. For example I cant really imagine how Kensuke will have sex with Matsuba, Kasuga, Zakuro, Yuuki, Aoi, Toto, Yuugiri, Koi etc. Yes some of those characters had a little develoment with kensuke but its not enough for h-scene at all. I'm sure there'll be some new episodes which makes those characters fall in love with mc too.

In short I think new episodes will be about Echigo, Kai and Matsudaira. So most likely it'll be about Miku's family, Sunpu-Yakata's reconquest etc. But I'm not sure about Erika, Because at the original game it felt like they're speaking about next game; "next time we'll definitely welcome you and save you, just wait!", so I wouldn't be suprised if they really change the ending and save her somehow. Also I'm really curious about Aina, will they make a h-scene for her too ? :D It'd be weirdest h-scene of all time.
As for Aina, Kuu, Mari and Ayana, it'll propably just be a cg or cuddling. They're still too young, I mean. Honestly I'm fine with that, they'd definitely be fun sisters or even daughters to have, I'd take all their spear tackles with glee, doya. XD
As for Aina, Kuu, Mari and Ayana, it'll propably just be a cg or cuddling. They're still too young, I mean. Honestly I'm fine with that, they'd definitely be fun sisters or even daughters to have, I'd take all their spear tackles with glee, doya. XD
I dont know Aina and Kuu but I'm sure there'll be h-scenes for Mari and Ayana. At shinkoihime musou there was lots of loli characters as well :D And at some part of game kayo was saying something like "ayana wasn't you also great at last night, you were like a beast" - Since they even mentioned that they had sex (and a wild one I guess) I dont think they'll skip it. But I really cant imagine a Aina h-scene, and honestly I also think she would better without one, Doyaa Doyaa Dooon would ruin entire scene :D
Btw, what choice did Kensuke give Miku regarding Echigo after retaking kasuga-yama? when her forces were vulnerable to Takeda. The most i could understand was that it would've allowed her to go back to her life in the temple, without hurting the people.
Btw, what choice did Kensuke give Miku regarding Echigo after retaking kasuga-yama? when her forces were vulnerable to Takeda. The most i could understand was that it would've allowed her to go back to her life in the temple, without hurting the people.

Sorry but I couldn't understand the question. After they took kasuga-yama again, Hikari sent a message and said that if Miku doesn't give Kensuke to takeda they'll attack kasuga-yama and conquest it. Miku couldn't give up both of those, but kensuke persuade her to send him takeda since if they lost kasugayama echigo would fall & he wanted to add takeda to his alliance anyway.
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