[Hentai game] [141128] [sprite] 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム ‐Beyond the sky, into the firmament‐ 初回限定特装版 + Maxi Single CD + Bonus [H-Game] [Patch]

Try turning off your antivirus. I had the same problem too so I extracted it on my phone and then transferred it to the computer, which my antivirus promptly deleted. You can try extracting it on your phone if you have an android.
Try turning off your antivirus. I had the same problem too so I extracted it on my phone and then transferred it to the computer, which my antivirus promptly deleted. You can try extracting it on your phone if you have an android.

Oh cool it didnt get deleted now, thanks, tho now after rewriting the exe game isn't running x_x if i was in xp it would surely run sigh

If i run with antivirus off, it just stays like, loading but nothing happens, and if i turn it on it deletes the exe haha damn it

Edit: wait just saw some ppl said not to rewrite original .exe, let me try that then, thought it was like most .exe patches where you just rewrite original exe

Edit2: yep that was the problem lol, thanks to the people above commenting about this!
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I hope you did create a backup of the original game.exe, since I don't think you should be overwriting it.
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Ok. So far so good. Let me know if you guys have another problem.
I'm still having problem cracking the game. I copied the game files from disk, placed the crack in the game directory without deleting the original launcher and deleted the 'AoNoKanataNoFourRhythm' file. However, when I double clicked the crack file, nothing happened. I used VNR and applocale to open the crack file but still nothing happen. I did managed to open the original launcher with applocale and it requires the ID number, which means I failed to crack the game.

I'm still having problem cracking the game. I copied the game files from disk, placed the crack in the game directory without deleting the original launcher and deleted the 'AoNoKanataNoFourRhythm' file. However, when I double clicked the crack file, nothing happened. I used VNR and applocale to open the crack file but still nothing happen. I did managed to open the original launcher with applocale and it requires the ID number, which means I failed to crack the game.


Reinstall the game. When you do that, extract and rename crack in the folder where you installed the novel. Do not erase anything. Do not dismount anything. Click the crack. If you did this correctly, you will see the blanks where you put the ID but with a message that says "click Ok to crack" or something like that. Then it will give you some message written by what I presume to be the creator of the crack (Mai) and then the game starts. Try that. See if it solved your problem. You don't need applocale or VNR.
Reinstall the game. When you do that, extract and rename crack in the folder where you installed the novel. Do not erase anything. Do not dismount anything. Click the crack. If you did this correctly, you will see the blanks where you put the ID but with a message that says "click Ok to crack" or something like that. Then it will give you some message written by what I presume to be the creator of the crack (Mai) and then the game starts. Try that. See if it solved your problem. You don't need applocale or VNR.

It seems I have problem to open the setup, nothing happen when I double clicked the setup. I get an error message saying 'This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action'. Maybe I should redownload the game again....

Thanks for your reply :)
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It seems i can't install the game.. i get an error message when installing

and i think the crack didn't work unless we install the game first,
Re: [141128] [sprite] 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム ‐Beyond the sky, into the firmament‐ 初回限定特装版 + Maxi Single CD + Bonus [H-Game]

thanks Mr. 'fresco' this crack work good on me :korokke_go:
It seems i can't install the game.. i get an error message when installing

and i think the crack didn't work unless we install the game first,
i got the same problem, whenever i try to start installing the game, this happen after i press install button
and moving the game file to another folder is not working
What do I do ? Please Hep'me

**** Now i can play this game hoo yeahh ****

- I using compatibility windows [7]
- rename Crack place in fordergame
- Run it ENJOY!!!
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Sorry I still can't install the game after setting the compatibility to windows 2000.
Nothing pop-up after I clicked the setup.exe ...
im using win 8.1, still can play it
so all win i think are the same
I finally figured out how to install and run the game. This works for me:
1. AppLocale is needed to open the setup. Make sure you run AppLocale as administrator [IMPORTANT, as I tried to run without administrator and failed every time with an error]

2. Open the setup with AppLocale after mounting the disc.

3. Install the game, after that, copy the crack into the game directory, DO NOT overwrite the original game exe. Rename the crack file.

4. [IMPORTANT] Download the program called 'AlphaROMdiE'. Here's the download link: http://azure.kdays.cn/onekeyunlock/alpharomdie-build20140214

5. Run 'AlphaROMdiE', and a blue msg box will come out. Then, DRAG the CRACK into the blue box, a msg of 'successfully cracked' will pop out. This means the game is cracked and ready to play.

To open the game easier, you can tick the 'create shortcut' option on the 'AlphaROMdiE' program BEFORE dragging the crack. It will create the shortcut under the game directory. So whenever you want to play the game, just click the shortcut. Also, you don't need to MOUNT the Disc every time you open the game.

Hope this help.
I updated my post at the beginning. Now all the tools for playing are available to everybody. Thanks to everyone that made this possible. Now let's focus on solving individual problems if they may arise. Of course those can be solved by whoever is available.
Never mind, I'm a non-reading moron.
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That's okay. If it does not come out of goodwill then it might as well not count.

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