[Hentai game] [141128] [sprite] 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム ‐Beyond the sky, into the firmament‐ 初回限定特装版 + Maxi Single CD + Bonus [H-Game] [Patch]

Hello, so i did everything as said, but there is one problem. I need to mount the game iso every time I open the game, and its really annoying, so is there an alternative way for not having to mount it every time I open the game .exe ? Thanks
Hey guys. I have a problem with game. Everytime i run it with crack it crashes. How can i fix it?
Hello, so i did everything as said, but there is one problem. I need to mount the game iso every time I open the game, and its really annoying, so is there an alternative way for not having to mount it every time I open the game .exe ? Thanks

Did you patched the crack with the AlphaRom? If yes, you shouldn't have any problems. But bear in mind the crack is a bit unstable. Nothing that prevents you from enjoying the game but still good to know.
I have same issue as 'Enternal' did
So I installed the game and followed all of the directions in this thread. It now works fine starting up. It then goes to the sprite logo but once it passes that and goes to what I assume to be the OP, it crashes to desktop. No errors and no warnings. I thought it might just be a codec issue so tried updating K-Lite to the newest version but same issue. Going to try several other things when I get back but do anyone perhaps have an idea? It seems like that patch works so there must be something else going on I guess.

If i simply launch the game using crack, it crashes.
If i use applocale - same result.

If i use locale emulator, it starts then crashes after logo ((

Anybody know how to solve this issue??

P.S. OS Win 8.1
P.S. P.S. I followed all the instructions...
Hi there, I'm having trouble with this and I would like to please ask what I have done wrong here.(Running Windows 8 64-bit) (Also running Japanese Locale and files located in Downloads
Steps I took when downloading:
1.Download torrent. Download crack.
2.Extract files from torrent (This gave me a file named SPR002.mdf and SPR002.mds)
3.Double Click SPR002.mdf and gave me the BD-ROM Drive (E) SPR002 (I dont think anything is wrong with the extraction as I have checked and all files are existent.)
4.Run Setup.exe (I also ran the first option of the game screen and after it finished with the installing it gave me the second option of the game screen.)
5.Extract Crack and place into BD-ROM Drive (E) SPR002 into the folder containing multiple files (I cant read Japanese but there is something that is in Japanese on the bottom)

After attempting to place crack into BD-ROM Drive (E) SPR002 an "error" message came up saying there is no space for copying this file into the BD-ROM Drive (E) SPR002

This is where my problem lies. From the information I gathered, i had the idea to place the crack into the the directory with the original file(japanese letters).exe and rename it without overriding. However, I am unable to and would kindly ask someone to guide me to downloading this Visual Novel

P.S I can run the launcher but it still asks for ID number.
Edit: I found where i went wrong, just had to change the location where i installed the game into the folder containing space.
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I'm Hav'in Problem here, When i start'in the "setup.exe" nothing happen..
When i try us'in AppLocale method.. AppLocale can't be install'ed..

OS : Windows 8.1 64b
No no sorry I want to know the order process is installed crack after the install game and when I open game it need to use ID and I don't understand to do next.
No no sorry I want to know the order process is installed crack after the install game and when I open game it need to use ID and I don't understand to do next.

You just have to extract the file crack directly into the game folder, and then run the file crack.exe, it should appear a message with "click ok to crack" written on it, just click ok and your done.

Oh, one more thing : don't use the shortcut you already have on the desktop to play the game, just create a shortcut with the game file in your game folder to play.
i open the setup but there is no response what should i do ?

Try to follow these steps:

1. Mount the disk
2. Open image & find there directory with BGIForInstalling.exe
3. Right click on it "Run with Japanese locale as administrator"

In case u dont have AppLocale or there is no such option in the context menu, u may find it on the Hongfire

I also recommend LocaleEmulator, it might help u with launching japanese(korean etc) apps

If u r trying to run app without using applocale/locale emulator/ntlea/.... there will be no response
After hours of trying to get it to work, I finally got it

Noob/stupid question:

It is in Japanese only?
If it is, I'm screwed, gonna click thru and have no idea what anyone is saying..
(is there a way to change the language?)

i have this problem too..
i already changed system locale to Japanese, even the displayed language :(
tried it with windows2000 compability but still didn't work.

is it because the files corrupted when i copied them before to my pc from mac?
or someone know how to fix this?

EDIT (6/16/2015) : somehow, i fixed this by redownload it again..
and i think it's because 'bad extractor'.
before i downloaded it on my mac and extracting it using UnrarX.
and now i downloaded it on my Windows 7 and extracting it using 7zip.
hope this post help some ppl
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Uhm so I was playing this game for like 3 days and now im on Misaki route、and then i close the game for few minutes, and when i tried to open it again its ask me to enter the disc

So can anyone help me? i try to recopy the crack and still its ask me to enter the disc
I downloaded the game, I applaud you with this post. :3

If you wanted to play again:
keep the mdf file on your extracted folder.
Don't unmount the disk from PowerISO or Daemon Tools.

Keep it there. Then it'll say like that until you finished the game
so you wouldn't have the need to re-download the whole vn or get the "needs disk".
Re: [141128] [sprite] 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム ‐Beyond the sky, into the firmament‐ 初回限定特装版 + Maxi Single CD + Bonus [H-Game]

i need help :(
nothing happened when i clicked the crack
how do i solve this?
Re: [141128] [sprite] 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム ‐Beyond the sky, into the firmament‐ 初回限定特装版 + Maxi Single CD + Bonus [H-Game]

i need help :(
nothing happened when i clicked the crack
how do i solve this?

eh nevermind
turns out i shouldn't replace the original with the patch
forget i've ever ask :)
When I start the game this always pops up

What am I missing?

EDIT: nvm, I'm an idiot. I didn't mount the disk
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I downloaded the torrent and extracted part 1 of the game.
Alright, so far so good.
I go to extract part 2 and it says that the file is broken and that there's a data error, I tried redownloading just the part 2.rar file but it still says the file is broken :( Help me please.
View attachment 8403View attachment 8404View attachment 8405

The pictures are of the .rar file and folder that it was going to extract to, the error that shows up, and what is in the folder after the error shows up (the file says it has no data)

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