Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

I just noticed the nee-san in the title. Is this another sister NTR game?

Incest NTR needs it's own category.

It would appear to be, which is disappointing for me since I thought the art in the CG was drool-worthy. Oh, well.

So, can anyone explain to me the plot summary of to me? I ran it through google translate but couldn't really make heads or tails of it. From what I gathered it seems like two girls talk shit about the protagonist and then proceed to fuck half their class, excluding him of course.

Does that really qualify as NTR? Or am I missing something? I hope I am, because that cover looks absolutely delicious, from that ass to that slutty smile she's wearing.
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It would appear to be, which is disappointing for me since I thought the art in the CG was drool-worthy. Oh, well.

So, can anyone explain to me the plot summary of to me? I ran it through google translate but couldn't really make heads or tails of it. From what I gathered it seems like two girls talk shit about the protagonist and then proceed to fuck half their class, excluding him of course.

Does that really qualify as NTR? Or am I missing something? I hope I am, because that cover looks absolutely delicious, from that ass to that slutty smile she's wearing.

its a 100% incest themed NTR, though the plot is really dumb.. if anyone knows the agth h code plz post it here

As for that game the blue haired girl is apprently the childhood friend of the protag, and the pink haired girl is a slut apparently who organizes 'games', the trial is out, but i just ran through it, wasnt that great
As for that game the blue haired girl is apprently the childhood friend of the protag, and the pink haired girl is a slut apparently who organizes 'games', the trial is out, but i just ran through it, wasnt that great

I'm still not sure how that pans out to be NTR really, unless the games are more NTR-heavy than just fucking everyone in front of him. If there's no meaningful relationship there, I just don't see it.

In NTR manga news, Krizalid, who's currently translating Tsukino Jyogi's Boku no Yayoi-san (, also an NTR work) has tentatively agreed to my request to work on a Harusawa NTR book: Check it out if you haven't read it, main story starts on page 41.

It's probably my second most-wanted translation behind the last Ima Ria chapter (my holy grail), so I'm pretty happy there's an interest in it. Since it's a book though, and Krizalid has other work to conplete, it'll probably be a while before we see it, but it's good to know nonetheless.
Oh god, i would kill for a working agth code-especially for message system

say kitsame, ive been wondering for awhile, is that profile pic of urs from an NTR manga?

by the way, atelier sakura new game for november is announced..

they just keep going at it dont they? oh well they have to make a good one eventually...
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say kitsame, ive been wondering for awhile, is that profile pic of urs from an NTR manga?

Haha, it's from manga-Pumpkin Scissors
That guy is some military commander and he met that milf.Her husband was a drunkard who was beating her on street so he beat him up and then he took his wife and fucked her
Haha, it's from manga-Pumpkin Scissors
That guy is some military commander and he met that milf.Her husband was a drunkard who was beating her on street so he beat him up and then he took his wife and fucked her

Thanks, was curious about it=P

anyway to start something here... i find that NTR in a seinen/adult manga(not hentai) tends to make me rage alot more than your standard H-manga plot, would be nice if we can get a list of non-hentai manga with NTR-elements, but not hentai-centric, though there has to be proper NTR scenes and not offscreen NTR..

Some of which i knew are..

-Good ending , not sure if theres a proper scene, but i believe there is one
-Yuutai nova- fappable NTR scene, reinforces the helpless feeling
-Hetakoi- lots of NTR elements and a scene
- Usotsuki Paradox- perhaps the best non hentai NTR manga (borderline H) lots of NTR, shame about idiot plot

If anyone know other good ones plz share it here T_T

Also is anyone else following cross and crime? the sex crime remake by hatsuki kyo, its up to chapter 100+, shame the NTR plot is almost identical to the original
Oh god, i would kill for a working agth code-especially for message system

You can unpack the "data_etc.dpm" file with asmodean's dpm unpacker.

Search for ""

That will get you all of the game's text files. The only problem is that there's no way to repack the files again. If someone knows a repacker OR what engine this game uses, then it's possible to repack the file after you google translate all the text.

asmodean also includes his source file if someone wants to write a repacker.
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by the way, atelier sakura new game for november is announced..

they just keep going at it dont they? oh well they have to make a good one eventually...

This is a sequel to the netorase one where the husband asks his younger brother to impregnate his wife because they both want a child, but he is sterile. Right? This one.
Was also by おんぼろ月 who is also doing the netorase one due out at the end of the month. Good writer and it looks like he's back with TeamNTR in force considering one out recently, one due out soon and another at the end of november.
I'd be happy, but judging from his last game he's becoming a bit of a one trick pony. Looks like his tastes have narrowed on a particular kind of NTR situation and it's all he really wants to write now.
Looking at all his works since those first few games, he's slowly shifted to a full focus on scenarios where it's either pure netorase where the MC allows the affair and gets turned on by it whether he instigated it or not, but is still in a committed relationship with his partner and she isn't going to leave him for the other man.
Or like the last game where the heroine has the affair and discovers that while she still loves the MC he can't give her the same kind of sexual satisfaction as the other guy, enjoys the affair fully by the end, but still loves the MC and doesn't leave him, with the MC finding out about the affair but not all the details and not knowing the full extent of her betrayal.

Seems like all his games fall into those two categories now, without many surprises or much of the cruel dialogue and treatment which I prefer in my NTR.
Ah well. NTR with a half decent plot is always welcome, even if it's not the kind of NTR I really want to see. I'll probably play the upcoming one and that next one too.

edit. I agree with you about the manga with NTR elements. It good when you have a running story and characters to get attacked to, plus it's even better that NTR isn't the main focus so you don't just assume it could happen right away, but could come at any time. Not many of them though other than the one's you mentioned. Very few professional manga-ka are willing to do a serious depiction of infidelity, whether about a heroine having an affair or a protagonist being the victim of an affair. You risk a lot of hate mail in either case.

Nozoki Ana is a good choice, if you haven't tried it.
Aki Sora has some NTRish developments, though it's like a harem manga and the main character gets around, so there's not much rage. It focuses more on immoral sexual situations.
Can't think of any more right now, though I strongly request anyone who can suggest them for us.
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You can unpack the "data_etc.dpm" file with asmodean's dpm unpacker.

Search for ""

That will get you all of the game's text files. The only problem is that there's no way to repack the files again. If someone knows a repacker OR what engine this game uses, then it's possible to repack the file after you google translate all the text.

asmodean also includes his source file if someone wants to write a repacker.

Thanks for the advice, i've unpacked file
I figured out the repacker.

The game engine is made by

The software is free to download.

Japanese version download .
English version is here


1. Unpack data_etc.dpm with asmodean's unpacker. Search for "" at
2. Open the text files with notepad++. Change the encoding to japanese (encoding -> character sets -> japanese -> shift-JIS)
3. Make changes you want to the text files, but lines must be kept the same. Typing numbers seem to mess up the text format though.
4. open hsed3.exe
5. Click on Tools -> Edit Packfile
6. Add all of the text files
7. Click on Tools -> create DPM
8. DPM file will be saved to your Documents folder in the C: drive
9. Move over DPM file to where you have your game, rename, and play

If anyone wants to google translate the game, there you go. You can upload the txt file directly to google to translate, and then add it back to the game, but google only translates the first 1000 lines or something; so you may need to separate the text

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If anyone know other good ones plz share it here T_T
This is sort of up my alley, so I'll post a few.

As DiabolicalGenius mentioned, Nozoki Ana is always the first one that comes to mind. Fantastic art, lots of sex, and though the whole manga isn't strictly NTR, the arc with the MC's first girlfriend (about 30-40 chapters) climaxes with some pretty rageworthy NTR.

Boys on the Run is another one that will make you rage. The girl is a hopeless slut.

Blush/DC involves the protagonist in love with a prostitute, and well... you can probably guess what happens.

Seo Kouji's (author of Kimi no Iri Machi) new serialization Half & Half seems to have NTR of some sort, though I haven't read it myself. Speaking of KNIM, that one definitely has some frustrating NTR elements.

Eden: It's an Endless World! (fantastic manga, check it out regardless of your passion for NTR) has a little NTR, but it's not as maddening because it was foreshadowed and both characters pretty much knew it was coming. Basically, protagonist dates prostitute, she eventually leaves him for another man. The obvious moral that's developing here is: don't fall in love with prostitutes.

Shin Angyo Onshi has some, although I haven't read it so I don't know the specifics.

There was a short shoujo manga I read that had NTR that was particularly maddening if only because the guy the girl cheats with (her boyfriend's brother) looks exactly like a toad. It was like the author was trying to make him as slimy as possible. It didn't help that the girl was about as bright as a bag of rocks. I think she was a virgin too, can't remember. If I recall the name I'll edit this post.

I don't think I'll be keeping up with Cross and Crime considering it's been 50+ chapters since there's been any sex and it's clearly heading toward an ending similar to the original anyway.
This is sort of up my alley, so I'll post a few.

As DiabolicalGenius mentioned, Nozoki Ana is always the first one that comes to mind. Fantastic art, lots of sex, and though the whole manga isn't strictly NTR, the arc with the MC's first girlfriend (about 30-40 chapters) climaxes with some pretty rageworthy NTR.

Boys on the Run is another one that will make you rage. The girl is a hopeless slut.

Blush/DC involves the protagonist in love with a prostitute, and well... you can probably guess what happens.

Seo Kouji's (author of Kimi no Iri Machi) new serialization Half & Half seems to have NTR of some sort, though I haven't read it myself. Speaking of KNIM, that one definitely has some frustrating NTR elements.

Eden: It's an Endless World! (fantastic manga, check it out regardless of your passion for NTR) has a little NTR, but it's not as maddening because it was foreshadowed and both characters pretty much knew it was coming. Basically, protagonist dates prostitute, she eventually leaves him for another man. The obvious moral that's developing here is: don't fall in love with prostitutes.

Shin Angyo Onshi has some, although I haven't read it so I don't know the specifics.

There was a short shoujo manga I read that had NTR that was particularly maddening if only because the guy the girl cheats with (her boyfriend's brother) looks exactly like a toad. It was like the author was trying to make him as slimy as possible. It didn't help that the girl was about as bright as a bag of rocks. I think she was a virgin too, can't remember. If I recall the name I'll edit this post.

I don't think I'll be keeping up with Cross and Crime considering it's been 50+ chapters since there's been any sex and it's clearly heading toward an ending similar to the original anyway.

Yeah forgot nozoki ana, could see the ntr coming from miles away, girl was a slut from the start

I knew about boys on the run but the art is kinda bad so i didnt read it guess ill check it out

Yeah blush dc was interesting

Half and half didnt have a proper ntr scene, just one panel, i need there to be a scene to feel the rage!

Eden i remember reading long ago, but was there a proper ntr scene with the prostitute helena or smthng if there is an ntr scene plz tell me!

I know shin angyo onshi too, basically its a short rape scene, not worth it imo

Ya i know that one,,, basically i searched for non hentai ntr tags in and looked at everything but still not enough, so maybe someone here has obscure ones...

Well if we go to sadpanda there are actually tons lf old manga with ntr plots, one of them is called itsyumi sensation, there is ntr in vol 1 where the chick the mc likes willingly has sex with a senior, might be others too though the art is kinda oldish

Btw hunting blue trial is out, feels like true blue all over again, no hints of an ntr A route...
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Cross and Crime (whole series is ntr-highly recommended for ntr fans)
Kimi no Iru Machi (has little bit of ntr in second half)
Girlfriend-cheating the manga
Boys on the Run had some NTR and is a good read
Moteki-same author as Boys on the Run.I recommend watching j-drama for this one because translation for manga is sloooooooow and drama is pretty much 1:1 manga and has a translation
Aki-Sora and Uwakoi-both from the same author

@ themell
Thanks man-i've google translated until first choice

Also can someone upload and give me original "data_etc.dpm"-i fucked up and pasted modified one over original one
Fucking messages man, you have to be very careful about missing space and position of those circled numbers (①,⑤ ...)
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Cross and Crime (whole series is ntr-highly recommended for ntr fans)
Kimi no Iru Machi (has little bit of ntr in second half)
Girlfriend-cheating the manga
Boys on the Run had some NTR and is a good read
Moteki-same author as Boys on the Run.I recommend watching j-drama for this one because translation for manga is sloooooooow and drama is pretty much 1:1 manga and has a translation
Aki-Sora and Uwakoi-both from the same author

@ themell
Thanks man-i've google translated until first choice

does moteki has any REAL ntr, as in proper scenes, if it does ill watch it right now lol
Well if we go to sadpanda there are actually tons lf old manga with ntr plots, one of them is called itsyumi sensation

Couldn't find this, is that the correct spelling? I tried "itsuyumi" too for no results.

Edit: Nevermind, found it - it's Ityumi Sensation.

That reminds me of another problem with the exhentai tagging system - a lot of the older manga uploaded are poorly tagged, so I feel like a lot of old NTR h-manga slips through the cracks. If you know of a bunch, post some of your favorites. I don't really mind dated art as long as the scan quality isn't total shit.

Moteki-same author as Boys on the Run
Different authors actually, though the art is kind of similar so I can see making the mistake. The author who wrote Moteki also did Again!!

I don't think Moteki has any true NTR scenes; from what I understand (I haven't read it, so anyone who has feel free to elaborate) it's basically a bunch of girls that lead the MC on and toy with his emotions.
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Couldn't find this, is that the correct spelling? I tried "itsuyumi" too for no results.

Edit: Nevermind, found it - it's Ityumi Sensation.

That reminds me of another problem with the exhentai tagging system - a lot of the older manga uploaded are poorly tagged, so I feel like a lot of old NTR h-manga slips through the cracks. If you know of a bunch, post some of your favorites. I don't really mind dated art as long as the scan quality isn't total shit.

Different authors actually, though the art is kind of similar so I can see making the mistake. The author who wrote Moteki also did Again!!

I don't think Moteki has any true NTR scenes; from what I understand (I haven't read it, so anyone who has feel free to elaborate) it's basically a bunch of girls that lead the MC on and toy with his emotions.

sorry is ityumi
Different authors actually, though the art is kind of similar so I can see making the mistake. The author who wrote Moteki also did Again!!

I don't think Moteki has any true NTR scenes; from what I understand (I haven't read it, so anyone who has feel free to elaborate) it's basically a bunch of girls that lead the MC on and toy with his emotions.

You are right-Moteki,Again and 3.3.7 Byooshi!! are from Kubo Mitsurou and BotR and I Am a Hero are from Hanazawa Kengo
I mixed them up because of socially awkward MC's :)

does moteki has any REAL ntr, as in proper scenes, if it does ill watch it right now lol
Yes, although it's not typical NTR-in one of plot parts two of main girls are in love with his friend (well at least one girl is in love, other was just casual BJ)-first one gave BJ to him and second one is in love in both MC and his friend (i think it was same guy, it was long time since i read it),
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You are right-Moteki,Again and 3.3.7 Byooshi!! are from Kubo Mitsurou and BotR and I Am a Hero are from Hanazawa Kengo
I mixed them up because of socially awkward MC's :)

Yes, although it's not typical NTR-in one of plot parts two of main girls are in love with his friend (well at least one girl is in love, other was just casual BJ)-first one gave BJ to him and second one is in love in both MC and his friend (i think it was same guy, it was long time since i read it), ***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

is this the manga or the drama? and is there a proper NTR sex scene? thanks lol
Both-since it's almost 1:1 adaptation
There are some scenes in bed but there in no explicit sex
@ themell
Thanks man-i've google translated until first choice

Also can someone upload and give me original "data_etc.dpm"-i fucked up and pasted modified one over original one
Fucking messages man, you have to be very careful about missing space and position of those circled numbers (①,⑤ ...)
If you still need this file I've uploaded it :)
I'm also trying to translate that game, but with atlas, which seems to mess up lines... with the other game 姉さんのカレシ that makes 2 games without any agth/ith translation possibility :(


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If you still need this file I've uploaded it :)
I'm also trying to translate that game, but with atlas, which seems to mess up lines... with the other game 姉さんのカレシ that makes 2 games without any agth/ith translation possibility :(

Thanks man! I have to start keeping backups-some time ago i accidentally deleted 120+h save of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd i was playing on emulator.
I gave up after messing up the choices, the only way I can think of is: play the game with out translating, save every time after you make a choice, replace the file for the translated text, and just load save files when you run into an option.
There's 3 routes I believe.

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