Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Hi DiabolicalGenius and thanks so much.

Yes i can do the actual work fine, i am a professional artist from 40 years of work and also work in anime and manga so i can handle the actual decensoring, just need advice on what to use to open up the game files and then restore them so they will play if possible. thanks i will try around among the community here.

My own personal fav NTR is Otome Dori, both the manga that Cam did and the anime which is pretty good actually tho a bit thin in spots. I am working on them in my projects and have the first one 3/4 decensored, but doing anime takes vastly more time, like years, than CGs. So i do other things as a break. thanks again for the nice reply and I hope to catch up more once i have time, work and my various projects and collecting and studying anime, hentai, and games is really a major load but i love it. thanks

btw, what are the policies here about posting pictures in threads? i will be happy to share some of my work but didnt want to violate the rules. Also what image storage sites do ppl use that dont censor or remove pics? thansk
Animations are good, but not as good as ELF's animation.

Elf´s animation are the best out there

Some games are good, others not so much, their latest ntr game was so-so (not too good but not bad), this one promises to be interesting, the theme is something we were talking about recently

Hope this one is good

Sadly it seems there are a only few games to wait for, still waiting for games already released 千草32歳人妻~禁断の義父介護~,the netori game ママネトリ and i´m curious about 嫁盗リカゾク 痴ラヌハ亭主バカリナリ
Hi DiabolicalGenius and thanks so much.

Yes i can do the actual work fine, i am a professional artist from 40 years of work and also work in anime and manga so i can handle the actual decensoring, just need advice on what to use to open up the game files and then restore them so they will play if possible. thanks i will try around among the community here.

My own personal fav NTR is Otome Dori, both the manga that Cam did and the anime which is pretty good actually tho a bit thin in spots. I am working on them in my projects and have the first one 3/4 decensored, but doing anime takes vastly more time, like years, than CGs. So i do other things as a break. thanks again for the nice reply and I hope to catch up more once i have time, work and my various projects and collecting and studying anime, hentai, and games is really a major load but i love it. thanks

btw, what are the policies here about posting pictures in threads? i will be happy to share some of my work but didnt want to violate the rules. Also what image storage sites do ppl use that dont censor or remove pics? thansk

40 years? Wow. Then you surely know what you're doing better than I ever will. But then I'm one of those people who can't even draw a straight line without a ruler. Since it's just advice on decompiling you are after then you can always try the tech support forum. There seem to be people there who know what they're about.

Don't think there are much rules about posting images other than not posting anything that will offend other posters and common sense. IE, don't post images with explicit content outside of forums used by people who want to see it. Keep H images in the H forums, preferably the forums and threads related to the genre of the H in question. Meaning you can post as many NTR images here as you like, but you might want to at least post a warning if you're going to post something from another controversial genre of hentai.
It's a very good idea to post any and all images within spoiler tabs as well, so that you can warn people of what they're about to see and so they can open up a thread without being spammed with pics at the same time.
IMHO, is the best image host for the job right now. Easy to use, you don't even need to be a member and they don't seem to care much what you put up so long as it's not horribly illegal.

The otome dori anime wasn't bad, but I think some of the animation of the sex scenes in the 2nd episode was a little shoddy. But I really much prefer my NTR in eroge and manga.
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Thank you DiabolicalGenius for a nice post and good info. I had not had time to try to track down all of the various rules after reading thru them as i joined so that was a help how to do that, the work i do is H subject matter, both NTR and futanari mostly i am the lead of a circle who does mostly futa, as well as the work i do on it will be nice to be able to share some of it as i have time, using the spoiler tags sounds like a good way to go. and thanks for the hosting info, i use hosts in Japan for my work there but being based in the US currently had not had time to look for others. Have to keep my professinal work which is not all H separate from my own personal interests in the H side of things. But it is very nice to have a nice community to share our interests with.

Yes the animation of the anime adaptation of Cam's Otome D was simplistic at times and not as good as it could have been, but the art style was actually rather interesting and unusual for H anime...and at times very sensitive and nice. I hope maybe there will be more of the story someday as it is a good one.

Yes i had a long career as an artist before my interest in anime and manga led me to my work in Japan and here. It gave me a good foundation but I am constantly very very impressed with the skills and abilities of the anime and manga artists and production teams, Japan has a long tradition of line based art going back hundreds of years in the ukiyo-ye (浮世絵] tradition and it lead naturally into modern anime and manga...which gives a lot of the art work great dpeth and impact.

素敵なポストと良い詳細はあなたにDiabolicalGeniusに感謝。私はそれは私の仕事がHの主題である、ことを行うにはどのように助けたので参加しましたように、私は彼らスルー読んだ後、様々なルールのすべてを追跡しようとする時間がなかった、 NTRとふたなり両方は主に私がリードしてい主にフタだけでなく、私はアニメでやる仕事が..を行いますので、私は時間があるようにそれはスポイラータグを使用して、その一部を共有できるようにするとよいでしょう円の行くには良い方法のように聞こえる。とホスティングの情報のおかげで、私は現在、他の人を探すための時間がなかったそこに私の仕事のために、日本でホストを使用しますが、米国で基づいている。物事のH側での私自身の個人的な興味からすべてHで別々ではない、私のプロフェッショナル向けの仕事を維持する必要があります。しかし、それは私達の興味を共有するために素敵なコミュニティを持っていることは非常にいいです。


アニメやマンガに興味がここに私の日本での仕事とに私を導い前にはい私は芸術家として長いキャリアを持っていた。それは私に良い基盤を与えたが、私は常に、アニメやマンガのアーティストや制作チームのスキルと能力を持つ非常に非常に感銘を受け、日本は浮世絵-YE (中数百年を遡ってベースラインの長い伝統芸術を持って浮世絵]伝統とモダンなアニメやアートワーク素晴らしいdpethと影響をたくさん与え漫画...に自然につながる。

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Hello :) I'm not new to the hentai and anime world but I am not a full-pledged fan. But I really enjoy watching these kinds of stuff. NTR, cheating, cuckold and genres similar to them are my favorite. I enjoy the feeling when playing or watching hentai in this genres. So I would just like to ask all NTR fans out there of there favorite, top rated or popular NTR visual novels, NTR anime and NTR manga. :D
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若妻万華鏡 アニメーション追加完全版+夫の前で●されて… アニメーション追加完全版 is a pack of two games from ELF and both are Netori. Though being from ELF and from the writer of some of their best NTR themes works, they are both good. And it's not too hard to put yourself in the place of the other guy if netori isn't your thing.

Don't remember Sore demo clearly enough to give you any detailed info, but it's not to hard to predict. The good looking guys like the protag's friend will usually be type A, while the shady types, older men and guys she normally wouldn't be interested in, are usually type B. It's pretty obvious.

[MENTION=56269]zero_1234[/MENTION] Welcome to you too and your enthusiasm is appreciated, but that's a question that a lot of us have answered several times, especially guys like me who have been posting in this thread since it opened. Though expecting you to review the thread at 337 pages might be unfair. I did skim the entire hongfire thread from start to finish before I posted there for the first time, but can't have been more than 180 pages back then......

Well anyway. Most of us seem to feel that Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei is one of the best NTR games ever made and should be played by everyone who posts here. Otherwise, I'm very fond of the Venus games in general, the NTR games dieselmine used to do, and the last three games by these guys which had some particularly cruel NTR in them which I go for.
Hard to say with anime, though the new Hitou Meguri animes have been decent, if short. Anything NTR from PoRO is usually good, but the best is probably the anime version of Ore wa Kanojo o Shinjiteru which is awesome, but tragically only 1 episode where more were intended. for some reason though, the company has done no work since, so there are probably production issues.
Manga is too many to list. I troll e-hentai for new NTR manga on a daily basis and tend to lose track after a while. So many to choose from.

[MENTION=81913]adameve[/MENTION] Sounds like your experience beats everyone in this thread hands down. Even working in japan and knowing the language, I'm more than a little envious. Whatever the case, I sure most posters and lurkers in the thread will be happy to take a look at anything you post. Just don't expect a dazzling response at all times, since NTR fetishists tend to be a rather quiet and passive lot with one or two notable exceptions.
With otome dori, I'll admit they made a full effort to recreate Carn unique style in animation and succeeded well enough at times. I'm just more focused on mange and eroge myself, so I'm more likely to appreciate the original work over an anime adaptation. Not that I hate anime of course, just that adaptations don't always do a good job. Especially when it's an NTR eroge adaptation as a lot of the plot tends to get left out.
I'm not huge on futa, but I do have a couple of exceptions. Mainly anything by Bosshi's Askray circle, which makes futa look pretty damned hot. As for futa NTR....don't seem to be all that many. Unless you know a good one?

As for japanese artists in the industry, I fully agree with you. Japan has an amazing tradition of calligraphy and ink paintings that goes back centuries and reading manga you can see how old and new techniques were incorporated. And I read a lot of manga. Some of it has an artistic style that goes far beyond what you expect in a medium that so many people tend to see as no different than western comic books. I don't think it even bears a comparison.
As for anime, I don't know much about the techniques involved and it seems like computers are now much more heavily relied on compared to the days when all cels were hand drawn. It makes creating anime a hell of the lot less time consuming than it used to, but ends up losing some of the originality as well. It's a bit of a shame.

And while I still wish I could sit down and learn japanese properly, even if you have your full post in both english and japanese the effect is going to be lost on me.
I can't even seem to sit down and memorise hiragana and katakana. Kanji scare me just thinking about learning the most common ones.....
Hello :) I'm not new to the hentai and anime world but I am not a full-pledged fan. But I really enjoy watching these kinds of stuff. NTR, cheating, cuckold and genres similar to them are my favorite. I enjoy the feeling when playing or watching hentai in this genres. So I would just like to ask all NTR fans out there of there favorite, top rated or popular NTR visual novels, NTR anime and NTR manga. :D

I agree with above that Ore wa Kanojo o Shinjiteru anime version was excellent. NTR needs more anime adaptation like it, but unfortunately they are rare.

Some other anime recommendations would be Triangle Blue, Pet Life, Hitou Meguri, and Grope: Yami no naka no Kotoritachi.

For manga, MTSP is my favorite NTR group by far. Also check out Seme Danjou's Musa.

I've played too many games recently, so it'd be helpful if you can narrow down your preferences a bit. What you tend to like and dislike.
For a change of pace, is anyone here able to list live action films/movies (usually korean or japanese) with NTR theme and semi-explicit sex scenes? mostly drama-centric, but with strong NTR theme and rather X-rated scenes, i know of a couple of examples though i forgot the name, ill try to find it later
For a change of pace, is anyone here able to list live action films/movies (usually korean or japanese) with NTR theme and semi-explicit sex scenes? mostly drama-centric, but with strong NTR theme and rather X-rated scenes, i know of a couple of examples though i forgot the name, ill try to find it later
A Frozen Flower ,Angel Heart, Cold Fish, Dark Room, Debauchery, Guilty of Romance , Happy End, Hard Scandal Sex Drifter, Housewife's Afternoon Delight, Ryuichi.Hiroki-M,Milae, Odd Obsession, Plastic Tree, Room 213, Rope and Breasts, Running in Madness Dying in Love, s.m.writer, SCORPIO NIGHTS 1 and many more on my list!
A Frozen Flower ,Angel Heart, Cold Fish, Dark Room, Debauchery, Guilty of Romance , Happy End, Hard Scandal Sex Drifter, Housewife's Afternoon Delight, Ryuichi.Hiroki-M,Milae, Odd Obsession, Plastic Tree, Room 213, Rope and Breasts, Running in Madness Dying in Love, s.m.writer, SCORPIO NIGHTS 1 and many more on my list!

Thanks! more please if anyone knows
(1981) Imamura, Shohei - Eijanaika/
(Korean) Summer Time (2001)/
A Good Lawyer's Wife (2003)/
An.Affair.1998.Korean Drama/
Angel Heart/
At the mercy of darkness/
Be My Slave (Director's Cut).2012.BDRip.576p.x264.AAC [No Sub] - English/
Black Hair Velvet Soul (1982) Dan Oniroku kurokami nawa fujin/
Boys on the Run/
Captured Mother & Daughter (1987) Hahako kankin/
Chijin No Ai/
club butterfly 2001/
Cold Fish.2010.DVDRip.AC3.XviD-LooKMaNe/
Dark Room (1983) Anshitsu/
Erotic Diary of an Office Lady 1977.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-theonlyh/
Flesh Target Rape (1979) Niku no hyoteki ubau/
Guilty of Romance 2011 JAP DVDRip x264 AAC [uncut] - English/
Hard Scandal Sex Drifter (1980) Hard scandal sei no hyoryu-sha/
Himo no Hiroshi/
Housewife's Afternoon Delight/
Kobayashi Hitomi ougi kaikan - tsuya 1987/
Love Actually Sucks (2011)/
M (2006)/
Marriage Ring 2007/
Moonlight Whispers [1999.DVDRip.XviD]/
Odd Obsession/
Plastic Tree (2003)/
Room 213 (2008)/
Running in Madness, Dying in Love/
SCORPIO NIGHTS 1 (1985) [PINOY] XviD [Tagalog] WingTip/
Semen Demon.2005.DVDRIP.AC3.PandaRG(English Subs) - English/
Serial Kisser-Tokyo Train Girls 4 Young Wife's Desires (2009)/
Sex Hunter (1980) Sei kari udo/
Slave Contract (1982) Dorei keiyakushu/
SUKDULAN (2003) DVDRiP [PINOY] XviD [Tagalog] WingTip/
The Housemaid (2010)/
The Key 1997/
The Servant.2010.DVDRip.AC3.XviD-LooKMaNe/
The Shogunate's Harem (1986) - English/
The Sin [Jan Dara 2] - 2004/
The Sweet Sex And Love 2003/
The Tales of Nights/
This Transient Life (1970)/
Tokyo X Erotica [2001][en-sub]/
Uncles Paradise.2006.DVDRip.AC3.x264-LooKMaNe/
Unfaithful Wife Shameful Torture (1992) Uwakizuma Chijokuzeme/
Vengeance is Mine/
Wet Weekend.1979.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-theonlyh/
Wife's Sexual Fantasy/
Yume Uru Futari.2012.BDRip.576p.x264.AAC/
Zoom In Rape Apartments (1980) Zumu in Boko danchi/
{Pinku} Cruelty Black Rose Torture (1975) Zankoku Kurobara rinchi/
Amazing Stories 1993-HK.avi
An Affair With A Married Woman - J.mpg
Blind Love.2005.DVDRip.AC3.x264-LooKMaNe.mkv
Empty Room 2001.avi
love to kill.avi
More wonderful night than usual 2010 DVDRip.mkv
Wife To Be Sacrificed.avi
Young Mother 2013.H264.AAC-GN.avi
鍵 (1974).flv

almost all this films have some cheating or sharing wife or girlfriend!
(1981) Imamura, Shohei - Eijanaika/
(Korean) Summer Time (2001)/
A Good Lawyer's Wife (2003)/
An.Affair.1998.Korean Drama/
Angel Heart/
At the mercy of darkness/
Be My Slave (Director's Cut).2012.BDRip.576p.x264.AAC [No Sub] - English/
Black Hair Velvet Soul (1982) Dan Oniroku kurokami nawa fujin/
Boys on the Run/
Captured Mother & Daughter (1987) Hahako kankin/
Chijin No Ai/
club butterfly 2001/
Cold Fish.2010.DVDRip.AC3.XviD-LooKMaNe/
Dark Room (1983) Anshitsu/
Erotic Diary of an Office Lady 1977.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-theonlyh/
Flesh Target Rape (1979) Niku no hyoteki ubau/
Guilty of Romance 2011 JAP DVDRip x264 AAC [uncut] - English/
Hard Scandal Sex Drifter (1980) Hard scandal sei no hyoryu-sha/
Himo no Hiroshi/
Housewife's Afternoon Delight/
Kobayashi Hitomi ougi kaikan - tsuya 1987/
Love Actually Sucks (2011)/
M (2006)/
Marriage Ring 2007/
Moonlight Whispers [1999.DVDRip.XviD]/
Odd Obsession/
Plastic Tree (2003)/
Room 213 (2008)/
Running in Madness, Dying in Love/
SCORPIO NIGHTS 1 (1985) [PINOY] XviD [Tagalog] WingTip/
Semen Demon.2005.DVDRIP.AC3.PandaRG(English Subs) - English/
Serial Kisser-Tokyo Train Girls 4 Young Wife's Desires (2009)/
Sex Hunter (1980) Sei kari udo/
Slave Contract (1982) Dorei keiyakushu/
SUKDULAN (2003) DVDRiP [PINOY] XviD [Tagalog] WingTip/
The Housemaid (2010)/
The Key 1997/
The Servant.2010.DVDRip.AC3.XviD-LooKMaNe/
The Shogunate's Harem (1986) - English/
The Sin [Jan Dara 2] - 2004/
The Sweet Sex And Love 2003/
The Tales of Nights/
This Transient Life (1970)/
Tokyo X Erotica [2001][en-sub]/
Uncles Paradise.2006.DVDRip.AC3.x264-LooKMaNe/
Unfaithful Wife Shameful Torture (1992) Uwakizuma Chijokuzeme/
Vengeance is Mine/
Wet Weekend.1979.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-theonlyh/
Wife's Sexual Fantasy/
Yume Uru Futari.2012.BDRip.576p.x264.AAC/
Zoom In Rape Apartments (1980) Zumu in Boko danchi/
{Pinku} Cruelty Black Rose Torture (1975) Zankoku Kurobara rinchi/
Amazing Stories 1993-HK.avi
An Affair With A Married Woman - J.mpg
Blind Love.2005.DVDRip.AC3.x264-LooKMaNe.mkv
Empty Room 2001.avi
love to kill.avi
More wonderful night than usual 2010 DVDRip.mkv
Wife To Be Sacrificed.avi
Young Mother 2013.H264.AAC-GN.avi
鍵 (1974).flv

almost all this films have some cheating or sharing wife or girlfriend!

Thanks! ill take my time to look through them, that said, i wonder if you include drama films there? i would love if there are NTR dramas where the girl the guy loves is with another man (especially if the man is someone the guy hates e.g the guy who murdered/screwed his family or his life, i remember watching a drama like this but cant remember the name)
Has anyone played 人妻スワッピング生活? I was looking through the "swinging" tag on vndb and saw this, and the CG set looks pretty good for an older game. Can anyone who's played it tell me how NTR-ish it gets, so to speak? Swapping games usually have at least some NTR elements, so I'm curious how heavily it applies here. It doesn't have NTR tags on getchu or sad panda, but that could be simply due to the fact that it's an older title.

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